1996.10—1999.09: 东京大学工学系研究科社会基础专业、博士课程、获博士学位
1994.10—1996.09: 东京大学工学系研究科土木工程专业、硕士课程、获硕士学位
1987.09—1991.07: 北京大学计算机科学系软件专业、本科、学术学位
1. H.Zhao, C.Wang, Y.Lin, F.Guillemard, S.Geronimi, F.Aioun, On-road Vehicle Trajectory Collection and Scene-based Lane Change Analysis: Part I, IEEE Trans on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18(1), 192-205, 2017.
2. W.Yao, Q.Zeng, Y.Lin, D.Xu, H.Zhao, F.Guillemard, S.Geronimi, F.Aioun, On-road Vehicle Trajectory Collection and Scene-based Lane Change Analysis: Part II, IEEE Trans on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18(1), 206-220, 2017.
3. J.Mei, Y.Yu, H.Zhao, H.Zha, Scene-adaptive Off-road Detection Using a Monocular Camera, IEEE Trans on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017.
4. C.Wang, Y.Fang, H.Zhao, C.Guo, S.Mita, H.Zha, Probabilistic Inference for Occluded and Multiview On-road Vehicle Detection, IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 17(1), 215 – 229, 2016.
5. Zhao,H., Sha,J., Zhao,Y., Cui,J., Zha,H., Shibasaki,R., Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects at Intersections using a Network of Laser Scanners, IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation System, vol. 13, no.2, 655-670, 2012.