Z Xu, H Qi, T Wang, Z Che*. [2023] Coalescence delay mediatedby the gas layer during the impact of hot droplets. International Journal ofHeat and Mass Transfer, 204, 123864.
OA Odumosu, H Xu, T Wang, Z Che*. [2023] Growth of elongatedvapor bubbles during flow boiling heat transfer in wavy microchannels. AppliedThermal Engineering, 223, 119987.
H Zhang, Z Lu, T Wang, Z Che*. [2023] Mist formation duringmicro-explosion of emulsion droplets. Fuel, 339, 127350.
Z Xu, T Wang, Z Che*. [2023] Transitions of breakup regimesfor viscous droplets in airflow. Fuel, 339, 127355.
Y Li, Z Xu, X Peng, T Wang, Z Che*. [2023] Numericalsimulation of secondary breakup of shear-thinning droplets. Physics ofFluids, 35, 012103 (Featured article).
F Tian, T Wang, Z Che, K Sun, Z Lu, D Liu, L Shi*. [2022]Experimental investigation of boundary layer flow near the cylinder wall in adirect-injection spark-ignition engine using particle image velocimetry. InternationalJournal of Engine Research, doi: 10.1177/14680874221128077.
Z Xu, T Wang, Z Che*. [2022] Cavity deformation and bubbleentrapment during the impact of droplets on a liquid pool. Physical Review E,106 (5), 055108.
M Denys*, P Deuar, Z Che, P Theodorakis*. [2022] A Lagrangianparticle-based numerical model for surfactant-laden droplets at macroscales. Physicsof Fluids, 34 (9), 095126.
H Xu, T Wang, Z Che*. [2022] Bridge evolution during thecoalescence of immiscible liquid droplets. Journal of Colloid and InterfaceScience, 628, 869-877.
HXu, T Wang, Z Che*. [2022] Flow in fuel nozzles under cavitation andflash-boiling conditions. AIP Advances, 12, 055218.
YZhai, H Li, Z Tao, X Cao, C Yang, Z Che, T Xu*. [2022] Design,fabrication and test of a bulk SiC MEMS accelerometer. MicroelectronicEngineering, 260, 111793.
JCao, M Ye, H Li, T Wang, Z Che*. [2022] Heat transfer enhancement bymist/air two-phase flow in a high-temperature channel. International Journalof Heat and Mass Transfer, 193, 122966.
YLuo, Z Zheng, X Zheng, Y Li, Z Che, J Fang, L Xi, NT Nguyen, C Song*.[2022] Model-based feedback control for on-demand droplet dispensing systemwith precise real-time phase imaging. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,365, 131936.
ZXu, T Wang, Z Che*. [2022] Droplet breakup in airflow with strong sheareffect. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 941, A54.
ZZeng, T Wang*, R Chen, M Suo, K Sun, P Theodorakis, Z Che*. [2022]Two-dimensional partitioned square ice confined in graphene/graphitenanocapillaries. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 156, 154510.
MLi, E Zhang, M Zhang, Z Che, Y Qin*, T Zhang, X Han, Y Wang. [2022]Ex-situ experimental study on extraction of droplet dynamic parameters based ondroplet shape in PEMFC. International Journal of Green Energy, doi:10.1080/15435075.2021.2025064.
MLi, Y Li, Y Qin*, Y Yin, J Zhang, Z Che*. [2022] Water dropletdetachment characteristics on surfaces of gas diffusion layers in PEMFCs. InternationalJournal of Hydrogen Energy, 47 (18), 10341-10351.
MSuo, K Sun*, R Chen, Z Che, Z Zeng, Q Li, X Tao, T Wang*. [2021] Oxygentransport in proton exchange membrane fuel cells with metal foam flow fields. Journalof Power Sources, 521, 230937.
ZXu, L Wang, T Wang, Z Che*. [2021] Crown rupture during droplet impacton a dry smooth surface at increased pressure. Physics of Fluids, 33,122105.
XPeng, T Wang, K Sun, Z Che*. [2021] Droplet splashing during the impacton liquid pools of shear-thinning fluids with yield stress. Physics ofFluids, 33, 112106 (Editor’s Pick).
PETheodorakis*, A Amirfazli, B Hu, Z Che. [2021] Droplet control based onpinning and substrate wettability. Langmuir, 37, 4248-4255.
