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教育经历 2003-2007 南开大学 理学学士 2007-2013 加拿大女王大学(Queen’s University) 化学博士 工作经历 2013-2016 英国布里斯托大学(University of Bristol) 博士后,合作导师:Ian Manners教授 2016-2017 日本理化学研究所(RIKEN) 博士后,合作导师:Takuzo Aida教授 2017-现在 北京理工大学,教授 在Nature Communications, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Angewante Chemie International Edition等国际顶级学术期刊上发表论文40余篇




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Bixin Jin, Koki Sano, Satoshi Aya, Yasuhiro Ishida, Nathan Gianneschi, Yunjun Luo*, Xiaoyu Li*. One-pot universal initiation-growth methods from a liquid crystalline block copolymer. Nature Communications 2019, 10 , 2397. Rui Yan, Bixin Jin, Yunjun Luo*, Xiaoyu Li*. Optically healable polyurethanes with tunable mechanical properties. Polymer Chemistry , 2019, 10 , 2247–2255 (Back Cover). Junwei Wang, Nan Wang, Gang Wu, Suning Wang,* Xiaoyu Li*. Multicolor emission from non-conjugated polymers based on a single switchable boron chromophore. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2019, 58 , 3082 –3086. Xiang Wang; Xiaoyu Li (Equal Contribution); Satoshi Aya; Fumito Araoka; Yasuhiro Ishida*; Akiko Kikkawa; Markus Kriener; Yasujiro Taguchi; Yasuo Ebina; Takayoshi Sasaki; Shogo Koshiya; Koji Kimoto; Takuzo Aida*​. Reversible Switching of the Magnetic Orientation of Titanate Nanosheets by Photochemical Reduction and Autoxidation. Journal of the American Chemical Society , 2018, 140 , 16396−16401. Xiaoyu Li, Piotr J. Wolanin, Liam R. MacFarlane, Robert L. Harniman, Jieshu Qian, Oliver E. C. Gould, Thomas G. Dane, John Rudin, Martin J. Cryan, Thomas Schmaltz, Holger Frauenrath, Mitchell A. Winnik, Charl F. J. Faul* and Ian Manners*. Uniform electroactive fibre-like micelle nanowires for organic electronics. Nature Communications , 2017, 8 , 15909. Junwei Wang, Bixin Jin, Nan Wang, Tai Peng, Xiaoyu Li,* Yunjun Luo, and Suning Wang*. Organoboron-Based Photochromic Copolymers for Erasable Writing and Patterning. Macromolecules , 2017, 50 , 4629-4638. Xiaoyu Li*, Bixin Jin, Yang Gao, Dominic W. Hayward, Mitchell. A. Winnik, Yunjun Luo*, and Ian Manners*. Monodisperse Cylindrical Micelles of Controlled Length with a Liquid-Crystalline Perfluorinated Core by 1D “Self-Seeding”. Angewandte Chemie International Edition , 2016, 55 , 11392–11396. Xiaoyu Li, Yang Gao, Robert Harniman, Mitchell Winnik and Ian Manners. Hierarchical Assembly of Cylindrical Block Comicelles mediated by Spatially Confined Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions. Journal of the American Chemical Society , 2016, 138 , 12902–12912 Xiaoyu Li, Yang Gao, Charlotte E. Boott, Dominic W. Hayward, Robert Harniman, George R. Whittell, Robert M. Richardson, Mitchell A. Winnik, and Ian Manners*.“Cross” Supermicelles via the Hierarchical Assembly of Amphiphilic Cylindrical Triblock Comicelles. Journal of the American Chemical Society , 2016, 138 , 4087-4095. Xiaoyu Li, Yang Gao, Charlott Boott, Mitchell Winnik*, Ian Manners*. Non-Covalent Synthesis of Supermicelles with Complex Architectures using Spatially Confined Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions. Nature Communications , 2015, 6 , 8127.
