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Bryce Vissel is a Professor of Neuroscience at UTS and Director of Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine in the Faculty of Science. His work spans neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and spinal disorders as well as studies of the neural basis of learning and memory and movement mechanisms. After being awarded his PhD in medical genetics from the University of Melbourne in 1991, Professor Vissel joined Garvan’s Neuroscience Division, where he was subsequently awarded a National Health and Medical Research Council CJ Martin Fellowship to pursue neuroscience research with Professor Stephen Heinemann at the world-leading Salk Institute in San Diego, USA. He spent 10 years at Salk, where he authored a number of seminal studies describing molecular mechanisms that regulate synaptic function and their role in behaviour and neurological diseases. He also received several prestigious awards – a Human Frontiers Award, a Fulbright Award and a Lieberman Award. In late 2002, Professor Vissel returned to Garvan taking up a position as Head of the Neurodegenerative Diseases group in the Neuroscience Division. His team’s work at the Garvan since then has, among other things, provided new insights into synapse function and shown that the brain has far greater potential for regeneration and repair than previously thought. Professor Vissel is also an important contributor to a number of organisations. He is Chair of the Advisory Board of Cellmid Ltd, a member of the Board of Parkinson’s NSW, and scientific advisor to Alzheimer’s Australia and SpinalCure Australia.


Neuroscience Neurodegenerative diseases – Alzheimers Disease, Parkinson’s Disease Regenerative medicine - spinal cord injury Synaptic plasticity


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Rentsch, P, Stayte, S, Morris, GP & Vissel, B 2019, 'Time dependent degeneration of the nigrostriatal tract in mice with 6-OHDA lesioned medial forebrain bundle and the effect of activin A on l-Dopa induced dyskinesia', BMC NEUROSCIENCE, vol. 20.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site Burchfield, JG, Kebede, MA, Meoli, CC, Stockli, J, Whitworth, PT, Wright, AL, Hoffman, NJ, Minard, AY, Ma, X, Krycer, JR, Nelson, ME, Tan, S-X, Yau, B, Thomas, KC, Wee, NKY, Khor, E-C, Enriquez, RF, Vissel, B, Biden, TJ, Baldock, PA, Hoehn, KL, Cantley, J, Cooney, GJ, James, DE & Fazakerley, DJ 2018, 'High dietary fat and sucrose result in an extensive and time-dependent deterioration in health of multiple physiological systems in mice', JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, vol. 293, no. 15, pp. 5731-5745.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site Mladenova, D, Barry, G, Konen, LM, Pineda, SS, Guennewig, B, Avesson, L, Zinn, R, Schonrock, N, Bitar, M, Jonkhout, N, Crumlish, L, Kaczorowski, DC, Gong, A, Pinese, M, Franco, GR, Walkley, CR, Vissel, B & Mattick, JS 2018, 'Adar3 Is Involved in Learning and Memory in Mice.', Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol. 12.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site Clark, IA & Vissel, B 2018, 'The Inflammatory Nature of Post-surgical Delirium Predicts Benefit of Agents With Anti-TNF Effects, Such as Dexmedetomidine.', Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol. 12, pp. 257-257.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site Chen, H, Chan, YL, Linnane, C, Mao, Y, Anwer, AG, Sapkota, A, Annissa, TF, Herok, G, Vissel, B, Oliver, BG, Saad, S & Gorrie, CA 2018, 'L-Carnitine and extendin-4 improve outcomes following moderate brain contusion injury.', Scientific reports, vol. 8, no. 1.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site Morris, GP, Clark, IA & Vissel, B 2018, 'Questions concerning the role of amyloid-beta in the definition, aetiology and diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease', ACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA, vol. 136, no. 5, pp. 663-689.View/Download from: Publisher's site Clark, IA & Vissel, B 2018, 'Therapeutic implications of how TNF links apolipoprotein E, phosphorylated tau, alpha-synuclein, amyloid-beta and insulin resistance in neurodegenerative diseases', BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, vol. 175, no. 20, pp. 3859-3875.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site Stayte, S, Rentsch, P, Tröscher, AR, Bamberger, M, Li, KM & Vissel, B 2017, 'Activin A Inhibits MPTP and LPS-Induced Increases in Inflammatory Cell Populations and Loss of Dopamine Neurons in the Mouse Midbrain In Vivo.', PLoS ONE, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. e0167211-e0167211.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site Leake, J, Zinn, R, Corbit, L & Vissel, B 2017, 'Dissociation between complete hippocampal context memory formation and context fear acquisition', LEARNING & MEMORY, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 153-157.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site Stayte, S & Vissel, B 2017, 'New hope for devastating neurodegenerative disease.', Brain : a journal of neurology, vol. 140, no. 5, pp. 1177-1179.