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I am interested in the dynamics of plant populations faced with large scale environmental change. The abundance, distribution and, in many cases, the survival of species in the next century will be shaped by an unprecedented combination of human land use, climate change, and changing atmospheric chemistry. Anticipating these trends is difficult, but we can often gain insight by examining how populations have responded to similar environmental perturbations in the past. Evidence for past population shifts comes from the physical traces individuals leave behind (in paleoecological data such as fossil pollen in sediments and tree-rings) and from the genetic structures of modern and past populations. My lab gathers these fragmentary records of population change and links them to environmental and biological processes using statistical models. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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McLachlan, J. S., J. S. Clark, and P. S. Manos. 2005. Molecular Indicators of Tree Migration Capacity under Rapid Climate Change. Ecology 86(8): 2088-2098. Blum, M. J., J. S. McLachlan, C. J. Saunders, and J. D. Herrick. 2005. Characterization of microsatellite loci in Schoenoplectus americanus (Cyperaceae). Molecular Ecology Notes 5(3): 661-663. McLachlan, J. S. and Clark, J. S. 2004. Reconstructing historical ranges with fossil data. Forest Ecology and Management 197: 139-147. McLachlan, J. S., D. R. Foster, S. Clayden, and S. Barry. 2004. Long-term forest and landscape dynamics. In D.R. Foster and J. D. Aber, eds. Forests in Time: the Environmental Consequences of 1000 Years of Change in New England . Yale University Press, New Haven, CT. Clark, J. S. and J. S. McLachlan. 2003. Stability of forest diversity. Nature 423: 635-638. Clark, J. S., M. Lewis, J. S. McLachlan, and J. Hille Ris Lambers. 2003. Estimating population spread: what can we forecast and how well? Ecology 84: 1979-1988. McLachlan, J. S., D. R. Foster and F. Menalled. 2000. Anthropogenic origins of late -successional structure and composition in four New England hemlock stands. Ecology 81: 717-733.
