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朱宝亭于1980-1988年就读复旦大学上海医学院,获医学学士学位和药理学硕士学位。1992年获美国德州大学药理学博士。1994-1998年,在世界著名癌症药理学家、美国国家科学院院士A. H. Conney教授指导下工作,先为博士后研究员,后为助理研究教授。1998年受聘美国南卡罗来纳大学任助理教授。在以后的六年时间里,被多次破格晋升,为药理学终身副教授(2002年),药理学终身教授(2004年),和药理学冠名杰出教授(2005)。一年后,又被任命为南卡罗来纳州药学院系主任。2007年应邀加盟堪萨斯大学医学院任肿瘤研究终身冠名杰出教授, 同时任药理学终身教授及堪萨斯大学癌症中心肿瘤生物学研究组领军人。朱宝亭是一位优秀的细胞和分子药理学专家,现任香港中文大学(深圳)协理副校长(拓展事务)、生命与健康科学学院副院长、校长讲座教授。 朱宝亭的研究领域涵盖基础分子药理学、肿瘤药理学、及疾病分子机理学。主要研究重点是关于甾体激素及食源性化合物在癌症预防和治疗中的作用以及它们在细胞和分子水平上的作用机理。已在国际上以第一或通讯作者发表了近130余篇高质量科学论文,包括New Engl J Med、PNAS、Cancer Res、J Biol Chem、Biochemistry、Biochem J、Endocrinology、BBA-Mol Cell Res、JPET、Mol Pharmacol、Br J Pharmacol 等国际知名杂志。朱宝亭的研究工作已在国际上受到了广泛的认可和关注。所发表的文章,常被杂志选作封面并加注特别报道, 并为多种国际核心杂志撰写特邀综述及述评。论文已被引用约7000次(Google Scholar)。 多年来朱宝亭实验室受到美国国立卫生研究院(作为四个NIH RO1大型科研基金资助项目的首席研究员,P.I.)、美国癌症协会、其他科研协会机构、及所在的大学在科研经费上的资助。另外,他也常被应邀在多种学术场合讲学和作学术报告,并获得学术方面的多种荣誉和佳奖。还应邀任 Cancer Res、Endocrinology、JPET、PNAS等三十余种国际专业杂志审稿者或编委,并任美国国立卫生研究所 (NIH)、美国国立自然科学基金(NSF) 、瑞士国家科学基金会、香港研究资助局等科研基金的评审委员。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Choi HJ, Okada K and Zhu BT* [2019] Up-regulated cyclin B1/Cdc2 mediates apoptosis following 2-methoxyestradiol-induced mitotic catastrophe: Roles of MAD2, JNK1 and cyclin B1/Cdc2 in mediating Bcl-XL phosphorylation. Steroids (in press). Wang HR, Sui HC and Zhu BT* [2019] Ellagic acid, a plant phenolic compound, activates cyclooxygenase-mediated prostaglandin production. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine (in press). Wang HR, Sui HC, Ding YY and Zhu BT* [2018] Stimulation of the production of prostaglandin E2 by ethyl gallate, a natural phenolic compound richly contained in Longan. Biomolecules 8(3). pii: E91. [PMID: 30200641]. Okada K and Zhu BT* [2017] S-Nitrosylation of the IGF-1 receptor disrupts the cell proliferative action of IGF-1. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 491: 870-875. [PMID: 28709872]. Wang P, Mills LH, Song JH, Yu J and Zhu BT* [2017] Lack of cell proliferative and tumorigenic effects of 4-hydroxyestradiol in the anterior pituitary of rats: Role of ultra-rapid O-methylation catalyzed by pituitary membrane-bound catechol-O-methyltransferase. Chemical Research in Toxicology 30: 1448-1462. [PMID: 28616971] Wang P and Zhu BT* [2017] Unique effect of 4-hydroxyestradiol and its methylation metabolites on lipid and cholesterol profiles in ovariectomized female rats. European Journal of Pharmacology 800: 107-117. [PMID: 28219710] Okada K, Fukui M and Zhu BT* [2016] Protein disulfide isomerase mediates glutathione depletion-induced cytotoxicity. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 477: 495-502. [PMID: 27317486] Wang P, Dang L and Zhu BT* [2016] Use of computational modeling approaches in studying the binding interactions of compounds with human estrogen receptors. Steroids 105: 26–41. [PMID: 26639429] Ding J and Zhu BT* [2016] Unique dose-dependent effects of human pregnancy hormone estriol on the ratio of blood IgM to IgG in female mice. Molecular Medicine Reports 13: 447-452. [PMID: 26531070] Yamabe N, Kang KS, Lee W, Kim SN and Zhu BT* [2015] Estriol blunts postprandial blood glucose rise in male rats through regulating intestinal glucose transporters. American Journal of Physiology — Endocrinology and Metabolism 308: E370-E379. [PMID: 25516546] Fukui M, Yamabe N, Choi HJ, Polireddy K, Chen Q and Zhu BT* [2015] Mechanism of Ascorbate-Induced Cell Death in Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells: Role of Bcl-2, Beclin 1 and Autophagy. Planta Medica 81: 838-846. [PMID: 26132849] Tang Y, Chen R, Huang Y, Li G, Huang Y, Chen J, Duan L, Zhu BT, Thrasher JB, Zhang X and Li B [2014] Natural compound alternol induces oxidative stress-dependent apoptotic cell death preferentially in prostate cancer cells. