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教育经历 1998-2002,中国农业大学化学系 学士 2002-2008,美国俄亥俄州立大学植物生物系 博士 工作经历 2008-2013,美国诺贝尔基金会 博士后 2014.01-2014.04,美国诺贝尔基金会 高级科研人员 2014.05-2019.11,清华大学生命科学学院 研究员,博导 2019.12-至今,中国科学院先进技术研究院 研究员,博导 学术兼职 2018-今,顾问编委会成员,Trends in Plant Science 2015-今,编委, Journal of Experimental Botany 2010-2018,编委, Plant Cell Reports


植物糖基转移酶功能解析 植物中含有丰富的次级代谢产物,种类超过40万种。糖基化是一种常见的修饰方式,赋予化合物复杂且多样的结构,形成种类繁多的糖基化产物。糖基化修饰可以改变相应苷元的催化活性、溶解性、稳定性及其在细胞中的定位,在调节激素的稳态平衡,外源有害物质解毒,抵御生物和非生物胁迫中都发挥着重要的作用。植物UGTs(UDP糖基转移酶能够利用不同的糖基供体,糖基化多种多样的植物小分子化合物。目前的研究多数集中在生化功能的确定上,UGTs具有底物杂泛性和催化杂泛性,同一个UGT在体外可以催化结构不同的底物,且不同的UGTs可以识别同一种的底物。此外,由于植物体内的底物可得性和特殊且复杂多变的细胞环境,这些通过生化方法对UGTs活性、生理功能等的研究结果往往不能反映UGTs在植物体内的真实功能。 实验室建立了一种特异针对糖基化合物的代谢组和同位素标记前体化合物示踪相结合(Glycosides-specific metabolomics combined with precursor isotopic labeling, GSM-PIL)的方法,可以高效、准确鉴定UGTs在植物体内的产物,解析UGTs在特定代谢通路中的作用。该方法极大缩小了目标化合物的范围,在糖基化合物定性、方法可靠性方面较传统生化手段或非靶向方法有较大提升,为植物糖基转移酶的功能解析提供了新手段。 芳香族氨基酸合成与代谢途径解析 酪氨酸,苯丙氨酸和色氨酸是植物体内的三种芳香族氨基酸。这三种氨基酸不仅仅是蛋白质合成所必不可少的基本组成单元,也是种类繁多的次生代谢物和一些植物激素的前体。例如植物激素中的生长素,水杨酸以及次生代谢物木质素,花青素等都是芳香族氨基酸的衍生物。这些芳香族氨基酸的衍生物对于植物生长发育,抵抗各种逆境胁迫非常的重要。据统计,大约有百分之三十来自光合作用的碳都用来合成芳香族衍生的代谢物。目前已知三种芳香族氨基酸都是由发生在叶绿体的莽草酸途径合成。但合成途径的相关基因功能以及调控不是非常清楚。我们前期的工作发现了一个拟南芥芳香族氨基酸合成降低的突变体(raa),有明显的发育表型。利用正向遗传学的筛选,目前得到了多个该突变体的表型恢复突变体。进一步通过测序得到基因信息,发现并鉴定参与拟南芥芳香族氨基酸合成、代谢及调控的基因。 应用植物人工染色体重塑信号和代谢通路 人工合成遗传信息载体染色体是实现人工生命的首要目标,这已经成为合成生物学乃至生命科学的发展前沿。我们利用合成生物学的方法,开展植物人工染色体的设计与组装,在低等植物中构建高等植物特有的次生代谢通路,研究高等植物特有的代谢物在植物进化中的作用。木质素是高等植物特有细胞壁组分,低等植物例如苔藓类植物没有木质素的合成。目前的研究认为,早期的植物之所以矮小是因为不具备长距离运输水的能力,而且没有足够的机械支撑力来使植物长高却不倒塌。我们拟利用人工染色体技术合成所有参与木质素合成以及调控的基因,转入同源重组效率较高的小立碗藓中,研究木质素的存在是否可以加速苔藓类植物在株高方面的进化。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

I. Articles (correspondence author) Jie Wu, Wentao Zhu, Xiaotong Shan, Jinyue Liu, Lingling Zhao, and Qiao Zhao* (2022) Glycosides specific metabolomics combined with precursor isotopic labeling for characterizating plant glycosyltransferases. Molecular Plant 15: 1428–1443.? Featured cover article Jie Wu, Wentao Zhu and Qiao Zhao* (2023) Salicylic acid biosynthesis is NOT from phenylalanine in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology? 65: 881–887. (Breakthrough report). Editorial article in JIPB: Jingjing Tan, Ping He, De-Yu Xie (2023) Unrelated to phenylalanine: Feeding studies provide new insight into salicylic acid biosynthesis.? Journal of Integrative Plant Biology? 65: 879–880. Yutong Zhang, Xiaotong Shan, Qiao Zhao*, Fengling Shi* (2022) The MicroRNA397a-LACCASE17 module regulates lignin biosynthesis in Medicago ruthenica (L.). Frontiers in Plant Science 2968. (Co-correspondence author) Mengling Guan, Changxuan Li, Xiaotong Shan, Fang Chen,Shufang Wang, Richard A. Dixon and QiaoZhao* (2022) Dual mechanisms of coniferyl alcohol in phenylpropanoidpathway regulation. Frontiers in Plant Science 13: 896540-896540. Pan Geng, Su Zhang, Jinyue Liu, