Diploma at the University of Tübingen, Germany 1985
Ph.D. at the University of Tübingen, Germany 1987
Scientist at the Institute Laue-Langevin,
Grenoble, France 1988-1992
Physicist at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), Brookhaven, USA 1992-2000
Group Leader Powder Diffraction at BNL 2000-2003
Head of Materials Synthesis & Characterization
Group at BNL 2003-2005
Adjunct Professor in Philosophy at University of South Carolina
October 2004
Chemistry Professor at the Univeristy of South Carolina as of
October 2005
Director of NanoCenter at the University of South Carolina as of
October 2005
Fellow of American Physical Society in 2006
Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2008
Adjunct Faculty at the African University of Science & Technology in Abuja, Nigeria
Crystallography; General structural chemistry; Chemical synthesis, structures and properties of metal oxides; electron, x-ray and neutron diffraction techniques and instrumentation (i.e high pressure x-ray diffraction, high temperature electron microscopy)
Research Project 1: Pressure-Induced Hydration and Insertion of CO2, noble gases and rare earth metal cations. Supported by a Global research Laboratory of the Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology we have been studying the Insertion of water, CO2, rare earth metal cations and noble gases in the small pore zeolite natrolite.
"Immobilization of Large, Aliovalent Cations in the Small Pore Zeolite K-Natrolite using Pressure" Yongjae Lee, Yongmoon Lee, Donghoon Seoung, Jun-Hyuk Im, Hee-Jung Hwang, Tae-Hyun Kim, Dan Liu, Zhenxian Liu, Seung Yeop Lee, Chi-Chang Kao, and Thomas Vogt. Angewandte Chemie, 51(20), 4848-4851, 2012
“Pressure-Induced Hydration and Insertion of CO2 in Ag-Natrolite”” Yongmoon Lee, Donghoon Seoung, Young-Nam Jang, Thomas Vogt, Yongjae Lee Chem- Eur. J. 2013, 19, 5806-5811
“Super-Hydrated Zeolites: Pressure-Induced Hydration in Natrolites” Yongjae Lee, Donghoon Seoung, Yongmoon Lee, Chi-Chang Kao, Thomas Vogt, Accepted Chem. – Eu. J. 2013.
Research Project 2: New Phosphors for Up- and Down- Conversion of Light. Luminescenece, the absorption of energy with subsequent emission of light and more specific, fluorescence, the absorption of energy with subsequent emission of light in the visible spectrum are the basis of a broad range of every day applications such as lighting and x-ray detectors for medical and technical applications. Luminescent materials, also called phosphors, consist of a host lattice in which activator ions are doped into in small concentrations, typically less than a mole percent. The activator ions have energy levels that can be populated by direct excitation or indirectly by energy transfer, and are responsible for the luminescence. We have discovered a new family of luminescent materials and are currently exploring its use in white light LED applications as well as upconversion applications such as biomedical imaging. This work involves solid state synthesis, structural characterization using x-ray powder diffraction and extensive characterization of the optical properties.
Research Project 3: Imaging at the Nanoscale High-Angle-Annular-Dark-Field/Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (HAADF/STEM) is a technique uniquely suited for detailed studies of the structure and composition of complex oxides. The HAADF detector collects electrons which interact inelastically with the potentials of the atoms in the specimen and therefore resembles the better known Z2 (Z is atomic number) Rutherford scattering. One class of important catalysts consists of bronzes based on pentagonal {Mo6O21} building units; these include Mo5O14 and Mo17O47. In the last 20 years, new materials doped with a variety of substitution elements, but built upon the same structural building units, have been made and evaluated for their catalytic properties. Applications include the selective oxidation of light paraffins and olefins, as well as the partial oxidation of methanol. We engage in HAADF-STEM investigations of various complex oxide phases and have shown that we can for example distinguish metal-containing sites within these structurally and compositionally complex-oxides through Z2-contrast analysis. We compare our experiments to image simulations which are done in collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Mathematics Institute here at USC. Collaboration with Douglas Blom (University of South Carolina) and Douglas Buttrey (University of Delaware)
Alena Kremleva, Thomas Vogt, and Notker Roesch. ""Monovalent cation-exchanges natrolites and their behaviors under pressure. A computational study.” Journal of Phys. Chem. C, 117 (37), 19020 – 19030, 2013.
Donghoon Seoung, Yongmoon Lee, Chi-Chang Kao, Thomas Vogt, and Yongjae Lee. “Super-Hydrated Zeolites: Pressure-Induced Hydration in Natrolites.” Chem. – Eu. J., 19, 10876-10883, 2013.
Yongmoon Lee, Donghoon Seoung, Young-Nam Jang, Thomas Vogt, and Yongjae Lee. “Pressure-Induced Hydration and Insertion of CO2 in Ag-Natrolite.” Chem- Eur. J., 19, 5806-5811, 2013.
Eirin Sullivan, and Thomas Vogt. “Oxy-Fluoride Phosphors for Solid State Lighting.” The Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2(2), R3088-R3099, 2013.
Yongjae Lee, Yongmoon Lee, Donghoon Seoung, Jun-Hyuk Im, Hee-Jung Hwang, Tae-Hyun Kim, Dan Liu, Zhenxian Liu, Seung Yeop Lee, Chi-Chang Kao, and Thomas Vogt. ""Immobilization of Large, Aliovalent Cations in the Small Pore Zeolite K-Natrolite using Pressure."" Angewandte Chemie, 51(20), 4848-4851, 2012.
Douglas A. Blom, Xin Li, Sonali Mitra, Thomas Vogt, and Douglas Buttrey. “STEM-HAADF Image Simulations of the Orthorhombic M1 Phase in Mo-V-Te-Nb-O Propane Oxidation Catalyst.” ChemCatChem, Volume 3, issue 6, 1028-1033, 2011.
Xin Li, Douglas J. Buttrey, Douglas A. Blom, and Thomas Vogt. “Improvement of the Structural Model for the M1 Phase Mo-V-Nb-Te-O Propane (Amm)Oxidation Catalyst.” Topics in Catalysis, Vol 54, Numbers 10-12, 614-626, 2011.
Yongjae Lee, Dan Liu, Donghoon Seoung, Zhenxian Liu, Chi-Chang Kao, and Thomas Vogt. “Pressure- and Heat-Induced Insertion of CO2 into an Auxetic Small-Pore Zeolite.” Journal of the Am. Chem. Soc, 133(6), 1674-1677, 2011.
Sangmoon Park, and Tom Vogt. “Near UV Excited Line and Broad Band Photoluminescence of an Anion-Ordered Oxyfluoride"". J Am. Chem. Soc., 132, 4516, 2010.
Sangmoon Park, and Tom Vogt. “Defect Monitoring and Substitutions in Sr3-xAxAlO4F (A = Ca, Ba) Oxyfluoride Host Lattices and Phosphors.” J. Phys. Chem. C, 114(26), 11576-11583, 2010.
William D. Pyrz, Douglas A. Blom, Masahiro Sadakane, Katsunori Kodato, Wataru Ueda, Thomas Vogt, and Douglas A. Buttrey. ""Atomic-Scale Investigation of Two-Component MoVO Complex Oxide Catalysts Using Aberration-Corrected High-Angle Annular Dark-Field Imaging.” Chemistry of Materials, 22 (6), 2033-2040, 2010.
William D. Pyrz, Douglas A. Blom, Masahiro Sadakane, Katsunori Kodato, Wataru Ueda, Thomas Vogt, and Douglas J. Buttrey. “Grain Boundaries, and Defects using HAADF-STEM.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107 (14), 6152-6157, 2010.
Masahiro Sadakane, Keiko Yamagata, Katsunori Kodato, Keisuke Endo, Koshiro Toriumi, Yoshiki Ozawa, Tomoji Ozeki, Takuro Nagai, Yoshio Matsui, Norihito Sakaguchi, William D. Pyrz, Douglas J. Buttrey, Douglas A. Blom, Thomas Vogt, and Wataru Ueda. ""Synthesis of Orthorhombic Mo-V-Sb-O by Assembly of Pentagonal Mo6O21 Polyoxometalate Building Blocks.” Angewandte Chemie International Edition 48, 3782-3786, 2009.
William D. Pyrz, Douglas A. Blom., T. Vogt, and D.J. Buttrey. ""“Direct Imaging of the MoVTeNbO M1 Phase using a Cs-corrected High-resolution Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM).” Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., 47, 2788-2791, 2008.
Yongjae Lee, Thomas Vogt, Joseph A. Hriljac, John B. Parise, Jonathan C. Hanson, and Sun Jin Kim. “Non-framework cation migration and irreversible pressure-induced hydration in a zeolite.” Nature, 420, 485-489, 2002.