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1)二维范德瓦尔斯材料及其各种异质结构的生长、结构和物性;2)低维体系中的等新奇量子现象,特别是自旋轨道耦合、强关联相关的物性,如超导、拓扑、磁性等; 3)表面物理,薄膜物理。

1)二维范德瓦尔斯材料及其各种异质结构的生长、结构和物性; 2)低维体系中的等新奇量子现象,特别是自旋轨道耦合、强关联相关的物性,如超导、拓扑、磁性等; 3)表面物理,薄膜物理。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Strain distributions and their influences on electronic structures of WSe2-MoS2 laterally strained heterojunctions C. Zhang*, M.-Y. Li, J. Tersoff, Y. Han, Y. Su,L.-J. Li, D. A. Muller and C.-K. Shih Nature Nanotechnology, in press (2017) 2. Visualizing Band Offsets and Edge States in Bilayer-Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Lateral Heterojunction C. Zhang, Y. Chen, J.-K. Huang, X. Wu, Lain-Jong Li, Wang Yao, Jerry Tersoff, Chih-Kang Shih Nature Communications 7, 10349 (2016). 3. Interlayer Couplings, Moiré Patterns, and 2D Electronic Super-lattices in MoS2/WSe2 Hetero-bilayers C. Zhang, M.-Y. Li, C.-P. Chuu, Q. Zhang, C. Zeng, Chuanhong Jin, L.-J. Li, M.-Y. Chou and C.-K. Shih Science Advances 3, e1601459(2017). 4. Determination of Band Alignment in the Single Layer MoS2/WSe2 Heterojunction, M.-H. Chiu†, C. Zhang†, H.-W. Shiu, C.-P. Chuu, C.-H. Chen, C.-Y. Chang, C.-H. Chen, Mei-Yin Chou, C.-K. Shih and L.-J. Li (†equal contribution) Nature Communications 6, 7666 (2015). 5. Direct Imaging of the Band Profile in Single Layer MoS2 on Graphite: Quasiparticle Energy Gap, Metallic Edge States and Edge Band Bending, C. Zhang, A. Johnson, C.-L. Hsu, L.-J. Li, C.-K. Shih Nano Letters 14, 2443–2447 (2014). 6. Probing Critical Point Energies of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides: Surprising Indirect Gap of Single Layer WSe2, C. Zhang, Y. Chen, A. Johnson, M.-Y. Li, L.-J. Li, P. C. Mende, Randall M. Feenstra, and C.-K. Shih Nano Letters 15, 6494-6500 (2015). 7. Intrinsic Optical Properties and Enhanced Plasmonic Response of Epitaxial Silver Y. Wu†, C. Zhang†, Y. Zhao, J. Kim, M. Zhang, N. M. Estakhri, X.-X. Liu, G. K. Pribil, A. Alù, C.-K. Shih, X. Li (†equal contribution) Advanced Materials 26, 6106-6110(2014).
