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Education: High School - 1958, Belle Chasse, Louisiana B.S. - 1963, Industrial Chemistry, Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, Louisiana Ph.D. - 1969, Physical Inorganic Chemistry, University of New Orleans; New Orleans, Louisiana; Dissertation topic: "Mossbauer and Far-Infrared Studies on Distorted Octahedral, Tetrahedral and Pyramidal Configurations in Iron and Tin Complexes." Professional Employment: Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Central Florida (formerly Florida Technological University); 1977 to present. Graduate Program Coordinator 1986 -1990. Interim Chairperson, Department of Chemistry, University of Central Florida, 1992. Consultant to Indonesian Government for the purpose of improving the teaching of Chemistry in Indonesian Universities. Technical Consultant to the following firms: Engineering Technology, Inc., Hazardous Waste Consultants, Inc., Bell Laboratory, Memtec Corporation and Science and Technology Inc.; 1985 to present. Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Central Florida; 1972 -1977. Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Central Florida; 1969 -1972. Awards: 1. Dow Chemical Company Scholarship (1959 - 1963) 2. Outstanding Chemistry Undergraduate Student (1960,61,62) 3. National Science Foundation predoctoral trainee (1966 -1969). 4. Research Society of America Award for "Excellence in Research" (1970). 5. Atomic Energy Commission - Research Fellowship (1972). 6. Orlando Jaycees Award as Outstanding Young Educator for 1973. 7. Outstanding Educators of American, 1974 - 1975 Edition. 8. Selected for the American Chemical Society Tour Speaker Award (1974 - 75). 9. First UCF Foundation Award for Excellence in Teaching (1975). 10. Selected to the UCF "The Quill" (1983). 11. One of the first of two UCF faculty members selected to Phi Kappa Phi (1984). 12. U.S. Army Chemical Research, Development and Engineering Center's Distinguished Service Award (1990). 13. Outstanding Researcher Award, College of Arts and Sciences, UCF (1992). 14. Distinguished Researcher Award, University of Central Florida, (1992). 15. Governor's Award for Outstanding Employee at UCF (1992). 16. Outstanding Teacher Award, College of Arts and Sciences, UCF (1996) 17. TIP Award UCF (1997) 18. NASA Group Achievement (1999) 19. TIP Award UCF (2001) 20. NASA Gold Quality Dollar Award (2001) 21. “The 2001 Excellence in Environmental Engineering Research Award”, by the AAEE presented at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. 22. The 2003 “Florida Medalist Award”, the highest award that the Florida Academy of Science gives 23. The 2003 NASA “Gold Dollar Award”. 24. The Space Alliance Technology Outreach Award “Award of Excellence, 2005.” 25. The FLC Southeast Region “Excellence in Technology Transfer Award, 2005.”


Christian Clausen and his colleagues develop new, environmentally-friendly materials, and they synthesize novel catalytic agents, which help destroy toxic material already in existence. In one project, Clausen and Cherie L. Geiger developed catalytic active emulsion systems that are capable of removing and destroying PCBs from painted surfaces. PCB stands for Polychlorinated biphenyls. They are a cocktail of chemicals, first created in the 1920’s, that were used in the manufacturing process of numerous items: from electronics to paints. In the 1970’s, PCBs were linked to environmental and medical problems-including cancer in humans-and were consequently discontinued. Today, PCBs are illegal to produce, but many older products (such as rocket launch platforms and navy ships) contain PCBs and are still in use. Using nano-sized iron and magnesium particles in a special process, Clausen and Geiger found a way to safely breakdown the PCBs in materials without harming any of the surrounding structures. In addition to these catalytic active emulsion systems, Clausen and his colleagues have also synthesized new environmentally-safe materials for use as screening aerosols against smart weapons in the infrared and millimeter wavelength regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. They developed a catalytic reactive emulsion system capable of in situ dehalogenation of chlorinated hydrocarbons in contaminated soils and sediments. They created new nanometer-sized catalyst systems that can be used with current green chemistry industrial chemical processes, and have developed of new, high-efficient catalytic systems that reduce air pollutants emitted by stationary power sources that use hydrocarbons and coal energy sources. Most notably, Clausen’s laboratory had outlined many new processes, such as a methodology for using Mössbauer Spectroscopy to measure the elctronegativity of functional groups in inorganic coordination complexes, a process for using hydrogen peroxide to reduce volatile organic compounds and NOx emissions, and a process for using ultrasound to regenerate the activity of permeable reactive barriers.