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 13: 1526-1536. [PMID: 24688053] Choi HJ and Zhu BT* [2014] Role of cyclin B1/Cdc2 in mediating Bcl-XL phosphorylation and apoptotic cell death following nocodazole-induced mitotic arrest. Molecular Carcinogenesis 53: 125-137. [PMID: 22949227] Zhang EY and Zhu BT* [2014] Estriol strongly inhibits DNCB-induced contact dermatitis: Role of antigen-specific antibodies in pathogenesis. Endocrine Connections 3: 161-172. [PMID: 25150251] Wang P, McInnes C and Zhu BT* [2013] Structural characterization of the binding interactions of various endogenous estrogen metabolites with human estrogen receptor α and β subtypes: A molecular modeling study. PLoS ONE 8(9): e74615. [PMID: 24098659] Wang P and Zhu BT* [2013] Usefulness of the molecular modeling approach in characterizing the ligand-binding sites of proteins: Experience with studying human PDI, PDIp and COX. Current Medicinal Chemistry 20: 3840-3854. [PMID: 23931275] Jiang XR, Wang P, Smith CL and Zhu BT* [2013] Synthesis of novel estrogen receptor antagonists using metal-catalyzed coupling reactions and characterization of their biological activity. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 56: 2779-2790. [PMID: 23448346] Kang KS, Yamabe N, Wen Y, Fukui M and Zhu BT* [2013] Beneficial effects of natural phenolics on levodopa methylation and oxidative neurodegeneration. Brain Research 1497: 1-14. [PMID: 23206800] (Figure 7 of this paper was featured on the journal cover for that issue.) Fukui M, Kang KS, Okada K and Zhu BT* [2013] EPA, an omega-3 fatty acid, induces apoptosis in human pancreatic cancer cells in vitro and in vivo: Role of ROS accumulation, caspase 8 activation, and autophagy induction. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 114: 192-203. [PMID: 22903547] Zhu BT* [2012] Natural compounds as cancer chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic agents: Insights gained from mechanistic and pharmacologic studies. Anticancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry 12: 1-2. [PMID: 22583401] (Invited Editorial) Fu X, Wang P, Fukui M, Long C, Yin L, Choi HJ and Zhu BT* [2012] PDIp is a major intracellular oestrogen-storage protein that modulates tissue levels of estrogen in the pancreas. Biochemical Journal 447: 115-123. [PMID: 22747530] Choi HJ and Zhu BT* [2012] Critical role of cyclin B1/Cdc2 up-regulation in the induction of mitotic prometaphase arrest in human breast cancer cells treated with 2-methoxyestradiol. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1823: 1306-1315. [PMID: 22580043] Fukui M, Choi HJ and Zhu BT* [2012] Rapid generation of mitochondrial superoxide induces mitochondron-dependent but caspase-independent cell death in hippocampal neuronal cells that morphologically resembles necroptosis. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 262: 156-166. [PMID: 22575170] Choi HJ, Fukui M and Zhu BT* [2011] Role of cyclin B1/Cdc2 up-regulation in the development of mitotic prometaphase arrest in human breast cancer cells treated with nocodazole. PLoS ONE 6: e24312. [PMID: 21918689] Zhou R, Lai Y, Yamabe N, Fukui M and Zhu BT* [2011] Estriol has different effects from 17β-estradiol in modulating mouse splenocyte function under inflammatory conditions. Journal of Immunotoxicology 8: 346-358. [PMID: 22017689] Fu XM, Wang P and Zhu BT* [2011] Characterization of the estradiol-binding site structure of human protein disulfide isomerase (PDI). PLoS ONE 6(11): e27185. [PMID: 22073283] Tan X, Poulose EM, Raveendran VV, Zhu BT, Stechschulte DJ and Dileepan KN* [2011] Regulation of the expression of cyclooxygenases and production of prostaglandin I2 and E2 in human coronary artery endothelial cells by curcumin. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 62: 21-28. [PMID: 21451206]