FAHammad, K Sun, Z Che*, J Jedelsky, T Wang*. [2021] Internal two-phaseflow and spray characteristics of outside-in-liquid twin-fluid atomizers. AppliedThermal Engineering, 187, 116555.
PZhang, Z Xu, T Wang, Z Che*. [2021] A method to measure vaporconcentration of droplet evaporation based on background oriented Schlieren. InternationalJournal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 168, 120880.
YLuo, J Yang, X Zheng, J Wang, X Tu, Z Che, J Fang, L Xi, NT Nguyen, CSong*. [2020] Three-dimensional visualization and analysis of flowing dropletsin microchannels using real-time quantitative phase microscopy. Lab on aChip, 21, 75-82 (Back Cover Story).
ZXu, T Wang, Z Che*. [2020] Droplet deformation and breakup in shear flowof air. Physics of Fluids, 32, 052109 (Featured Article).
YLuo, J Yang, X Tu, T Huang, Z Che, C Song*. [2020] Optofluidicphase-shifting digital holographic microscopy for quantitative measurement ofmicrofluidic diffusion dynamics. Journal of Applied Physics, 127,134501.
HQi, T Wang, Z Che*. [2020] Air layer during the impact of droplets onheated substrates. Physical Review E, 101, 043114.
Y Lu*,N M Kovalchuk, Z Che, M Simmons. [2020] Interfacial instabilities due toimmiscible fluid displacement in circular and non-circular microchannels. ExperimentalThermal and Fluid Science, 113, 110045.
VBelus, J Rabault*, J Viquerat, Z Che, E Hachem, U Reglade. [2019]Exploiting locality and translational invariance to design effective deepreinforcement learning control of the 1-dimensional unstable falling liquidfilm. AIP Advances, 9, 125014.
LWang, S Rong, S Shen, T Wang, Z Che*. [2019] Interface oscillation ofdroplets upon impact on a heated surface in the Leidenfrost state. InternationalJournal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 148, 119116.
CYin, T Wang, Z Che, M Jia, K Sun. [2019] Critical and optimal wallconditions for coalescence-induced droplet jumping on textured superhydrophobicsurfaces. Langmuir, 35 (49), 16201-16209.
SShen, Z Che, T Wang*, Z Yue*, K Sun, S Som. [2019] A model for dropletheating and evaporation of water-in-oil emulsified fuel. Fuel, 266,116710.
QDing, T Wang, Z Che*. [2019]. Two jets during the impact of viscousdroplets onto a less-viscous liquid pool. Physical Review E, 100,053108.
SShen, K Sun, Z Che*, T Wang*, M Jia, J Cai. [2019] Mechanism ofmicro-explosion of water-in-oil emulsified fuel droplet and its effect on sootgeneration. Energy, 191, 116488.
SShen, K Sun, Z Che*, T Wang*, M Jia. [2019] Puffing and micro-explosionof heated droplets for homogeneous ethanol-propanol-hexadecane fuel andmicro-emulsified ethanol-biodiesel-hexadecane fuel. Applied Thermal Engineering,165, 114537.
YSun, Z Che, K Sun, T Wang*, Y Li, H Bai. [2019] Measurements ofturbulence sources in a swirl-supported diesel engine. International Journalof Engine Research, 22 (3), 975-985.
HZhao, T Wang, Z Che*. [2019] Full-field flow measurement in evaporatingsessile droplets based on the Scheimpflug principle. Applied Physics Letters,115, 091603.
PTheodorakis*, Z Che*. [2019] Surface nanobubbles: Theory, simulation,and experiment. A review. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science,272, 101995.
SShen, K Sun, Z Che*, T Wang*, M Jia, J Cai. [2019]. An experimentalinvestigation of the heating behaviors of droplets of emulsified fuels at hightemperature. Applied Thermal Engineering, 161, 114059.
荣松,沈世全,王天友,车志钊*. [2019] 液滴撞击加热壁面雾化弹起模式及驻留时间, 物理学报, 68 (15), 154701.
CYin, T Wang, Z Che, M Jia, K Sun*. [2018] Oblique impact of droplets onmicrostructured superhydrophobic surfaces. International Journal of Heat andMass Transfer, 123, 693-704.