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Hala Sfeir, A. Randall, D. Reinhart, M. Chopra, C. Clausen, C. Geiger. “Biotic Attenuation and Zero-Valent Iron Permeable Barrier Technology”. Proceedings of the Battelle 2nd Annual Remediation of Chlorinated and recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey CA, May 22-25, 2000. Refereed, international. Cherie L. Geiger, Christian A. Clausen, Kathleen Brooks, David Major. “Nanoscale and Microscale Iron Emulsions for Treating DNAPL”. Proceedings of the Spring National ACS Meeting, San Diego CA, April 1-5, 2001. Refereed, international. Cherie L. Geiger, Christian A. Clausen, Debra Reinhart, Aamod Sanowone, Nancy Ruiz. “Using Ultrasound for Restoring Iron Activity in Permeable Treatment Walls”. Proceedings of the Spring National ACS Meeting, San Diego CA, April 1-5, 2001. Refereed, international. Cherie L. Geiger, Christian A. Clausen, Kathleen Brooks, David Major. “Treating DNAPL In Situ Using Nanoscale and Microscale Iron Emulsions.” Proceeding of the International Containment Conference, Orlando, FL, June 2001. paper 151 June 2001. Refereed, international. Cherie L. Geiger, Christian A. Clausen, Debra Reinhart, Aamod Sanowone, Nancy Ruiz. “Restoring Iron Activity in Permeable Treatment Walls by the In Situ Use of Ultrasound”. Proceeding of the International Containment Conference, Orlando, FL, June 2001. Paper no 152 June 2001. Refereed, international. Hala Sfier, A. Randall, D. Reinhart, C. Clausen, C. Geiger. “Long Term Effect of Biotic Reductive Degradation on Permeable Treatment Walls”. Proceeding of the International Containment Conference, Orlando, FL, June 2001. Paper no. 153 June 2001. Refereed, international. C.D. Cooper, C.A. Clausen, L. Pettey, and M.M. Collins. “Investigation of Ultraviolet Light-Enhanced H2O2 Oxidation of NOx Emission”. Journal of Environmental Engineering, January 2002, pp 68-72. Refereed, international. C.D. Cooper, C.A. Clausen, L. Pettey, P. Muller and M. Collins. “An Injection Nozzle for UV Light-Enhanced H2O2 Oxidation of Air Pollutants in Flue Gas”. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2002. Refereed, international. J. Quinn, C.A. Clausen, D.E. Reinhart, and M.B. Chopra, “Reactive Material Placement technique for Groundwater Treatment.” NASA TECH BRIEFS, Vol 26, p16 January 2002. Refereed, international. C.L. Geiger, N. Ruiz, C.A. Clausen, D.R. Reinhart and J. Quinn. “Ultrasound Pretreatment of Iron Metal: Kinetic Studies and Surface Effects.” Water Research, Journal of the International Association on Water Quality, Vol 36, 1342-1350, (2002). Refereed, international. J.W. Quinn, D. Reinhart, C.A. Clausen, C.L. Geiger, N. Ruiz, M. Chopra. “Enhancement of Zero-Valent Treatment of Contaminaated Groundwater by the Use of Ultrasound.” NASA TECH Briefs, Vol 25, No. 9, p.45, September 2001. Refereed, international. C. Geiger, C. Clausen, J. Quinn, C. Coon and K. Brooks. “Treatment to Destroy Chlorohydrocabon Liquids in Groundwater.” NASA TECHS Briefs, p.56, June 2003. Refereed, international. C. Geiger, C. Clausen, J. Quinn, K. Milum and R. Devor. “Development of an Electrokinetic Technique for Insitu Remediation of Soils Contaminated with Heavy Metals.” NASA Techs Briefs, p56, February 2004. Refereed, international. Cherie L. Geiger, Christina C. Coon, Christian A. Clausen, Kathleen Brooks, and Christian Huntley, Jacqueline Quinn, Suzanne O’Hara, Thomas Krug and David Major. “Optimization of Emulsified Zero-Valent Iron Particles for Reduction of DNAPL”. Remediation of Chlorinated Recalcitrant Compounds 2004, Battelle Press, ISBN#1-57477-132-9. May 2004. Kristen Milum, Cherie L. Geiger, Christian A. Clausen, Jacqueline Quinn “In Situ Heavy Metal Contaminant Removal Using Emulsified Iron”. Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds 2004, Battelle Press, ISBN#1-57477-132-9. May 2004. Jacqueline Quinn, Suzanne O’Hara, Tom Krug, Cherie Geiger, Christian Clausen. “Evaluating the Distribution of Emulsified Zero-Valent Iron for Four Different Injection Techniques.’ Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds 2004, Battelle Press, ISBN# 1-57477-132-9. May 2004. Suzanne O’Hara, Thomas Krug, Jacqueline Quinn, Cherie L. Gieger, Christina C. Coon, Christian A. Clausen. “Performance Evaluation of Dehalogenation of DNAPLs Using Emulsified Zero-Valent Iron.” Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compunds May 2004, Monterey, CA. C. D. Cooper, J. Dietz, C. A. Clausen, L. Pettey. “Kinetic Modeling of Gas-Phase Oxidation of Nitric Oxide Using Hydrogen Peroxide.” And M.M. Collins. J. of Environ. Eng., Vol 131, No. 4, pp 518-526, April 2005. C. Clausen, C. D. Cooper, and M. M. Collins. “Hydrogen Peroxide Enhanced Removal of NOx from Flue Gases.” NASA Tech Briefs, p54, January 2005. Current Air Pollution Issues Associated with Use of Fossil Fuels in the Power Industry.” C. A. Clausen. 2005. Florida Academy of Sciences 69th Annual Meeting. Tampa, FL.
