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B.E., 2005, California Polytechnic State University M.S., 2009, Cornell University Ph.D., 2010, Cornell University Postdoctoral Researcher, 2011-2013 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne



Functional nanostructures, energy devices, block copolymers, self-assembly, nanoparticles, photonics, atomic layer deposition, (photo)electrochemistry. The Stefik group is developing new polymer derived nanomaterials and alternative energy devices. We are interested in bottom-up methods based upon the self-assembly of either polymers, nanoparticles, or mixtures thereof to form materials with nanoscale control. Such high-surface area materials are critical for developing numerous energy applications such as fuel cells, batteries, supercapacitors, photovoltaics, and solar fuels. Our focus on bottom-up methods make our discoveries easily deployable to industry for a significant and real impact.


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Hu, Y.; Yella, A.; Guldin, S.; Schreier, M.; Stellacci, F.; Grätzel, M.; Stefik, M., “High-Surface-Area Porous Platinum Electrodes for Enhanced Charge Transfer.”, Advanced Energy Materials 2014, Article ASAP. Tilley, S. D.; Schreier, M.; Azevedo, J.; Stefik, M.; Graetzel, M., “Ruthenium Oxide Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis on Composite Cuprous Oxide Water-Splitting Photocathodes.”, Advanced Functional Materials 2014, 24, 303-311. Stefik, M.; Heiligtag, F. J.; Niederberger, M.; Gratzel, M., “Improved nonaqueous synthesis of TiO2 for dye-sensitized solar cells.”, ACS Nano 2013, 7, 8981-8989. Salvatore, S.; Demetriadou, A.; Vignolini, S.; Oh, S. S.; Wuestner, S.; Yufa, N. A.; Stefik, M.; Wiesner, U.; Baumberg, J. J.; Hess, O.; Steiner, U., “Tunable 3D extended self-assembled gold metamaterials with enhanced light transmission.”, Advanced Materials 2013, 25, 2713-2716. Guldin, S.; Kohn, P.; Stefik, M.; Song, J.; Divitini, G.; Ecarla, F.; Ducati, C.; Wiesner, U.; Steiner, U., “Self-cleaning antireflective optical coatings.”, Nano Letters 2013, 13, 5329-5335. Chandiran, A. K.; Yella, A.; Stefik, M.; Heiniger, L. P.; Comte, P.; Nazeeruddin, M. K.; Gratzel, M., “Low-temperature crystalline titanium dioxide by atomic layer deposition for dye-sensitized solar cells.”, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2013,5, 3487-3493. Stefik, M.; Yum, J.; Hu, Y.; Grätzel, M., ""Carbon-Graphene Nanocomposite Cathodes for Improved Co(II/III) Mediated Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells."" Journal of Materials Chemistry 2013, 1 (16), 4982-4987 Stefik, M.; Cornuz, M.; Mathews, N.; Hisatomi, T.; Mhaisalkar, S.; Grätzel, M., ""Transparent, Conducting Nb:SnO2 for Host-Guest Photoelectrochemistry."", Nano Letters 2012, 12 (10), 5431-5435. Stefik, M.; Wang, S. T.; Hovden, R.; Sai, H.; Tate, M. W.; Muller, D. A.; Steiner, U.; Gruner, S. M.; Wiesner, U., ""Networked and Chiral Nanocomposites from ABC Triblock Terpolymer Coassembly with Transition Metal Oxide Nanoparticles."" Journal of Materials Chemistry 2012, 22 (3), 1078-1087. Rauda, I. E.; Buonsanti, R.; Saldarriaga-Lopez, L. C.; Benjauthrit, K.; Schelhas, L. T.; Stefik, M.; Augustyn, V.; Ko, J.; Dunn, B.; Wiesner, U.; Milliron, D. J.; Tolbert, S. H., ""General Method for the Synthesis of Hierarchical Nanocrystal- Based Mesoporous Materials."" ACS Nano 2012, 6 (7), 6386-6399.
