Danastas, K, Whittington, CM, Dowland, SN, Combes, V, Murphy, CR & Lindsay, LA 2019, 'Ovarian Hyperstimulation Reduces Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A During Uterine Receptivity.', Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.), pp. 1933719118768703-1933719118768703.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site
Gramagliaid, I, Velez, J, Chang, YS, Caparros-Wanderley, W, Combes, V, Grau, G, Stins, MF & Van Der Heyde, HC 2019, 'Citrulline protects mice from experimental cerebral malaria by ameliorating hypoargininemia, urea cycle changes and vascular leak', PLoS ONE, vol. 14, no. 3.View/Download from: Publisher's site
Cohen, A, Zinger, A, Tiberti, N, Grau, GER & Combes, V 2018, 'Differential plasma microvesicle and brain profiles of microRNA in experimental cerebral malaria.', Malaria journal, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 192-192.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site
Subramanian, S, Ugoya, SO, Zhao, Z, McRobb, LS, Grau, GE, Combes, V, Inglis, DW, Gauden, AJ, Lee, VS, Moutrie, V, Santos, ED & Stoodley, MA 2018, 'Stable thrombus formation on irradiated microvascular endothelial cells under pulsatile flow: Pre-testing annexin V-thrombin conjugate for treatment of brain arteriovenous malformations.', Thrombosis research, vol. 167, pp. 104-112.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site
Tanaka, A, Allam, VSRR, Simpson, J, Tiberti, N, Shiels, J, To, J, Lund, M, Combes, V, Weldon, S, Taggart, C, Dalton, JP, Phipps, S, Sukkar, MB & Donnelly, S 2018, 'The parasitic 68-mer peptide FhHDM-1 inhibits mixed granulocytic inflammation and airway hyperreactivity in experimental asthma', JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY, vol. 141, no. 6, pp. 2316-2319.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site
Gramaglia, I, Velez, J, Combes, V, Grau, GER, Wree, M & van der Heyde, HC 2017, 'Platelets activate a pathogenic response to blood-stage Plasmodium infection but not a protective immune response.', Blood, vol. 129, no. 12, pp. 1669-1679.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site
Lee, J, Wen, B, Carter, EA, Combes, V, Grau, GER & Lay, PA 2017, 'Infrared spectroscopic characterization of monocytic microvesicles (microparticles) released upon lipopolysaccharide stimulation.', FASEB Journal, vol. 31, no. 7, pp. 2817-2827.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site
Donnelly, S, Huston, WM, Johnson, M, Tiberti, N, Saunders, B, O'Brien, B, Burke, C, Labbate, M & Combes, V 2017, 'Targeting the master regulator mTOR: a new approach to prevent the neurological of consequences of parasitic infections?', Parasites & Vectors, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1-6.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site
Palasuwan, A, Palasuwan, D, Mahittikorn, A, Chiabchalard, R, Combes, V & Popruk, S 2016, 'Subtype Distribution of Blastocystis in Communities along the Chao Phraya River, Thailand.', The Korean journal of parasitology, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 455-460.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site
Tiberti, N, Latham, SL, Bush, S, Cohen, A, Opoka, RO, John, CC, Juillard, A, Grau, GE & Combes, V 2016, 'Exploring experimental cerebral malaria pathogenesis through the characterisation of host-derived plasma microparticle protein content', SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, vol. 6.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site
Combes, V, Latham, SL, Wen, B, Allison, AC & Grau, GER 2016, 'Diannexin down-modulates tnf-induced endothelial microparticle release by blocking membrane budding process', International Journal of Innovative Medicine and Health Science, vol. 7, pp. 1-11.View/Download from: UTS OPUS
Sorrell, TC, Juillard, P-G, Djordjevic, JT, Kaufman-Francis, K, Dietmann, A, Milonig, A, Combes, V & Grau, GER 2016, 'Cryptococcal transmigration across a model brain blood-barrier: evidence of the Trojan horse mechanism and differences between Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii strain H99 and Cryptococcus gattii strain R265', MICROBES AND INFECTION, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 57-67.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site
Zinger, A, Latham, SL, Combes, V, Byrne, S, Barnett, MH, Hawke, S & Grau, GE 2016, 'Plasma levels of endothelial and B-cell-derived microparticles are restored by fingolimod treatment in multiple sclerosis patients.', Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England), vol. 22, no. 14, pp. 1883-1887.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site
Danastas, K, Combes, V, Lindsay, LA, Grau, GER, Thompson, MB & Murphy, CR 2015, 'VEGF(111): new insights in tissue invasion', FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY, vol. 6.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site
Cohen, A, Combes, V & Grau, GE 2015, 'MicroRNAs and Malaria - A Dynamic Interaction Still Incompletely Understood.', Journal of neuroinfectious diseases, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 165-176.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site
Latham, SL, Tiberti, N, Gokoolparsadh, N, Holdaway, K, Couraud, PO, Grau, GER & Combes, V 2015, 'Immuno-analysis of microparticles: probing at the limits of detection', SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, vol. 5.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site
Hunt, NH, Ball, HJ, Hansen, AM, Khaw, LT, Guo, J, Bakmiwewa, S, Mitchell, AJ, Combes, V & Grau, GE 2014, 'Cerebral malaria: gamma-interferon redux.', Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, vol. 4, pp. 1-12.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site
El-Assaad, F, Combes, V, Grau, GE & Jambou, R 2014, 'Potential efficacy of citicoline as adjunct therapy in treatment of cerebral malaria.', Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 602-605.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site
Wheway, J, Latham, SL, Combes, V & Grau, GE 2014, 'Endothelial microparticles interact with and support the proliferation of T cells.', Journal of Immunology, vol. 193, no. 7, pp. 3378-3387.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site
Pai, S, Qin, J, Cavanagh, L, Mitchell, A, El-Assaad, F, Jain, R, Combes, V, Hunt, NH, Grau, GE & Weninger, W 2014, 'Real-time imaging reveals the dynamics of leukocyte behaviour during experimental cerebral malaria pathogenesis.', PLoS Pathogens, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 1-17.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site
Wen, B, Combes, V, Bonhoure, A, Weksler, BB, Couraud, PO & Grau, GE 2014, 'Endotoxin-induced monocytic microparticles have contrasting effects on endothelial inflammatory responses.', PLoS ONE, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 1-11.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site
El-Assaad, F, Wheway, J, Hunt, NH, Grau, GE & Combes, V 2014, 'Production, fate and pathogenicity of plasma microparticles in murine cerebral malaria.', PLoS Pathogens, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 1-14.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site
El-Assaad, F, Combes, V & Grau, GE 2014, 'Experimental Models of Microvascular Immunopathology: The Example of Cerebral Malaria.', Journal of neuroinfectious diseases, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1-11.View/Download from: UTS OPUS or Publisher's site