B.A., Occidental College, 1987
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1992
Areas of Interest
Polymers, biomaterials, nanomaterials, wound repair, tissue engineering.
Research Areas
The Grinstaff Group pursues highly interdisciplinary research in the areas of biological and macromolecular chemistry. The major goal in these research projects is to elucidate the underlying fundamental chemistry and engineering principles and to use that insight to direct our creative and scientific efforts.
We are designing, synthesizing, and characterizing novel dendrimers, termed “biodendrimers,” for tissue engineering and biotechnological applications. Currently, we are evaluating these novel biomaterials for the repair of corneal lacerations, for the delivery of anti-cancer drugs, for the delivery of DNA, and as temporary biodegradable scaffolds for cartilage repair.
We are creating novel polymeric coatings termed “interfacial biomaterials” that control biology on plastic, metal, and ceramic surfaces.
We are designing electrochemical-based sensors/devices using conducting polymer nanostructures and specific DNA structural motifs.