Invariant mass distribution of top quark pairs near threshold.2019
Two-loop triangle integrals with 4 scales for the HZV vertex.2019
Thrust distribution in Higgs decays at the next-to-leading order and beyond.JHEP,030,2019
Resummation for rapidity distributions in top-quark pair production.JHEP,060,2018
Towards a new approximation for pair-production and associated-production of the Higgs boson.JHEP,211,2018
The next-to-next-to-leading order soft function for top quark pair production.JHEP,013,2018
Resummation for (boosted) top-quark pair production at NNLO+NNLL' in QCD.JHEP,149,2018
NNLL resummation for the associated production of a top pair and a Higgs boson at the LHC.JHEP,126,2016
Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 4. Deciphering the Nature of the Higgs Sector.2016
Mixed QCD-EW corrections for Higgs boson production at e+e− colliders.Phys. Rev.,093003,2016
Resummed differential cross sections for top-quark pairs at the LHC.Phys. Rev. Lett.,202001,2016
Higgs boson pair production in the D=6 extension of the SM.JHEP,167,2014
Calculation of the transverse parton distribution functions at next-to-next-to-leading order.JHEP,155,2014
Top quark pair production at small transverse momentum in hadronic collisions.Phys. Rev. D,074004,2013
Top-quark pair production at high invariant mass: an NNLO soft plus virtual approximation.JHEP,032,2013
Higgs boson self-coupling measurements using ratios of cross sections.JHEP,016,2013
Higgs boson pair production at the LHC in the bb¯W+W− channel.Phys. Rev. D,011301,2012
Transverse parton distribution functions at next-to-next-to-leading order: the quark-to-quark case.Phys. Rev. Lett.,242003,2012
Transverse-momentum resummation for top-quark pairs at hadron colliders.Phys. Rev. Lett.,082001,2012
The NNLO soft function for the pair invariant mass distribution of boosted top quarks.JHEP,180,2012