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工作经历 2019.12 — :南京大学 生命科学学院生态系,教授 2020.02 — :Tang Cornell-China Scholar, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University. 2014.12 — 2019.12 :南京大学 生命科学学院生物系,副教授 2014.03 — 2015.04 :Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Biology, McGill University 2011.01 — 2014.12 :南京大学 生命科学学院生物系,讲师 教育背景 2009.03 — 2010.12: 北京大学 城市与环境学院,自然地理学博士后 2003.09 — 2008.07:兰州大学 生命科学学院,生态学博士 2006.12 — 2008.01: Laboratoire d'Ecologie Alpine (UJF-CNRS), PhD. trainee 1998.09 — 2002.06:西北师范大学 生命科学学院,理学学士


致力于应用驱动的草地群落进化生态学和功能生态学基础研究,主要探讨人类干扰和全球气候变化下,群落生物多样性形成、维持和变化机理及其与生态系统功能关系。过去二十多年,较系统研究了青藏高原高寒草地群落性状多样性模式及其影响因素;揭示了土壤磷缺失是青藏高原高寒草地退化的重要原因,种内性状变异介导草地功能结构动态,影响生态系统功能和服务。目前主要以高寒草地长期(10-30年)物种(性状)剔除实验和群落次生演替实验结合调查研究,探讨: 1) 种内性状变异的成因及其在群落结构和功能动态中的作用;2) 植物性状多样性与食草动物和土壤微生物多样性的关系; 3) 植物性状介导的生态网络动态与生态系统功能和服务;4) 结合科学研究和本土知识的草地可持续利用和发展对策 。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

赵信鸽, 张世挺,牛克昌*(2020)高寒草甸植物群落功能属性与土壤细菌多样性关系.《中国科学: 生命科学》, 50(1):70–80. 王宇彤,牛克昌*(2020)青藏高原高寒草甸土壤环境对线虫功能多样性的影响.《生物多样性》, 28: 707-717. 牛克昌*,刘怿宁,沈泽昊,何芳良, 方精云(2009) 群落构建的中性理论和生态位理论.《生物多样性》, 17:579–593. Kechang Niu*, Shiting Zhang & Martin J. Lechowicz (2020) Harsh environmental regimes increase the functional significance of intraspecific variability in plant communities. Functional Ecology.34:1666-1677. Kechang Niu*, Feng Feng, Qian Xu, Badingqiuying & Shiting Zhang (2019) Impoverished soil supports more plateau pika through lowered diversity of plant functional traits in Tibetan alpine meadows. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 285:106621. Kechang Niu*, Jin-Sheng He & Martin J. Lechowicz (2016) Grazing-induced shifts in the community functional composition and soil nutrient availability in Tibetan alpine meadows. Journal of Applied Ecology. 53(3):1554–1564. Kechang Niu*, Jin-Sheng He & Martin J. Lechowicz (2016) Foliar phosphorus content predicts species relative abundance in P-limited Tibetan alpine meadows. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 22: 47-54. Kechang Niu*, Ting Liu, Qirong Shen & Huixin Li (2015) Does body size-abundance allometry in soil fauna vary with environment? A field test for nematode communities in response to fertilization. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 91(1): 268-270. Kechang Niu*, Philippe Choler, Francesco de Bello, Nicholas Mirotchnick & Shuchu Sun (2014) Fertilization deceases species diversity but increase functional diversity:Three-year experiment in Tibetan alpine grassland. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment.182:106–112. Kechang Niu, Philippe Choler, Binbin Zhao & Guozhen Du* (2009) The allometry of reproductive biomass in response to land use in Tibetan alpine grasslands. Functional Ecology.23 (2): 274-283.
