Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 2003.
B.S.E., Chemical Engineering, University of Idaho, 1998.
B.S., Chemistry, University of Idaho, 1998.
Controlled Release, Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)
Ricker, E.B., T.M. Bader, B. Hundley, and E. Nuxoll, “Evaluation of Thermal Shock Susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms.” Biotechnology Journal, 2016. In preparation.
Worthington, K.S., L.A. Wiley, R.F. Mullins, B.A. Tucker, and E. Nuxoll, "Pre-vascularized silicon membranes for the enhancement of transport to implanted medical devices." Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Part B: Applied Biomaterials, In Press, DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.33502
Coffel, J. and E. Nuxoll, “Unified Polymer Erosion Model for Pulsatile Drug Delivery.” Journal of Membrane Science, 2016. 512: p. 61-72.
Coffel, J. and E. Nuxoll, “Poly(vinyl alcohol) Tissue Phantoms as a Robust in vitro Model for Heat Transfer.” International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, 2016. 65(15): p. 797-806.
Nishii, Y., Gandhi, S., and E. Nuxoll, "Glucose-Powered Pulsatile Release." Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 2016. 106: p. 298-307
Gandhi, S. and E. Nuxoll, "Non-delaminating Pulsatile Release Composites." Chemical Engineering Science, 2016, 141: p. 133-142
Gandhi, S., M.D. Gosse, Y. Nishii, and E. Nuxoll, "Barrier-Mediated Pulsatile Release." Journal of Membrane Science, 2015, 495: 351-360
Coffel, J. and E. Nuxoll, "Magnetic Nanoparticle / Polymer Composites for Medical Implant Infection Control." Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2015, 3: p. 7538-7545
O'Toole, A., E.B. Ricker, and E. Nuxoll, "Thermal Mitigation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms." Biofouling, 2015, 31(8): p. 665-675