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教育经历: 1995年9月-1999年9月,天津大学,精密仪器与工程学院,光学工程专业,博士 1987年9月-1990年3月,天津大学,精密仪器与工程学院,光学工程专业,硕士 1983年9月-1987年7月,天津大学,精密仪器系,激光专业,学士 研究工作经历: 2002年6月—,南开大学现代光学研究所,副教授; 2000年1月-2002年6月,南开大学现代光学研究所,博士后; 1990年5月-1995年8月,天津市印刷技术研究所工作,任科研一室主任。 国外研修经历: 2008年12月-2010年3月,美国俄克拉荷马州立大学,电气与计算机工程系,超快太赫兹研究小组,访问学者; 1992年12月-1993年4月,美国光印公司(Light Impressions Inc., Ltd.)(Santa Cruz, CA),研修模压全息图技术。




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[1] Jingang Wang, Jing Bu, Mingwei Wang*, Yong Yang, and Xiaocong Yuan, Improved sinusoidal phase plate to extend depth of field in incoherent hybrid imaging systems, Optics Letters, 37, 4534-4536 (2012) [2] N. Zhang,W.T. Wang,X.N. Zhu,J.S. Liu,K.H. Xu,P. Huang,J.F. Zhao,R.X. Li,and M.W. Wang*,“Investigation of ultrashort pulse laser ablation of solid targets by measuring the ablation-generated momentum using a torsion pendulum”,Optics Express 9, 19(2011). [3] S.L. Li,P.G. Han,M. Shi,Y.C. Yao,B. Hu,M.W. Wang,X.N. Zhu,“Low-loss channel optical waveguide fabrication in Nd3+-doped silicate glasses by femtosecond laser direct writing”, Opt.Express 19, 24(2011). [4] Z.H. Wu,N. Zhang,M.W. Wang*, and X.N. Zhu,“Femtosecond laser ablation of silicon in air and vacuum”,Chinese Optics Letters 9, 093201 (2011). [5] R. Cao,Y. Yang,J.G. Wang,J. Bu,M.W. Wang,“Microfabricated continuous cubic phase plate induced Airy beams for optical manipulation with high power efficiency”,Applied Physics Letters 99, 261106(2011). [6] J.G. Wang, J. Bu, M.W. Wang*, Y. Yang, and X.C. Yuan,“Generation of high quality Airy beams with blazed micro-optical cubic phase plates”,Applied Optics 50, 36(2011). [7] Zhen Tian, Kun Xin, Mingwei Wang*, Jiaguang Han, Haizhen Wang, Z. Ryan Tian, and Weili Zhang, “Terahertz Response of Ferroelectric Nanofibers”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 11, 9636-9640 (2011) [8] Sun Xiaoyan, Wang Mingwei, Yang Jianjun, Yao Ying, Xu Zhijun, Li Yan, Wei Li, and Zhu Xiaonong. Applications of ultrashort pulse laser in micro-nano-machining of functional materials. The 7th Asia Pacific Laser Symposium (APLS), APLS 2010, Korea, 12th May -15th May 2010 [9] Zehua Wu, Nan Zhang, Weiwei Liu, Mingwei Wang, Jianjun Yang, Xiaonong Zhu, Investigation of the dynamic process of high fluence femtosecond laser ablation of aluminum by ultrafast time-resolved shadowgraphy (Proceedings Paper), Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (POEM) 2008: Laser Technology and Applications, Proceedings of SPIE Volume: 7276(2009). [10] Yizhu Zhang, Yanping Chen, Shengqi Xu, Hui Lian, Mingwei Wang, Weiwei Liu, See Leang Chin, and Guoguang Mu, "Portraying polarization state of terahertz pulse generated by a two-color laser field in air," Opt. Lett. 34, 2841-2843 (2009) [11] WANG Ming-wei*, Boon Kuan Woo, TIAN Zhen, HAN Jia-guang, CHEN Wei , and ZHANG Wei-li, Study of optical and dielectric properties of annealed ZnO nano- particles in the terahertz regime, Optoelectronics Letters, Vol.5 No.6, 0430-0433, (2009) [12] Zhang Nan, Xu Zhijun, Wang Mingwei, Liu Weiwei. Propelling micro beads with femtosecond light bullets. Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2008 and 2008 Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science. CLEO/QELS 2008 [13] Z. Xu, W. Liu, N. Zhang, M. Wang, and X. Zhu, “Effect of intensity clamping on laser ablation by intense femtosecond laser pulses”, Opt. Express 16, 3604 (2008). [14] Y. Zhao, Y. Liang, N. Zhang, M. Wang, and X. Zhu, “Pulse width effect in ultrafast laser ionization imaging”, Opt. Lett. 33, 2467 (2008). [15] Zhang Nan, Liu Weiwei, Xu Zhijun,Wang Mingwei, Zhu Xiaonong. Experimental study and numerical simulation of the propulsion of micro beads by femtosecond laser filament. J. Appl. Phys., 2008, 104(3): 033104(1~5) [16] Zhang Nan, Xu Zhijun, Wang Mingwei, et al. Understand the femtosecond laser filamentational propulsion. In: Cui Y, Gong Q, Shen Y, eds. Nonlinear Optics: Technologies and Applications. Bellingham: SPIE, 2008. Proc. SPIE, 6839: 68390A [17] Zhang Nan, Zhu Xiaonong, Yang Jianjun, Wang Xiaolei, Wang Mingwei. Time-resolved shadowgraphs of material ejection in intense femtosecond laser ablation of aluminum. Phys. Rev. Lett., 2007, 99(16): 167602(1~4) [18] Wang MW,Wang XL,Zhai HC,Pulsed digital micro-holography of femto-second order by double-wavelength recording,Chinese Optoelectronics Letters, 3 (2): 133, (2007) [19] J. Yang, Y. Zhao, N. Zhang, Y. Liang, and M. Wang, “Ablation of metallic targets by high-intensity ultrafast laser pulses”, Phys. Rev. B 76, 165430 (2007). [20] N. Zhang, J. Yang, M. Wang, and X. Zhu, “Fabrication of long-period fibre gratings using 800nm femtosecond laser pulses”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 23, 3281 (2006).
