陈忠明,北京大学环境科学与工程学院环境科学系主任,教授,研究大气环境科学。1995年获北京大学理学博士学位,创立环境模拟与污染控制国家重点实验室(北京大学)大气化学反应动力学实验室,荣获北京大学首届优秀博士论文奖,留校工作至今。1996年在法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS)燃烧与反应系统实验室做访问学者。1998至2000年应邀在日本国立名古屋大学大气水圈科学研究所工作,先后担任日本文部省先端研究中心(COE)客员教授和日本学术振兴会(JSPS)研究员。访问众多大学,包括英国剑桥大学、美国加州大学伯克利分校、欧文分校、戴维斯分校、洛杉矶分校、加州理工学院、威斯康星大学、乔治亚工学院、哈佛大学、日本京都大学、早稻田大学等,与相关领域知名教授进行广泛学术交流。负责或参加国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划课题、国家973课题、国家863课题等科研项目十余项。已发表国内外期刊论文90余篇。荣获中国环境科学学会青年科技奖、教育部优秀青年教师资助计划、教育部科学技术进步一等奖等奖励。中国气象学会大气成分专业委员会委员、中国光学会光谱专业委员会副主任委员、中国环境科学学会高级会员、美国AGU会员、欧洲EGU会员。担任国际期刊《Environmental Chemistry》顾问编委,国际期刊《Atmosphere》编委,中国光学会期刊《光谱学与光谱分析》编委。
Wang SY, Zhao Y, Chan AWH, Yao M, Chen ZM, Abbatt JPD. Organic peroxides in aerosol: key reactive intermediates for multiphase processes in the atmosphere. Chemical Reviews [Internet]. 2023;123(4):1635-1679. 访问链接Abstract
Qin X, Chen ZM, Gong YW, Dong P, Cao ZJ, Hu JC, Xu JY. Persistent uptake of H2O2 onto ambient PM2.5 via dark-Fenton chemistry. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2022;56(14):9978-9987. 访问链接Abstract
Hu JC, Chen ZM, Qin X, Dong P. Reversible and irreversible gas–particle partitioning of dicarbonyl compounds observed in the real atmosphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics [Internet]. 2022;22(10):6971-6987. 访问链接Abstract
Dong P, Chen ZM, Qin X, Gong YW. Water significantly changes the ring-cleavage process during aqueous photooxidation of toluene. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2021;55(24):16316-16325. 访问链接Abstract
Gong YW, Chen ZM. Quantification of the role of stabilized Criegee intermediates in the formation of aerosols in limonene ozonolysis. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics [Internet]. 2021;21(2):813-829. 访问链接Abstract
Xuan XN, Chen ZM, Gong YW, Shen HQ, Chen SY. Partitioning of hydrogen peroxide in gas-liquid and gas-aerosol phases. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics [Internet]. 2020;20(9):5513–5526. 访问链接Abstract
Qian X, Shen HQ, Chen ZM. Characterizing summer and winter carbonyl compounds in Beijing atmosphere. Atmospheric Environment [Internet]. 2019;214:116845. 访问链接Abstract
Gong YW, Chen ZM, Li H. The oxidation regime and SOA composition in limonene ozonolysis: Roles of different double bonds, radicals, and water. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics [Internet]. 2018;18(20):15105-15123. 访问链接Abstract
Shen HQ, Chen ZM, Li H, Qian X, Qin X, Shi WX. Gas-particle partitioning of carbonyl compounds in the ambient atmosphere. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2018;52(19):10997−11006. 访问链接Abstract
Qin MR, Chen ZM, Shen HQ, Li H, Wu HH, Wang Y. Impacts of heterogeneous reactions to atmospheric peroxides: Observations and budget analysis study. Atmospheric Environment [Internet]. 2018;183:144-153,. 访问链接Abstract
Xing YN, Li H, Huang LB, Wu HH, Shen HQ, Chen ZM. The production of formaldehyde and hydroxyacetone in methacrolein photooxidation: New insights into mechanism and effects of water vapor. Journal of Environmental Sciences [Internet]. 2018;66:1-11. 访问链接Abstract
Wu HH, Wang Y, Li H, Huang LB, Huang D, Shen HQ, Xing YN, Chen ZM. The OH-initiated oxidation of atmospheric peroxyacetic acid: Experimental and model studies. Atmospheric Environment. 2017;164:61-70.Abstract
Rao ZH, Chen ZM, Liang H, Huang HL, Huang D. Carbonyl compounds over urban Beijing: Concentrations on haze and non-haze days and effects on radical chemistry. Atmospheric Environment. 2016;124:207-216.Abstract
Shen XL, Wu HH, Zhao Y, Huang D, Huang LB, Chen ZM. Heterogeneous reactions of glyoxal on mineral particles: A new avenue for oligomers and organosulfate formation. Atmospheric Environment. 2016;131:133-140.Abstract
Huang LB, Zhao Y, Li H, Chen ZM. Hydrogen peroxide maintains the heterogeneous reaction of sulfur dioxide on mineral dust proxy particles. Atmospheric Environment. 2016;141:552-559.Abstract
Wang Y, Chen ZM, Wu QQ, Liang H, Huang LB, Li H, Lu KD, Wu YS, Dong HB, Zeng LM, et al. Observation of atmospheric peroxides during Wangdu Campaign 2014 at a rural site in the North China Plain. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2016;16(17):10985-11000.Abstract
Li H, Chen ZM, Huang LB, Huang D. Organic peroxides' gas-particle partitioning and rapid heterogeneous decomposition on secondary organic aerosol. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2016;16(3):1837-1848.Abstract
Chen WT, Shao M, Wang M, Lu SH, Liu Y, Yuan B, Yang YD, Zeng LM, Chen ZM, Chang CC, et al. Variation of ambient carbonyl levels in urban Beijing between 2005 and 2012. Atmospheric Environment. 2016;129:105-113.Abstract
Wu QQ, Huang LB, Liang H, Zhao Y, Huang D, Chen ZM. Heterogeneous reaction of peroxyacetic acid and hydrogen peroxide on ambient aerosol particles under dry and humid conditions: kinetics, mechanism and implications. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2015;15(12):6851-6866.Abstract
Huang LB, Zhao Y, Li H, Chen ZM. Kinetics of heterogeneous reaction of sulfur dioxide on authentic mineral dust: effects of relative humidity and hydrogen peroxide. Environmental Science & Technology. 2015;49(18):10797-10805.Abstract
Liang H, Chen ZM, Huang D, Wu QQ, Huang LB. Understanding atmospheric peroxyformic acid chemistry: observation, modeling and implication. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion. 2015;15:2055-2084.