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population genetics; conservation biology; herpetology.


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Tuttle, E.M., Bergland, A.O., Korody, M.L., Brewer, M.S., Newhouse, D.J., Minx, P., Stager, M., Betuel, A., Cheviron, Z.A., Warren, W.C., Gonser, R.A., & Balakrishnan, C.N. 2016. Divergence and functional degradation of a sex chromosome-like supergene. Current Biology 26(3):344-350. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2015.11.069 McCluskey, E.M., Mockford, S.W., Sands, K., Herman, T.B., Johnson, G., and Gonser, R.A.. 2016 . Population genetic structure of Blanding’s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) in New York. Journal of Herpetology 50(1):70-76. (doi: 10.1670/14-027) Rathbun, N.A., Grunst, A.S., Grunst, M.L., Hubbard, J.K., Safran, R.J., Gonser, R.A., & Tuttle, E.M. 2015. Quantitative color variation within and across morphs of the polymorphic White-throated Sparrow. Auk 132: 92-104. Jamison, A., Tuttle, E., Jensen, R., Bierly, G., & Gonser, R. 2015. Spatial ecology, landscapes, and the geography of vector-borne disease: A multi-disciplinary review. Applied Geography 63: 418-426. Myers, N., Barad, J., Chao, C.-A., Gonser, R.A., Mikolaj, P., Steding, C., Stuart, G., & Tuttle, E.M. 2015. Wicked problems in genomics: Using interdisciplinary collaboration to promote responsible advocacy in addressing genomic risks. URMIS Insights, February 2015. Tuttle, E.M., Sebastian, P.J., Posto, A.L., Soini, H.A., Novotny, M.V., & Gonser, R.A. 2014. Variation in Preen Oil Composition Pertaining to Season, Sex, and Genotype In the Polymorphic White-Throated Sparrow. Journal of Chemical Ecology 40(9): 1025-1038; DOI 10.1007/s10886-014-0493-2. Balakrishnan, C.N., Mukai, M., Gonser, R.A., Wingfield, J.C, London, S.E., Tuttle, E.M., & Clayton, D. 2014. Brain transcriptome sequencing and assembly of three songbird model systems for the study of social behavior. PeerJ 2:e396; DOI 10.7717/peerj.396. Jensen, R.R., Gonser, R.A., and Joyner, C. 2014. Landscape factors that contribute to animal-vehicle collisions in two northern Utah canyons. Applied Geography 50: 74-79. Betuel, A.M., Tuttle, E.M., and Gonser, R.A. 2014. Sharp-shinned Hawk predation on a ground-nesting bird, the White-throated Sparrow. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 126(1): 161–165. Romanov, M.N., Dodgson, J.B., Gonser, R.A., & Tuttle, E.M. 2011. Comparative BAC-based mapping in the white-throated sparrow, a novel behavioral genomics model, using interspecies overgo hybridization. BMC Research Notes 4:211. Gonser, R. A., Jensen, R., Lulla, V., & McCluskey, E. 2008. Deer-vehicle collisions in Western Indiana. Proceedings of the 21st Biennial Workshop on Aerial Photography, Videography, and High Resolution Digital Imagery for Resource Assessment. View at http://www.geog.byu.edu/faculty/jensen/proceedings/ Gonser, R. A. & Horn, J.S. 2007. Deer-Vehicle Collisions along the suburban-urban Fringe. In Jensen, R.R., Gatrell, J.D., & McLean, D.D. (eds.): Geospatial technologies in urban environments: policy, practice and pixels. Springer-Verlag. pp. 177-196. Tuttle, E.M., Jensen, R.R., Formica, V.A., & Gonser, R.A. 2006. Using remote sensing image texture to study habitat use patterns: A case study using the polymorphic white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis). Global Ecology and Biogeography 15: 349-357. Download PDF - (163 Kb) Stutchbury, B.J.M., Pitcher, T.E., Norris, D.R., Tuttle, E.M., & Gonser, R.A. 2005. Does male extra-territory foray effort affect within and extra-pair fertilization success in hooded warblers, Wilsonia citrina? Journal of Avian Biology 36: 471-477. Download PDF - (99 Kb) Gonser, R.A. 2004. Positive learning experiences: contextual software training workshops with pre-service teachers. Innovators in Education. Indiana State University Press, pp. 61-73. PDFDownload PDF (636 Kb) Formica, V.A., Gonser, R.A., Ramsay, S.M., and Tuttle, E.M. 2004. Spatial dynamics of alternative reproductive strategies: the role of neighbors. Ecology 85(4): 1125-1136. PDFDownload PDF (3.04 MB) Gonser, R.A., Moore, S.W., and Shimer, S.S. 2003. Mock job application and interview assignment that is adaptable for students at all levels of education. The Hoosier Science Teacher. 3: 76-83. Gonser, R., P. Donnelly, G. Nicholson, et al. 2000. Microsatellite mutations and inferences about human demography. Genetics 154: 1793-1807. PDFDownload PDF (391 Kb) Gonser, R. A. and R. V. Collura. 1996. Waste not, want not: toe-clips as a source of DNA. Journal of Herpetology 30: 445-447. PDFDownload PDF (118 Kb) Gonser, R. A. and L. L. Woolbright. 1995. Homing behavior of the Puerto Rican frog, Eleutherodactylus coqui. Journal of Herpetology 29: 481-484. PDFDownload PDF (534 Kb)
