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曾主持或参与研究与食管癌、肺癌有关的国家“973”、“11.5”、“863”计划攻关课题和多项省、部级课题。于1990年在国内首先报道“经口食管腔内置管术治疗晚期食管癌”,1996年在广东省内领先开展了“气管支气管支架的临床应用研究”,同期在国内首次提出“选择性程式治疗食管重建术后食管胃吻合口良性狭窄”,临床取得满意效果。主持粤港关键领域重点突破项目“记忆合金人工食管开发及产业化”,广东省科委”治疗食管良性狭窄支架的研制及临床应用” ,“沉默IAPs基因,增加肿瘤化疗敏感性作用及其机理”等多项课题;现主持的卫生部临床重点项目“术前放化疗并手术治疗局部晚期食管鳞癌的多中心临床试验及其mRNA和miRNA基因组学研究”及国家自然科学基金项目,并取得可喜进展,中期分析结果提示:术前放化疗并手术可提高食管癌的治疗效果。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1、 HuangQ,Su X,Bella AE, Luo K, Jin J, Zhang S, Luo G, Rong T,Fu J(*).Clinicopathological features and outcome of gastric metastases from primary lung cancer: A case report and systematic review. Oncology Letters,2015,Mar;9(3):1373-1379. 2、 Huang Q, Zhong J, Yang T, Li J, Luo K, Zheng Y, Yang H, Fu J(*).Impacts ofanastomotic complications on the health-related quality of life afteresophagectomy. J Surg Oncol,2015 Mar 15;111(4):365-70.   3、 Wen J, Yang H, Liu MZ, Luo KJ, Liu H, Hu Y, Zhang X, Lai RC, Lin T, Wang HY, Fu JH(*).Geneexpressionanalysis of pretreatmentbiopsiespredicts the pathologicalresponse of esophagealsquamouscellcarcinomas to neo-chemoradiotherapy.AnnOncol,2014 Sep;25(9):1769-74.   4、 Huang Q, Luo K, Yang H, Wen J, Zhang S, Li J, Ela Bella A, Liu Q, Yang F,Zheng Y, Hu R, Chen J, Fu J(*). Impact of alcohol consumption on survival inpatients with esophageal carcinoma: a large cohort with long-term follow-up.Cancer Sci,2014 Dec;105(12):1638-46.   5、 Zhang SS, Yang H, Xie X, Luo KJ, Wen J, Bella AE, Hu Y, Yang F, Fu JH(*).Adjuvant chemotherapy versus surgery alone for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials and nonrandomized studies.Dis Esophagus, 2014 Aug;27(6):574-84. IF: 1.642.   6、 Yang F, Zhang S, Yang H, Luo K, Wen J, Hu Y, Hu R, Huang Q, Chen J, Fu JH(*).Prognostic significance of gamma-glutamyltransferase in patients with resectable esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Dis Esophagus. 2014 Apr 27.IF: 2.057.   7、 Xie X, Zhang SS, Wen J, Yang H, Luo KJ, Yang F, Hu Y, Fu JH(*).Protein kinase D1?mRNA level may predict cancer-specific survival in heavy smokers with esophageal squamous cell cancers .Dis Esophagus, 2014 Feb-Mar;27(2):188-95. IF: 1.642.   8、 Liu QW , Ma GW, Yang HX, Wen J, Li M, Yang H, Luo KJ, Hu Y, Fu JH(*).Lack of epidermal growth factor receptor gene mutations in exons 19 and 21 in primary lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of the lung. Thoracic Cancer,2014 Jan;5(1):63-67.IF: 1.126.   9、 Ela Bella AJ, Zhang YR, Fan W, Luo KJ, Rong TH, Lin P, Yang H, Fu JH(*).Maximum standardized uptake value on PET/CT in preoperative assessment of lymph node metastasis from thoracic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Chin J Cancer,2014 Apr;33(4):211-7.   10、 Chen SB, Su XD, Ma GW, Lin P, Wen J, Wang FX, Zhang H, Fu JH(*), Zhang X(*).Prognostic value of bone marrow micrometastasis in patients with operable esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: a long-term follow-up study. J ThoracOncol. 2014 Aug;9(8):1207-13.IF:5.8.   11、 Wen J, Luo KJ, Hu Y, Yang H, Fu JH(*). Metastatic lymph node CHIP expression is a potential prognostic marker for resected esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients.AnnSurg Oncol,2013 May;20(5):1668-75. IF:4.12   12、 Wen J, Hu Y, Luo KJ, Yang H, Zhang SS, Fu JH(*).Positive transforming growth factor-β activated kinase-1 expression has an unfavorable impact on survival in T3N1-3M0 esophageal squamous cell carcinomas.AnnThoracSurg, 2013 Jan;95(1):285-90. IF: 3.454   13、 Wen J, Hu Y, Luo KJ, Yang H, Zhang SS, Fu JH(*).Positive transforming growth factor-β activated kinase-1 expression has an unfavorable impact on survival in T3N1-3M0 esophageal squamous cell carcinomas.AnnThoracSurg, 2013 Jan;95(1):285-90. IF: 3.454   14、 Xie X, Zhang SS, Wen J, Yang H, Luo KJ, Yang F, Hu Y, Fu JH(*).Prognostic value of HOXB7 mRNA expression in human oesophageal squamous cell cancer .Biomarkers,2013 Jun;18(4):297-303. IF: 1.879   15、 Yang HX, Feng W, Wei JC, Zeng TS, Li ZD, Zhang LJ, Lin P, Luo RZ, He JH, Fu JH(*).Support vector machine-based nomogram predicts postoperative distant metastasis for patients with oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma .Br J Cancer,2013 Sep 3;109(5):1109-16. IF: 5.082   16、 Zhang SS, Wen J, Yang F, Cai XL, Yang H, Luo KJ, Liu QW, Hu RG, Xie X, Huang QY, Chen JY, Fu JH(*), Hu Y. High expression of transient potential receptor C6 correlated with poor prognosis in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.MedOncol ,(2013);30:607. IF:2.147   17、 Li XH, Hu Y, Rong TH, Li XD, Su XD, Yang H, Bella AE, Fu JH(*).Medical thoracoscopy and gastroscopy for the treatment of intrathoracic anastomotic leakage following esophagectomy.Oncol Lett, 2013 Jan ;5(1):198-200.IF:0.237   18、 Zhang SS, Yang H, Luo KJ, Huang QY, Chen JY, Yang F, Cai XL, Xie X, Liu QW, Bella AE, Hu RG, Wen J, Hu Y, Fu JH(*).The impact of body mass index on complication and survival in resected oesophageal cancer: a clinical-based cohort and meta-analysis.Br J Cancer, 2013 Nov 26;109(11):2894-903. IF: 5.082   19、 Yang HX, Hou X, Liu QW, Zhang LJ, Liu JG, Lin P, Fu JH(*).Tumor location does not impact long-term survival in patients with operable thoracic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in China. Ann Thorac Surg,2012 Jun;93(6):1861-6. IF: 3.558   20、 Liu J, Xie X, Zhou C, Peng S, Rao D, Fu J (*). Which factors are associated with actual 5-year survival of oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma? Eur J Cardiothorac Surg,2012 Mar;41(3):e7-11. IF: 2.293
