1994年赴日本筑波大学留学,1998年3月获筑波大学工学博士学位。先后在中国科学技术大学,日本筑波大学、京都大学、日本Victor公司(JVC)等机构从事半导体材料和器件应用方面研究工作。现为南京大学电子科学与工程学院教授、博士生导师。任职期间主持科研项目多项,并参加973和国家重大科学研究计划等课题研究。在Physical Review B, IEEE ACCESS, IEEE TED, Optical Express, Applied physics letter, 等学术期刊上发表论文50余篇,专利20多项。欢迎本科生,硕士和博士研究生加入本科研团队。
1) CMOS传感器及其在太赫兹方向应用; 2)纳米小尺寸CMOS器件工艺及可靠性;3)红外测器工艺和器件物理
Shengfen Chiu, Yue Xu, Xiaoli Ji*, et al“An advanced tunnel oxide layer process for 65nm NOR floating-gate flash memories” Semicond.Sci.Technol. 30 (2015) 105032. Ying Zhou, Xiaoli Ji*, et al. "Impact of SiNx passivation on the surface properties of InGaAs photo-detectors"; Journal of Applied Physics 118,034507 (2015). Xiaoli Ji, Chunbo Wu, Yue Xu,Feng Yan;"The promising multi-bit/level programming operations for nano-scaled SONOS memory"; Microelectronics Reliability 54,119 (2014). Xiaoli Ji , Baiqing Liu, Hengjing Tang, Xuelin Yang, Xue Li, HaiMei Gong, Bo Shen, Ping Han and Feng Yan." "2.6 m MBE grown InGaAs detectors with dark current of SRH and TAT"; AIP Advance 4,087135 (2014) Jianguan Chang, Xiaoli Ji*, et al.; "Impact of various silicide techniques on SiGe source–drain series resistance and mobility of pMOSFETs"; Semicond. Sci. Technol. 28 ,115009 (2013) Xiaoli Ji, Yimin Liao, Chenxin Zhu, Jianguang Chang, Feng Yan, Yi Shi;"The energy distribution of NBTI-induced hole traps in the Si band gap in PNO pMOSFETs"IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium 1(2013). Xiaoli Ji, Baiqing Liu, Yue Xu, Hengjing Tang, Xue Li, HaiMei Gong, Bo Shen, Xuelin Yang, Ping Han, and Feng Yan;"Deep-level traps induced dark currents in extended wavelength InxGa1xAs/InP photodetector" Journal of Applied Physics 114, 224502 (2013). Xiang Li,Chenxin Zhu,Xi Zhu,Zhihuang Xu,Xinxin Zhuang,Xiaoli Jiand Feng Yan; "Background limited ultraviolet photodetectors of solar-blind ultraviolet detection";APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 103, 171110 (2013). Xiaoli Ji, Yiming Liao, Feng Yan, Chenxin Zhu, Yi Shi,"Physical understanding of negative bias temperature instability below room temperature" Journal of Applied Physics 112,104514 (2012). Xiaoli Ji, Yimin Liao,Feng Yan ,Yi Shi,Guang Zhang and Qiang Guo ;"The physical mechanisms of IG Random Telegraph Noise in deeply scaled pMOSFETs" IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium 5(2012).