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徐仁新关注天文观测发现的压缩重子物质,特别是脉冲星。日常生活中的原子核是重子的典型代表,它们之间的Coulomb排斥有效地阻止其通过挤压物质而聚合起来。然而天体极端环境时常出人意料:大质量恒星演化至晚期时,其核心引力如此之强以至于其他任何力(当然包括Coulomb排斥)都难以媲美——压缩重子物质就这样在超新星爆发过程中诞生,并表现为观测到的脉冲星。对这类压缩重子物质的研究将不仅加深对强作用低能行为的认识, 而且有助于检验引力理论、探测低频引力波、建立精确的时间标准和导航体系,还是国际或国内在建或拟建大型天文望远镜的核心课题。 超新星产生的致密物质处于何种状态?不幸也是幸运的是,因跟量子色动力学的非微扰性质有关,这一问题至今没有定论。历史上Lev Landau曾推测恒星核心存在着巨大的原子核(可以看作“中子星模型”的原型),其密度接近甚至超过原子核密度。通过中子化过程,巨原子核一定是丰中子的(因而称之为“中子星”)。然而徐仁新及其合作者给出截然不同的观点:超新星遗留残骸不是中子星而是“奇子星”。众所周知,一般原子核由核子组成;如果三味对称性得到恢复的话,则巨原子核会由奇子组成。未来他们将进一步完善奇子星模型,并期待更多观测检验。


particle astrophysics, pulsars, quark stars, neutron stars


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Tong, H., Xu, R. X. 2013, The timing behavior of magnetar Swift J1822.3-1606: timing noise or a decreasing period derivative? RAA, 768, 144 Xu, R. X. 2013, Compressed Baryonic Matter: from Nuclei to Pulsars, Sci. Sin-Phys. Mech. Astron., 43, 1288-1298 (in Chinese) Liu, X. W., Xu, R. X., Qiao, G. J., Han, J. L., Tong, H. 2014, Braking PSR J1734-3333 by a possible fall-back disk, RAA, 14, 85-92 Guo, Y. J., Lai, X. Y., Xu, R. X. 2014, A corresponding-state approach to quark-cluster matter, Chin. Phys. C. 38, 055101 Xu, R. X. 2014, A solution to the puzzling symbiotic X-ray system 4U 1700+24, RAA, 14, 617-624 Zhou, E. P., Lu, J. G., Tong, H., Xu, R. X. 2014, Two types of glitches in a solid quark star model, MNRAS, 443, 2705-2710 Guo, Y. J., Dai, S.,Li, Z. S., Liu, Y., Tong, H. Xu, R. X. 2015, To understand the X-ray spectrum of anomalous X-ray pulsars and soft gamma-ray repeaters, RAA, 15, 525-536 Li, Z. S., Qu, Z. J., Chen, L., Guo, Y. J., Qu, J. L., Xu, R. X. 2015, An Ultra Low Mass and Small Radius Compact Object in 4U 1746-37? ApJ, 798, 56 Lin, M. X., Xu, R. X., Zhang, B. 2015, Oscillation Driven Magnetospheric Activity In Pulsars, ApJ, 799, 152 Liu, X. W., Xu, R. X., van der Heuvel, E.P.J., Qiao, G. J., Han, J. L., Han, Z. W., Li, X. D. 2015, The extremely long period X-ray source in a young Supernova Remnent: a descendant of Thorne-Zytkow Object?, ApJ, 799, 233 Qu, Z. J., Li, Z. S., Chen, Y. P., Dai, S., Ji, L., Xu, R. X.,Zhang, S. 2015, Analysis of short bursts in SGR 1806-20, 1E 1048-5937 and SGR 0501+4516, PASP, 127, 211 Dai, S., Smith, M. C., Lin, M. X., Yue, Y. L., Hobbs, G., Xu, R. X. 2015, Gravitational microlensing of neutron stars and radio pulsars: event rates, time-scale distributions and mass measurements, ApJ, 802, 120 Lai, X. Y., Xu, R. X. 2016, Small glitches: the role of strange nuggets, RAA, 16, 46 Lai, X. Y., Xu, R. X., 2016, Spontaneous Magnetization of Solid Quark-cluster Stars, Chinese Physics C, 9, 095102 Wang, W. Y., Lu, J. G., Tong, H., Ge, M. Y., Li, Z. S., Men, Y. P., and Xu, R. X. 2017, The optical/UV excess of X-ray dim isolated neutron star: I. Bremsstrahlung emission from a strangeon star atmosphere, ApJ, 837, 81 Dai, S., Smith, M. C., Wang, S., Okamoto, S., Xu, R. X., Yue, Y. L., Liu, J. F. 2017, Identification of the white dwarf companion to millisecond pulsar J2317+1439, ApJ, 842, 105 Yuan, M., Lu, J. G., Yang, Z. L., Lai, X. Y., and Xu, R. X. 2017, Supernova neutrino in a strangeon star model, RAA, 17, 92 Li, Z. S., Falanga, M., Chen, L., Qu, Z. L., Xu, R. X. 2017, Simultaneous constraints on the mass and radius of Aql X-1 from quiescence and X-ray burst observations, ApJ, 945, 8 Wang, W. Y., Luo, R., Yue, H, Chen, X. L., Lee, K. J. and Xu, R. X. 2018, FRB 121102: a star quake-induced repeater?, ApJ, 852, 140 Lai, X. Y., Yu, Y. W., Zhou, E. P., Li, Y. Y. and Xu, R. X. 2018, Merging Strangeon Stars, RAA, 18 (2), 24 Zhou, E. P., Tsokaros, A., Rezzolla, L., Xu, R. X., Uryu, K. 2018, Uniformly rotating, axisymmetric and triaxial quark stars in general relativity, PRD, 97, 023013 Li, Y. Y, Wang, W. Y., Ge, M. Y., Liu, X. W., Tong, H. and Xu, R. X. 2018, Calvera: A low-mass strangeon star torqued by debris disk?, ApJ, 854, 165 Hou, S. J, Liu, T., Xu, R. X., Mu, H. J., Song, C. Y., Lin, D. B. and Gu, W. M., 2018, X-ray light curve in GRB 170714A: evidence for quark star?, ApJ, 854, 104 Lai, X. Y., Yun, C. Y., Lu, J. G., Lv, G. L., Wang, Z. J. and Xu, R. X. 2018, Pulsar Glitches in a Strangeon Star Model, MNRAS, 476, 3303 Wang, W. Y., Feng, Y., Lai, X. Y., Lu, J. G., Chen, X. L. and Xu, R. X. 2018, The optical/UV excess of X-ray dim isolated neutron star: II. nonuniformity of plasma on strangeon star surface, RAA, 18(7), 82 Lu, J. G., Zhou, E. P., Lai, X. Y. and Xu, R. X., 2018, Causal propagation of signal in strangeon matter, Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron., 61, 089511 Xu, R. X., 2018, Strong Matter: Rethinking Philosophically, Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron., 61, 109531 Li, Z. S., Suleimanov, V. F.; Poutanen, J., Salmi T., Falanga, M., N?ttil?, J., Xu, R. X., 2018, Evidence for the photoionization absorption edge in a photospheric radius expansion X-ray burst from GRS 1747-312 in Terzan 6, ApJ, 866, 53 Lai, X. Y., Zhou, E. P. and Xu, R. X. 2019, Strangeons constitute bulk strong matter: To test using GW170817, EPJA (Topical Issue "The first Neutron Star Merger Observation - Implications for Nuclear Physics"), in press
