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Ph.D., University of California, Irvine, 1985


Most of the research in my laboratory involves the evolution of complex phenotypes. Through empirical, theoretical, and methodological studies, we are also helping to develop the field of evolutionary physiology (Links: e.g., see Annual Review of Physiology [1994] 56:579-621 [PDF file]). Physiology is the study of how organisms work. Evolution is the study of how organisms have changed (genetically) across generations. Thus, evolutionary physiology is the study of how and why the way organisms work has changed over time. For example, does the way an organism work constrain the way it may evolve? Answers to such questions require a deep understanding of both proximate and ultimate mechanisms, including phenotypic plasticity and early-life effects. Accordingly, my graduate students come through the Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology Graduate Program in the Department of Biology, as well as the Neuroscience Graduate Program, Genetics, Genomics & Bioinformatics Graduate Program, and the Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences. I also participate in the Evolutionary Biology Joint-Doctoral Program with San Diego State University. I serve as UCR co-Associate Director of NERE, the Network for Experimental Research on Evolution. As physiology cannot properly be understood in isolation from genetics, morphology, biochemistry, and behavior, my general approach is integrative and hence crosses traditional boundaries between disciplines.


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Brashares, J., T. Garland, Jr., and P. Arcese. 2000. Phylogenetic analysis of coadaptation in behavior, diet, and body size in the African antelope. Behavioral Ecology 11:452-463. Abstract [PDF file] Clobert, J., A. Oppliger, G. Sorci, B. Ernande, J. G. Swallow, and T. Garland, Jr. 2000. Trade-offs in phenotypic traits: endurance at birth, growth, survival, predation, and susceptibility to parasitism in a lizard, Lacerta vivipara. Functional Ecology 14:675-684. Abstract [PDF file] Irschick, D. J., and T. Garland, Jr. 2001. Integrating function and ecology in studies of adaptation: investigations of locomotor capacity as a model system. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 32:367-396. Abstract [PDF file] Girard, I., and T. Garland, Jr. 2002. Plasma corticosterone response to acute and chronic voluntary exercise in female house mice. Journal of Applied Physiology 92:1553-1561. [PDF file] Perry, G., and T. Garland, Jr. 2002. Lizard home ranges revisited: effects of sex, body size, diet, habitat, and phylogeny. Ecology 83:1870-1885. [PDF file] Hutcheon, J. M., J. A. W. Kirsch, and T. Garland, Jr. 2002. A comparative analysis of brain size in relation to foraging ecology and phylogeny in the Chiroptera. Brain, Behavior and Evolution 60:165-180. Abstract [PDF file] Abbott, D. H., E. B. Keverne, F. B. Bercovitch, C. A. Shively, S. P. Mendoza, W. Saltzman, C. T. Snowdon, T. E. Ziegler, M. Banjevic, T. Garland, Jr., and R. M. Sapolsky. 2003. Are subordinates always stressed? A comparative analysis of rank differences in cortisol levels among primates. Hormones and Behavior 43:67-82. [PDF file] Blomberg, S. P., T. Garland, Jr., and A. R. Ives. 2003. Testing for phylogenetic signal in comparative data: behavioral traits are more labile. Evolution 57:717-745. [PDF file] Rhodes, J. S., H. van Praag, S. Jeffrey, I. Girard, G. S. Mitchell, T. Garland, Jr., and F. H. Gage. 2003. Exercise increases hippocampal neurogenesis to high levels but does not improve spatial learning in mice bred for increased voluntary wheel running. Behavioral Neuroscience 117:1006-1016. [PDF file] Johnston, I. A., D. A. Fernandez, J. Calvo, V. L. A. Vieira, A. W. North, M. Abercomby, and T. Garland, Jr. 2003. Reduction in muscle fibre number during the adaptive