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工作经历 2018至今 南京大学 生命科学学院,教授 2016至今 南京大学 生命科学学院,博士生导师 2013-2014荷兰Wageningen University,访问学者 2012-2017南京大学 生命科学学院,副教授 2007-2012南京大学 生命科学学院,讲师 教育经历 2002 - 2007南京大学 生命科学学院,生态学博士 1998 - 2002南京大学 生命科学学院,生物学学士


主要研究方向为宏观系统生态学,聚焦于理解宏观尺度上社会-生态系统的空间格局形成、涌现特征与非线性动态等复杂性机理。近期研究主题包括: - 生态系统恢复力(ecological resilience): 理解生态系统的稳态转换、生态系统恢复力及其指标; - 社会-生态系统的宏观格局形成机理: 理解物种多样性、人口及聚落分布、文化多样性等系统的宏观格局的驱动机制; - 城市复杂系统:利用多源大数据理解城市复杂系统的时空格局动态、生态过程与功能。 主要研究手段包括(但不限于)遥感、地理信息系统、空间分析、统计模型、系统动力学模型等。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Li-Xia Zhao, Chi Xu*, Zhen-Ming Ge, Johan van de Koppel, Quan-Xing Liu*, (2019). The shaping role of self-organization: linking vegetation patterning, plant traits and ecosystem functioning, Proceedings of the Royal Society B . Zheng Huang*, Chi Xu*; Van Langevelde, Frank; Ma, Yuying; Langendoen, Tom; Mundkur, Teaj; Si, Yali; Tian, Huaiyu; Kraus, Robert; Gilbert, Marius; Han, Guanzhu; Ji, Xiang; Prins, H; de Boer, Willem. (2019). Contrasting effects of host species and phylogenetic diversity on the occurrence of HPAI H5N1 in European wild birds. Journal of Animal Ecology Qiu, Y., Teng, S.N., Zhang, Y., Santana, J., Svenning, J.C., Reino, L., Abades, S., Ma, H., Yang, L., Wu, Y., Huang, Z.Y., Xu, C*. (2019). The resolution ‐dependent role of landscape attributes in shaping macro‐scale biodiversity patterns. Global Ecology and Biogeography. Scheffer, M.*, Xu, C.*, Hantson, S., Holmgren, M., Los, S.O. & E. H. van Nes. (2018). A Global Climate Niche for Giant Trees. Global Change Biology. 24 (7), 2875-2883. Teng S.N.*, Xu C, Sandel B, & Svenning JC. (2018). Effects of intrinsic sources of spatial autocorrelation on spatial regression modelling. Methods in Ecology and Evolution . 9(2): 363-72. Tao, T., Abades, S., Huang, Z., Reino, L., Teng, S., Chen, B., Zhang, Y., Xu. C.*, Svenning, J.-C. (2017). Macroecological factors shape local-scale spatial patterns in agriculturalist settlements. Proceedings of the Royal Society B . 284 (1866), 20172003. Flores, B. M.*, Holmgren, M., Xu, C., van Nes, E.H., Jakovac, C.C., Mesquita, R.C.G. & Scheffer M. (2017). Floodplains as an Achilles’ heel of Amazonian forest resilience. PNAS . 201617988. Xu, C.* , Hantson, S., Holmgren, M., van Nes, E. H., Staal, A., & Scheffer, M. (2016). Remotely sensed canopy height reveals three pantropical ecosystem states. Ecology . 97: 2518-2521. Staal, A.*, Dekker, S. C., Xu, C., & van Nes, E. H. (2016). Bistability, Spatial Interaction, and the Distribution of Tropical Forests and Savannas. Ecosystems . 19: 1080-1091. Xu, C.* , E. H. Van Nes, M. Holmgren, S. Kefi, & M. Scheffer. (2015). Local facilitation may cause tipping points on a landscape level preceded by early warning indicators. American Naturalist . 186(4). Xu, C. , Vergnon, R., Cornelissen, J., Hantson, S., Holmgren, M., van Nes, E. H., & Scheffer, M.*, (2015). Temperate forest and open landscapes are distinct alternative states as reflected in canopy height and tree cover. Trends in Ecology & Evolution . 30: 501-502. Xu, C.* , B. J. W. Chen, S. Abades, L. Reino, S. Teng, F. C. Ljungqvist, Z. Y. X. Huang & M. Liu. (2015). Macroecological factors explain large-scale spatial population patterns of ancient agriculturalists. Global Ecology and Biogeography . 24: 1030-1039. Xu, C.* , Holmgren, M., Van Nes, E. H., Maestre, F. T., Soliveres, S., Berdugo, M., Kefi, S., Marquet, P. A., Abades S., & Scheffer, M. (2015). Can we infer plant facilitation from remote sensing? A test across global drylands. Ecological Applications. 25: 1456-1462. Xu, C. , Sheng, S., Chi, T., Yang, X., An, S., & Liu, M. (2014). Can local landscape attributes explain species richness patterns at macroecological scales? Global Ecology and Biogeography . 23: 436-445. Scheffer, M.*, Vergnon, R., Cornelissen, J., Hantson, S., Holmgren, M., van Nes, E. H., & Xu, C. (2014). Why trees and shrubs but rarely trubs? Trends in Ecology & Evolution . 29: 433-434. Huang Z. Y. X.*, de Boer W F, van Langevelde F, Xu, C., Jebara, K. B., Berlingieri, F., & Prins, H. H. (2013). Dilution effect in bovine tuberculosis: risk factors for regional disease occurrence in Africa. Proceedings of the Royal Society B . 280(1765): 20130624. Xu, C. , Liu, M.*, Zhang, C., An, S., Yu, W., & Chen, J. M. (2007). The spatiotemporal dynamics of rapid urban growth in the Nanjing metropolitan region of China. Landscape Ecology . 22(6): 925-937.
