A New Opportunity for 2D van der Waals Heterostructures: Making Steep-Slope Transistors
A system hierarchy for brain-inspired computing
Target Controllability of Two-Layer Multiplex Networks Based on Network Flow Theory
Towards artificial general intelligence with hybrid Tianjic chip architecture
Training deep neural networks with discrete state transition
L0 norm constraint based external control source allocation for the minimum cost control of directed networks
Fast Object Tracking on a Many-Core Neural Network Chip
GXNOR-Net: Training deep neural networks with ternary weights and activations without full-precision memory under a unified discretization framework
Energy consumption analysis for various memristive networks under different learning strategies
Optimal control of complex networks based on matrix differentiation
Electronic Structure and Spin Configuration Trends of Single Transition Metal Impurity in Phase Change Material
Hierarchical Chunking of Sequential Memory on Neuromorphic Architecture with Reduced Synaptic Plasticity
Complex Learning in Bio-plausible Memristive Networks
Improved partial response maximum likelihood method combining modulation code for signal waveform modulation multi-level disc