radiation of notothenioid fishes: a phylogenetic perspective. Journal of Experimental Biology 206:2595-2609. [PDF file] Perry, G., K. LeVering, I. Girard, and T. Garland, Jr. 2004. Locomotor performance and social dominance in male Anolis cristatellus. Animal Behaviour 67:37-47. [PDF file] Rezende, E. L., F. Bozinovic, and T. Garland, Jr. 2004. Climatic adaptation and the evolution of basal and maximum rates of metabolism in rodents. Evolution 58:1361-1474. [PDF file] Al-kahtani, M. A., C. Zuleta, E. Caviedes-Vidal, and T. Garland, Jr. 2004. Kidney mass and relative medullary thickness of rodents in relation to habitat, body size, and phylogeny. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 77:346-365. (plus online Appendix B). [PDF file] Bonine, K. E., T. T. Gleeson, and T. Garland, Jr. 2005. Muscle fibre-type variation in lizards (Squamata) and phylogenetic reconstruction of hypothesized ancestral states. Journal of Experimental Biology 208:4529-4547. [PDF file] Zhang, Y., T.-S. Lee, E. M. Kolb, K. Sun, X. Lu, F. M. Sladek, G. S. Kassab, T. Garland, Jr., and J. Y.-J. Shyy. 2006. AMP-activated protein kinase is involved in endothelial nitric-oxide synthase activation in response to shear stress. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 26:1281-1287. [PDF file] Faculty of 1000 Selection! Garland, T., Jr., and S. A. Kelly. 2006. Phenotypic plasticity and experimental evolution. Journal of Experimental Biology 209:2344-2361. [PDF file] Spoor, F., T. Garland, Jr., G. Krovitz, T. M. Ryan, M. T. Silcox, and A. Walker. 2007. The primate semicircular canal system and locomotion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science U.S.A. 104:10808-10812. [PDF file] UCR Press Release Buchwalter, D. B., D. J. Cain, C. A. Martin, L. Xie, S. N. Luoma, and T. Garland, Jr. 2008. Aquatic insect ecophysiological traits reveal phylogenetically based differences in dissolved cadmium susceptibility. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science U.S.A. 105:8321-8326. [PDF file] Huey, R. B., C. A. Deutsch, J. J. Tewksbury, L. J. Vitt, P. E. Hertz, H. J. Álvarez Pérez, and T. Garland, Jr. 2009. Why tropical forest lizards are vulnerable to climate warming. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 276:1939-1948. [PDF file] Kelly, S. A., D. L. Nehrenberg, J. L. Peirce, K. Hua, B. M. Steffy, T. Wiltshire, F. Pardo Manuel de Villena, T. Garland, Jr., and D. Pomp. 2010. Genetic architecture of voluntary exercise in an advanced intercross line of mice. Physiological Genomics 42:190-200. [PDF file] Garland, T., Jr., S. A. Kelly, J. L. Malisch, E. M. Kolb, R. M. Hannon, B. K. Keeney, S. L. Van Cleave, and K. M. Middleton. 2011. How to run far: Multiple solutions and sex-specific responses to selective breeding for high voluntary activity levels. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278:574-581. [PDF file] Garland, T., Jr., H. Schutz, M. A. Chappell, B. K. Keeney, T. H. Meek, L. E. Copes, W. Acosta, C. Drenowatz, R. C. Maciel, G. van Dijk, C. M. Kotz, and J. C. Eisenmann. 2011. The biological control of voluntary exercise, spontaneous physical activity and daily energy expenditure in relation to obesity: human and rodent perspectives. Journal of Experimental Biology 214:206-229. [PDF file] Careau, V. C., and T. Garland, Jr. 2012. Performance, personality, and energetics: correlation, causation,and mechanism. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 85:543-571. [PDF file] Schutz, H., H. A. Jamniczky, B. Hallgrimsson, and T. Garland, Jr. 2014. Shape-shift: semicircular canal morphology responds to selective breeding for increased locomotor activity. Evolution 68:3184-3198. [PDF file] Acosta, W., T. H. Meek, H. Schutz, E. M. Dlugosz, K. T. Vu, and T. Garland, Jr. 2015. Effects of early-onset voluntary exercise on adult physical activity and associated phenotypes in mice. Physiology & Behavior 149:279-286.
