Ph.D., University of New England, Armidale, Australia, 2000
My research areas span Quantitative Conservation Ecology and Probabilistic Risk Assessment. I apply population models, mathematical treatments of uncertainty and decision-making techniques to address conservation and wildlife management issues and ecological risk assessment. My research activities are broad and interdisciplinary and include: treatments of uncertainty in conservation, ecology and risk assessment; population viability analysis of endangered and threatened species; formal decision making for conservation management.
Students and post-docs interested in these areas are welcome to join my laboratory. I am affiliated with the Ecology graduate group within EEOB .
Regan, H.M., M. Colyvan and L. Markovchick-Nicolls*. A formal model for consensus and negotiation in environmental management. Journal of Environmental Management 80:167-176, 2006.
Regan, H.M., T.D. Auld, D. Keith and M.A. Burgman. The effects of fire and predators on the long-term persistence of an endangered shrub Grevillea caleyi. Biological Conservation 109(1):73-83, 2003.
Regan, H.M., M. Colyvan, and M.A. Burgman. A taxonomy and treatment of uncertainty for ecology and conservation biology. Ecological Applications, 12(2):618-628, 2002.
Regan, H.M., R. Lupia, A.N. Drinnan and M.A. Burgman. The currency and tempo of extinction.The American Naturalist, 157(1):1-10, January 2001.