1977 - University of Arkansas at Little Rock, B.S., Chemistry
1983 - University of Nebraska, Ph.D., Chemistry
Mass Spectrometry
Biological applications of mass spectrometry, proteomics and mass spectrometry, spectral-activity relationships (SAR), structure elucidation, analytical toxicology.
Lay Jr., J.O. and R. Liyange, “MALDI TOF Mass Spectrometry of Intact Bacteria,” pp. 125-152. In C.L. Wilkins and J.O. Lay Jr. (Eds.), Identification of Microorganisms by Mass Spectrometry, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, (2006).
Lay, Jr., J.O., R. Liyanage, B. Durham and J. Brooks, “Rapid Characterization of Edible Oils by Direct MALDI MS Analysis using Triacylglycerols,” Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 20 952-058, (2006).
Liyanage, R. and J.O. Lay Jr. “Introduction to MALDI TOF Mass Spectrometry,” pp. 39-60. In C.L. Wilkins and J.O. Lay Jr. (Eds.), Identification of Microorganisms by Mass Spectrometry, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, (2006).
Lay Jr., J.O., S. Borgmann, R. Liyanage and C.L. Wilkins, “Problems with the Omics,” Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 25, 1046-1056 (2006).
Lassiter, K., C. Ojano-Dirain, M. Iqbal, N.R. Pumford, N. Tinsley, J. Lay, R. Liyanage, T. Wing, M. Cooper and W. Bottje, “Differential Expression of Mitochondrial and Extramitochondrial Proteins in Lympocytes of Male Broilers with Low and High Feed Efficiency,” Poultry Science, 85, 2251-2259, (2006).
Lay Jr., J.O. and R. Liyanage, “Ionization Methods for the Analysis of Microorganisms,” The Encyclopedia of Mass Spectrometry, M.L. Gross, ed, Volume 6, Molecular Ionization, Elsievier, Amsterdam, 938-47 (2007).
Gidden, J. Liyanage, R., Durham, B., and Lay, Jr., J.O., “Reducing fragmentation observed in the matrix-asisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometric analysis of triacylglycerols in vegetable oils. ”Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 21 1951-7 (2007).
An, T., Krishnaswamy, S.K., Wang, M., Liu, L., Lay, Jr., J.O., Liyanage, Rl, Berry, J., Gantar, M., Marks, V., Gawley, R.E., and Rein, K.S., “Structures of Pahayokolides A and B, Two Cyclic Peptides from a Lyngbya Sp.”J. Nat. Prod., 72 730-5 (2007).
Donya, A., Hettiarachchy, N., Liyanage, R., Lay, J., Chen, P., and Jalaluddin, M., “Effects of Processing Methods on the Proximate Composition and Momordicosides K and L Content of Bitter Melon Vegetable” J. Agric. Food Chem., 55, 5827 - 5833, 2007, 10.1021
Lau, C.S., Carrier, D.J., Beitle, R.R., DI Bransby, LR Howard, JO Lay Jr, R Liyanage, and EC Clausen Identification and quantification of glycoside flavonoids in the energy crop Albizia julibrissin. Bioresour. Technol, 98: 429-35 (2007).
Kannan, L., Rath, N.C., Liyanage, R., and Lay, Jr., J.O., “Identification and Characterization of Thymosin Beta-4 in Chicken Macrophages using Whole Cell MALDI-TOF” Proceedings of the New York Academy of Science, in press.