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Ph.D. Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Texas at Dallas, 2006 B.S. Microbiology, University of Texas in Austin, 2000


The clinical motor features of Parkinson’s disease (PD) arise from loss of dopaminergic (DA) neurons in the substantia nigral region of the brain. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying this neuronal loss are currently unknown. As a result, no effective treatments exist that address neurodegeneration in PD. My lab’s interest is in understanding the contributions of stem cell activity, autophagy dysfunction, and heightened inflammatory response to neuronal loss in PD so that targeted therapies can be developed.


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Morrison, B.E. (2016) Discovery of nigral dopaminergic neurogenesis in adult mice. Neural Regeneration Research, 11(6):878-81. Albright, J.E., Stojkovska, I. Rahman, A.A., Brown, C.J., Morrison, B.E. (2016) Nestin-positive/SOX2-negative cells mediate adult neurogenesis of nigral dopaminergic neurons in mice. Neuroscience Letters. 615: 50-54. Eschbach, J., von Einem, B., Müller, K., Bayer, H., Scheffold, A., Morrison, B.E., Rudolph, K.L., Thal, D.R., Witting, A., Weydt, P., Otto, M., Fauler, M., Liss, B., McLean, P.J., La Spada, A.R., Ludolph, A.C., Weishaupt, J.H., Danzer, K.M. (2015) Mutual exacerbation of PGC-1α deregulation and α-synuclein oligomerization. Annals of Neurology. 77(1):15-32. Stojkovska, I., Wagner, B., and Morrison, B.E. (2015) Parkinson’s disease and enhanced inflammatory response. Experimental Biology and Medicine. Nov;240(11):1387-95. Dubinsky, A., Dastidar, S., Hsu, C., Zahra, R., Djakovic, S., Duarte, S., Esau, C., Spencer, B., Ashe, T., Fische, K., MacKenna, D., Sopher, B., Masliah, E., Gaasterland, T., Chau, B.N., Pereira de Almeida, L., Morrison, B.E., La Spada, A.R. (2014) Let-7 coordinately suppresses components of the amino acid sensing pathway to induce autophagy. Cell Metabolism. 20(4):626-38. Morrison, B.E.#, Marcondes, M.C.#, Nomura, D.K., Sanchez-Alavez, M., Sanchez-Gonzelez, A., Saar, I., Kim, K.S., Bartfai, T., Maher, P., Sugama, S., Conti, B. IL-13Rα1 expression in dopaminergic neurons contributes to their oxidative stress–mediated loss following chronic systemic treatment with lipopolysaccharide. Journal of Immunology. 2012. Dec 15;189(12):5498-502. Tsunemi T., Ashe T.D., Morrison, B.E., Soriano K.R., Au J., Roque R.A., Lazarowski E.R., Damian V.A., Masliah E., La Spada A.R., et al. PGC-1α rescues Huntington’s disease proteotoxicity by preventing oxidative stress and promoting TFEB function. Science Translational Medicine. 2012. 4(142):142ra97. Morrison, B.E.#, Nomura, D.K., Blankman, J.L., Long, J.Z., Kinsey, S.G., Marcondes, M.C., Ward, A.M., Hahn, Y.K., Lichtman, A.H., Conti, B., et al. Endocannabinoid hydrolysis generates brain prostaglandins that promote neuroinflammation. Science. 2011. 334:809-813. Klein, I., Sanchez-Alavez, M., Tabarean, I., Schaefer, J., Holmberg, K.H., Klaus, J., Xia, F., Marcondes, M.C., Dubins, J.S., Morrison, B., et al. (2011) AdipoR1 and 2 are expressed on warm sensitive neurons of the hypothalamic preoptic area and contribute to central hyperthermic effects of adiponectin. Brain Research. 2011. 1423:1-9. Osborn, O., Sanchez-Alavez, M., Dubins, J.S., Gonzalez, A.S., Morrison, B., Hadcock, J.R., and Bartfai, T. Ccl22/MDC, is a prostaglandin dependent pyrogen, acting in the anterior hypothalamus to induce hyperthermia via activation of brown adipose tissue. Cytokine. 2011. 53:311-319. Pfister, J.A., Ma, C., Morrison, B.E., and D’Mello, S.R. Opposing effects of sirtuins on neuronal survival: SIRT1-mediated neuroprotection is independent of its deacetylase activity. PloS One. 2008. 3:e4090. Morrison, B.E., and D’Mello, S.R. Polydactyly in mice lacking HDAC9/HDRP. Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2008. 233:980-988. Majdzadeh, N., Wang, L., Morrison, B.E., Bassel-Duby, R., Olson, E.N., and D’Mello, S.R. HDAC4 inhibits cell-cycle progression and protects neurons from cell death. Developmental Neurobiology. 2008. 68:1076-1092. Morrison, B.E., Majdzadeh, N., Zhang, X., Lyles, A., Bassel-Duby, R., Olson, E.N., and D’Mello, S.R. Neuroprotection by histone deacetylase-related protein. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 2006. 26:3550-3564. Johnson, K., Liu, L., Majdzadeh, N., Chavez, C., Chin, P.C., Morrison, B., Wang, L., Park, J., Chugh, P., Chen, H.M., et al. Inhibition of neuronal apoptosis by the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor GW8510: identification of 3′ substituted indolones as a scaffold for the development of neuroprotective drugs. Journal of Neurochemistry. 2005. 93:538-548. Chin, P.C., Liu, L., Morrison, B.E., Siddiq, A., Ratan, R.R., Bottiglieri, T., and D’Mello, S.R. The c-Raf inhibitor GW5074 provides neuroprotection in vitro and in an animal model of neurodegeneration through a MEK-ERK and Akt-independent mechanism. Journal of Neurochemistry. 2004. 90:595-608. Morrison, B.E., Park, S.J., Mooney, J.M., and Mehrad, B. Chemokine-mediated recruitment of NK cells is a critical host defense mechanism in invasive aspergillosis. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2003. 112:1862-1870. Mehrad, B., Wiekowski, M., Morrison, B.E., Chen, S.C., Coronel, E.C., Manfra, D.J., and Lira, S.A. Transient lung-specific expression of the chemokine KC improves outcome in invasive aspergillosis. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2002. 166:1263-1268.
