1.Xinpeng Xing, Gaozhan Cai, Georges Gielen, “A Lowpass/Bandpass Reconfigurable Continuous-time ΔΣ ADC for Software-defined Radio”, Accepted by IEEE International Conference on ASIC (ASICON 2015) 2.Xing X., De Bock M., Rombouts P., Gielen G., “A 40MHz-BW 12-bit 84.2dB-SFDR CT ?∑ Modulator with Digital Calibration in 90nm CMOS”, Analog Signal Processing and Integrated Circuits, Volume 84, Issue 1, pp 137-148, July 2015 3.Zhu, P.; Xing, X.*; Gielen, G., “A 40-MHz Bandwidth 0–2 MASH VCO-Based Delta-Sigma ADC With 35-fJ/Step FoM,” in Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, IEEE Transactions on , vol.62, no.10, pp.952-956, Oct. 2015, (*Corresponding author) 4.Xing, X.; Gielen, G.G.E., "A 42 fJ/Step-FoM Two-Step VCO-Based Delta-Sigma ADC in 40 nm CMOS," Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of, vol.50, no.3, pp.714,723, March 2015 5.Zhu P., Xing X., Gielen G., “A 40MHz-BW 35fJ/step-FoM Nonlinearity-Cancelling Two-Step ADC with Dual-Input VCO-Based Quantizer”, IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), 2014, 63-66, Venice, Italy, 2014. 6.Xing X., Gao P., Gielen G., “A 40MHz-BW Two-step Open-loop VCO-based ADC with 42fJ/step FoM in 40nm CMOS”, in Proceedings of IEEE ESSCIRC, pp. 327-330, Bucharest, Romania, 2013. 7.De Bock, M.; Xing, X.; Weyten, L.; Gielen, G.; Rombouts, P., "Calibration of DAC Mismatch Errors in ΣΔ ADCs Based on a Sine-Wave Measurement," Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, IEEE Transactions on, vol.60, no.9, pp.567-571, Sept. 2013 8.Xing, X.; Gielen, G., "40 MHz-BW continuous-time ΔΣ modulator with capacitive local feedback and current-sharing OTA," Electronics Letters, vol.49, no.9, pp.585-586, April 2013 9.Gao P., Xing X., Craninckx J., Gielen G., “Design of an Intrinsically-Linear Double- VCO-based ADC with 2nd-order Noise Shaping”, in Proceedings of IEEE DATE, pp. 1215-1218, Dresden,Germany, 2012. 10.Woestyn P., Rombouts P., Xing X., Gielen G., “A selectable-bandwidth 3.5mW, 0.03mm2 self-oscillating Sigma-Delta modulator with 71dB dynamic range at 5MHz and 65dB at 10MHz bandwidth”, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, No.1 Vol. 71, pp 55-63, July. 2012. 11.Xing X., De Bock M., Rombouts P., Gielen G., “A 40MHz 12bit 84.2dB-SFDR Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulator in 90nm CMOS”, in Proceedings of IEEE ASSCC, pp. 249-252, Jeju, Korea, 2011.