Editorial Board Member, Integrative and Comparative Biology (Oxford University Press), 2008-2013
Program Officer, Animal Behavior Society (Western Hemisphere), 2006-2009
behavioral endocrinology; evolution of sexual dimorphism; visual and chemical signals and social communication; stress physiology; environmental endocrine disruptors.
Hews DK, Abell-Banicki AJ (2013) The breeding season duration hypothesis: acute handling stress and total plasma concentrations of corticosterone and androgens in male and female striped plateau lizards (Sceloporus virgatus). Journal of Comparative Physiology –B 183(7): 933-946. DOI 10.1007/s00360-013-0766-z
Ossip-Klein AG, Fuentes JA, Hews DK, Martins EP (2013) Information content is more important than sensory system or physical distance in guiding the long-term evolutionary relationships between signaling modalities in Sceloporus lizards. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 67(9): 1513-1522. doi:10.1007/s00265-013-1535-4.
Hews DK, Hara E, Anderson MC (2012) Sex and species differences in plasma testosterone and in counts of androgen receptor-positive cells in key brain regions of Sceloporus lizard species that differ in aggression, General & Comparative Endocrinology 176:493-499
Robertson JM, Hoversten K, Grundler M, Poorten TJ, Hews DK, Rosenblum EB (2011) Colonization of novel white sands habitat associated with changes in lizard anti-predator behavior. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 103(3):657-667.
Hews DK, Date P,Hara E Castellano MJ (2011) Field presentations of male secretions alter social display rates in Sceloporus virgatus but not in S. undulatus lizards. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 65:1403-1410.
Quinn VS, Hews DK (2010) The evolutionary decoupling of behavioral and color cues in a multicomponent signal in two Sceloporus lizards. Ethology116: 509-516.
Thaker M, Lima SL, Vanak AT, Hews DK (2010) Hormonal mediation of aversive learning: attack intensity affects memory in a wild vertebrate. American Naturalist 175: 50-60 and Supplemental Online Materials.
Thaker M, Lima SL, Hews DK (2009) Corticosterone mediation of antipredator responses in male lizards with alternative reproductive tactics. Hormones & Behavior 56: 51–57.
Thaker M, Lima SL, Hews DK (2009) Alternative antipredator tactics in tree lizard morphs: hormonal and behavioral responses to a predator encounter. Animal Behaviour 77: 395-401.
Calisi RM, Malone JH, Hews DK (2008) Female secondary coloration in the Mexican boulder spiny lizard (Sceloporus pyrocephalus) is associated with nematode load. Journal of Zoology, London 276: 358-367.
Baird, T.A. and Hews, D.K. (2007) Plasma levels of steroid hormones in territorial and non-territorial male collard lizards. Physiology & Behavior 92(4): 755–763.
Calisi, R.M. and Hews, D.K. (2007) Steroid correlates of multiple color traits in the spiny lizard, Sceloporus pyrocephalus. Journal of Comparative Physiology Series B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology 177 (6):641-654.
Quinn, V.S. and Hews, D.K. (2005) Detection and response to conspecific chemical cues by ornate tree lizards (Urosaurus ornatus). Journal of Herpetology 39: 496-499.
Hews, D.K., M. Castellano, and E. Hara. (2004) Aggression in females is also lateralized: left-eye bias during aggressive courtship rejection in lizards. Animal Behaviour 68: 1201-1207.
Quinn, V. S. and D. K. Hews. (2003) Positive relationship between abdominal coloration and dermal melanin density in phrynosomatid lizards. Copeia 2003: 858-864.
Knapp, R., D. K. Hews, C. W. Thompson, L. E. Ray, and M. C. Moore. (2003) Environmental and endocrine correlates of tactic switching by nonterritorial male tree lizards (Urosaurus ornatus). Hormones and Behavior 43: 83-92.
Hews, D. K. and R. A. Worthington. (2001) Fighting from the right side of the brain: Left visual field preference during aggression in free-ranging male tree lizards (Urosaurus ornatus). Brain, Behavior and Evolution 58: 356-361.
Hews, D. K. and M. F. Benard. (2001). Negative association between conspicuous visual display and chemosensory behavior in two phrynosomatid lizards. Ethology 107: 839-850.
Quinn VS, Klukowsky M and Hews DK (2001) Longevity of paint marks and lack of an effect on survivorship or growth of Sceloporus lizards. Herpetological Review 32:92-93.
Quinn, V. S. and D. K. Hews. (2000). Signals and behavioural responses are not coupled in males: aggression affected by replacement of an evolutionarily lost colour signal. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 267: 755-758.