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Akinc is currently involved in several research projects. Common characteristic of the projects is that they are all interdisciplinary in nature compelling collaboration with scientists with unique expertise. One of the projects involves Bioinspired Synthesis of Nanomaterials that Akinc collaborates with Prof. Mallapragada. Dr. Akinc is also studying design and development of ultrahigh temperature materials in collaboration with Drs. Kramer (Ames Lab), Perepeko (U. Wisconsin-Madison), Fletcher (U. Vermont), and Marshall (SRI). Prof. Akinc serves as Chair of Council on International Programs at ISU and Professor-in-Charge of International Programs, College of Engineering. All of the projects represent seemingly quite diverse in nature yet the common thread in all is the focus on improving the properties and performance of the materials with clever manipulation of chemistry and processing route.


Bio-inspired materials Ultra high temperature structural materials Design and development of Insulation Materials


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Ouyang, G., Ray, P.K., Kramer, M.J., and Akinc, M., "High Temperature Oxidation of ZrB2-SiC-A1N Composites at 1600°C," Journal of American Ceramic Society, 12, 1-6, 2015. Firlar, E., Çinar, S., Kashyap, S., Akinc, M., Prozorov, T., "Direct Visualization of the Hydration Layer on Alumina Nanoparticles with the Fluid Cell STEM in situ", Nature Scientific Reports, 5, 9830 (2015). Zhang, H.; Liu, X.; Feng, S.; Wang, W.; Schmidt-Rohr, K.; Akinc, M.; Nilsen-Hamilton, M.; Vaknin, D.; Mallapragada, S., "Morphological Transformations in the Magnetite Biomineralizing Protein Mms6 in Iron Solutions: A Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Study," Langmuir 2015, 31, 2818-2825. Liu, X.; Zhang, H.; Nayak, S.; Parada, G.; Anderegg, J.; Feng, S.; Nilsen-Hamilton, M.; Akinc, M.; Mallapragada, S., "Effect of Surface Hydrophobicity on the Function of the Immobilized Biomineralization Protein Mms6," Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2015, 54 (42), 10284-10292. S. Cinar, D.D. Anderson, and M. Akinc, "Influence of Bound Water Layer on the Viscosity of Oxide Nanopowder Suspensions," J. Eur. Cer. Soc., 35(2), 613-22, 2015. S. Cinar, D.D. Anderson, and M. Akinc, "Combined Effect of Fructose and NaCl on the viscosity of Alumina Nanopowder Suspensions," J. Eur. Cer. Soc., 35(1), 377-82, 2015. Q. Ge, X. Liu, G. Parada, S.K. Mallapragada, and M. Akinc, "Synthesis of Mesoporous Zirconia Templated by Block Copolymer-Lysozyme Conjugate in Aqueous media," Science of Advance Materials, 6(10), 2106-2114, 2014. Md. Imteyaz Ahmad, Gaurav Mohanty, Krishna Rajan, and Mufit Akinc, "Crystal growth and mechanical characterization of ZrMo2O8 ," J. Cryst. Growth, 404, 100-106, 2014 Md. Imteyaz Ahmad and Mufit Akinc, "Hydration of ZrW2O8 nanopowders under ambient condition," Mater. Chem. Phys. 145, 403-406, 2014 P.K. Ray, M. Akinc, and M.J. Kramer, "Formation of a multi-layered scale during the oxidation of a NiAl-Mo alloy," Applied Surface Science, 301, 107-111, 2014. Ament, K.A., Kessler, M.R., and Akinc, M., "Shear Thinning Behavior of Aqueous Alumina Nanoparticle Suspensions with Saccharides," Ceramics International, 40(2), 3533-3542, 2014. Thunga, M., Akinc, M., and Kessler, M.R., "Tailoring the toughness and CTE of High Temperature Bisphenol E Cyanate Ester (BECy) Resin," Express Polymer Letters, 8, 336-344, 2014.
