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1983年6月生,现为中山大学肿瘤防治中心生物治疗中心临床医师,主要从事黑色素瘤、消化道肿瘤、肉瘤等多种实体瘤的诊治工作。广东省医院协会肿瘤防治管理专业委员会委员,主要研究方向为肿瘤免疫治疗。 教育经历:  2010/03-2014/06 澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学,免疫学博士  2005/09-2008/06中山大学,中山大学肿瘤防治中心,肿瘤学硕士  2000/09-2005/06 安徽医科大学,临床医学, 本科 工作经历:  2013/08-至今 中山大学肿瘤防治中心,生物治疗中心,医师  2008/10-2009/12澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学,访问学者




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Jing Jing Li, Steven Maltby, Yang Xiang, Fiona Eyers, Luke Hatchwell, Joerg Mattes, Jonathan C. Morris, Parameswaran Nair, Paul S. Foster, Ming Yang. MicroRNA-9 regulates steroid-resistant airway hyperresponsiveness by reducing protein phosphatase 2A activity. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. (Accepted, JACI-D-13-01471R3)   2. Hock Luck Tay, Gerard Kaiko, Maximilian Plank, Jingjing Li, Steven Maltby, Ama-tawiah Essilfie, Andrew Jarnicki, Ming Yang, Joerg Mattes, Philip Hansbro, Paul Foster. Antagonism of miR-328 increases the antimicrobial function of macrophages and neutrophils and rapid clearance of non-typeable Haemophilus Influenzae (NTHi) from infected lung. Plos Pathogens. (Accepted, PPATHOGENS-D-14-00240R1)   3. Li, J. J., Tay, H. L., Plank, M., Essilfie, A. T., Hansbro, P. M., Foster, P. S., . . . Yang, M. (2013). Activation of olfactory receptors on mouse pulmonary macrophages promotes monocyte chemotactic protein-1 production.. PLoS One, 8(11), e80148.   4. Foster, P. S., Plank, M. W., Collison, A. M., Tay, H. L., Kaiko, G. E., Li, J., . . . Mattes, J. (2013). The emerging role of microRNAs in regulating immune and inflammatory responses in the lung. Immunological Reviews, 253(1), 198-215.   5. Li, J., Foster, P. S., & Yang, M. (2012). Inducible microRNA-X expression underpins steroid- resistant airway hyperresponsiveness by upregulating IL-27 expression.(2012). Respirology Vol. 17(S1) (pp. 44).   6. Plank, M. W., Kaiko, G. E., Luck, H., Li, J., Mattes, J., Hansbro, P. M., . . . Foster, P. S. (2012). The role of micrornas in CD4 T cell function. Respirology Vol. 17(S1) (pp. 51).   7. Li, J., Wang, W., Baines, K. J., Bowden, N. A., Hansbro, P. M., Gibson, P. G., . . . Yang, M. (2010). IL-27/IFN-? induce MyD88-dependent steroid-resistant airway hyperresponsiveness by inhibiting glucocorticoid signaling in macrophages. Journal of Immunology, 185(7), 4401-4409.   8. Wang, W., Li, J., Foster, P. S., Hansbro, P. M., & Yang, M. (2010). Potential therapeutic targets for steroid-resistant asthma. Current Drug Targets, 11(8), 957-970.   9. Jing-Jing Li, Ya Ding, Dan-Dan Li, Rui-Qing Peng, Gong-kan Feng, Yi-Xin Zeng, Xiao-Feng Zhu, Xiao-Shi Zhang. (2009). The overexpression of ERCC-1 is involved in the resistance of lung cancer cells to cetuximab combined with DDP. Cancer Biology & Therapy, 2009; 8:20, 1-7.