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site Clark, IA & Vissel, B 2017, 'The meteorology of cytokine storms, and the clinical usefulness of this knowledge.', Springer Seminars in Immunopathology, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 505-516.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site Chan, YL, Saad, S, Machaalani, R, Oliver, BG, Vissel, B, Pollock, C, Jones, NM & Chen, H 2017, 'Maternal Cigarette Smoke Exposure Worsens Neurological Outcomes in Adolescent Offspring with Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury.', Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, vol. 10, pp. 1-17.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site Clark, IA & Vissel, B 2016, 'Excess cerebral TNF causing glutamate excitotoxicity rationalizes treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and neurogenic pain by anti-TNF agents.', Journal of Neuroinflammation, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1-16.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site Michie, PT, Badcock, DR, Bartlett, PF, Bekkers, JM, Bourne, JA, Castles, A, Egan, GF, Fornito, A, Hannan, AJ, Hickie, IB, Mattingley, JB, Richards, LJ, Schofield, PR, Shum, DHK, Stu-Art, GJ, Vickers, JC & Vissel, B 2016, 'Australian Brain Alliance', NEURON, vol. 92, no. 3, pp. 597-600.View/Download from: Publisher's site Wright, AL & Vissel, B 2016, 'CAST your vote: is calpain inhibition the answer to ALS?', JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY, vol. 137, no. 2, pp. 140-141.View/Download from: Publisher's site Morris, GP, Wright, AL, Tan, RP, Gladbach, A, Ittner, LM & Vissel, B 2016, 'A Comparative Study of Variables Influencing Ischemic Injury in the Longa and Koizumi Methods of Intraluminal Filament Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion in Mice.', PLoS ONE, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 1-34.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site Clark, IA & Vissel, B 2015, 'A Neurologist's Guide to TNF Biology and to the Principles behind the Therapeutic Removal of Excess TNF in Disease', NEURAL PLASTICITY.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site Clark, IA & Vissel, B 2015, 'Amyloid : one of three danger-associated molecules that are secondary inducers of the proinflammatory cytokines that mediate Alzheimer's disease', BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, vol. 172, no. 15, pp. 3714-3727.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site Stayte, S, Rentsch, P, Li, KM & Vissel, B 2015, 'Activin A protects midbrain neurons in the 6-hydroxydopamine mouse model of Parkinson's disease.', PLoS ONE, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 1-15.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site Morris, GP, Clark, IA & Vissel, B 2014, 'Inconsistencies and controversies surrounding the amyloid hypothesis of Alzheimer's disease.', Acta Neuropathologica Communications, vol. 2, pp. 1-21.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site Stayte, S & Vissel, B 2014, 'Advances in non-dopaminergic treatments for Parkinson's disease.', Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol. 8, pp. 1-29.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site Stayte, S & Vissel, B 2014, 'Corrigendum: Advances in non-dopaminergic pharmacological treatments of Parkinson's disease', Frontiers in Neuroscience, no. 8 AUG. Clark, IA & Vissel, B 2014, 'Inflammation-sleep interface in brain disease: TNF, insulin, orexin.', Journal of Neuroinflammation, vol. 11, pp. 1-11.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site Morris, GP, Clark, IA, Zinn, R & Vissel, B 2013, 'Microglia: A new frontier for synaptic plasticity, learning and memory, and neurodegenerative disease research', NEUROBIOLOGY OF LEARNING AND MEMORY, vol. 105, pp. 40-53.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site Wright, AL, Zinn, R, Hohensinn, B, Konen, LM, Beynon, SB, Tan, RP, Clark, IA, Abdipranoto, A & Vissel, B 2013, 'Neuroinflammation and neuronal loss precede Aβ plaque deposition in the hAPP-J20 mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.', PLoS ONE, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1-14.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site Clark, IA & Vissel, B 2013, 'Treatment implications of the altered cytokine-insulin axis in neurodegenerative disease', BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY, vol. 86, no. 7, pp. 862-871.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site Zelikowsky, M, Bissiere, S, Hast, TA, Bennett, RZ, Abdipranoto, A, Vissel, B & Fanselow, MS 2013, 'Prefrontal microcircuit underlies contextual learning after hippocampal loss', PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, vol. 110, no. 24, pp. 9938-9943.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site Wright, A & Vissel, B 2012, 'The essential role of AMPA receptor GluA2 subunit RNA editing in the normal and diseased brain', FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE, vol. 5.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site
