2005年09月起 南开大学物理学院,教授
2000年10月至2005年08月 德国莱比锡大学理论物理所,合作研究人员(Wissen.Mitarbeiter)
1996年05月至2000年09月 清华大学物理系,教师,副教授
1994年04月至1996年04月 清华大学物理系,博士后,获讲师资格
1987年09月至1994年03月 中科院理论物理所,硕士生,博士生,获理学博士学位
1982年09月至1987年07月 清华大学工程物理系材料科学专业(现材料系),学生,获工学学士学位
(1) 有效场论及其应用。
(2) 中微子物理。特别是中微子振荡, 不含中微子的双贝塔衰变及高能对撞机上中微子参与的物理过程。
(3) 暗物质。可能的暗物质粒子及其探测。
(4) 超强电磁场中的粒子物理过程。
(1) 非粒子(unparticle)的物理。研究其唯象学和基本理论所有方面。
(2) 非对易时空中的量子场论及唯象学。
(3) Higgs物理与对撞机物理。
(4) 辐射修正, 重整化理论。
(5) 手征微扰论, 手征夸克模型。
(6) 中子电偶极矩。
An explicit construction of the dimension-9 operator basis in the standard model effective field theory.
Yi Liao, Xiao-Dong Ma. Jul 16, 2020. 30 pp.
JHEP 2011 (2020) 152. e-Print: arXiv:2007.08125 [hep-ph].
Extending low energy effective field theory with a complete set of dimension-7 operators.
Yi Liao, Xiao-Dong Ma, Quan-Yu Wang. May 16, 2020. 16 pp.
JHEP 2008 (2020) 162. e-Print: arXiv:2005.08013 [hep-ph]
An imprint of a new light particle at KOTO?
Yi Liao, Hao-Lin Wang, Chang-Yuan Yao, Jian Zhang. May 2, 2020. 10 pp.
Phys.Rev. D102 (2020) 055005. e-Print: arXiv:2005.00753 [hep-ph]
Effective field theory approach to lepton number violating decays K(+-) to pion(-+) l(+-) l(+-): long-distance contribution.
Yi Liao, Xiao-Dong Ma, Hao-Lin Wang. Jan 21, 2020. 16 pp.
JHEP 2003 (2020) 120. e-Print: arXiv:2001.07378 [hep-ph]
Effective field theory approach to lepton number violating decays K(+-) to pion(-+) l(+-) l(+-): short-distance contribution.
Yi Liao, Xiao-Dong Ma, Hao-Lin Wang. Sep 13, 2019. 23 pp.
JHEP 2001 (2020) 127. e-Print: arXiv:1909.06272 [hep-ph]
Effective field theory approach to lepton number violating decays K(+-) to pion(-+) l(+-) l(+-): short-distance contribution.
Yi Liao, Xiao-Dong Ma, Hao-Lin Wang. Sep 13, 2019. 23 pp.
JHEP 2001 (2020) 127. e-Print: arXiv:1909.06272 [hep-ph]
Renormalization group evolution of dimension-seven operators in standard model effective field theory and relevant phenomenology.
Yi Liao, Xiao-Dong Ma. Jan 29, 2019. 21 pp.
JHEP 1903 (2019) 179. e-Print: arXiv:1901.10302 [hep-ph]
Constraints on dimension-seven operators with a derivative in effective field theory for Dirac dark matter.
Tong Li, Yi Liao. Nov 20, 2018. 13 pp.
Phys. Lett. B796 (2019) 6. e-Print: arXiv:1811.08200 [hep-ph]
Dark matter and LHC phenomenology of a scale invariant scotogenic model.
Chao Guo, Shu-Yuan Guo, Yi Liao. Nov 3, 2018. 22 pp.
Chin. Phys. C43 (2019) 103102. e-Print: arXiv:1811.01180 [hep-ph]
Constraints on dimension-seven operators with a derivative in effective field theory for Dirac dark matter.
Tong Li, Yi Liao. Nov 20, 2018. 13 pp.
Phys. Lett. B796 (2019) 6. e-Print: arXiv:1811.08200 [hep-ph]
Dark matter and LHC phenomenology of a scale invariant scotogenic model.
Chao Guo, Shu-Yuan Guo, Yi Liao. Nov 3, 2018. 22 pp.
Chin. Phys. C43 (2019) 103102. e-Print: arXiv:1811.01180 [hep-ph]
Phenomenology of colored radiative neutrino mass model and its implications on cosmic-ray observationss.
Ran Ding, Zhi-Long Han, Li Huang, Yi Liao. Feb 14, 2018. 18 pp.
Chin. Phys. C42 (2018) 103101. e-Print: arXiv:1802.05248 [hep-ph]
Higgs production at future e^+e^- colliders in the Georgi-Machacek model.
Bin Li, Zhi-Long Han, Yi Liao. Sep 30, 2017. 28 pp.
JHEP 1802 (2018) 007. e-Print: arXiv:1710.00184 [hep-ph]
Interpreting the R_K anomaly in the colored Zee–Babu model.
Shu-Yuan Guo, Zhi-Long Han, Bin Li, Yi Liao, Xiao-Dong Ma. Jul 3, 2017. 13 pp.
Nucl.Phys. B928 (2018) 435-447. e-Print: arXiv:1707.00522 [hep-ph]
Perturbative Power Counting, Lowest-Index Operators and Their Renormalization in Standard Model Effective Field Theory.
Yi Liao, Xiao-Dong Ma. Jan 27, 2017. 7 pp.
Commun.Theor.Phys. 69 (2018) 285. e-Print: arXiv:1701.08019 [hep-ph]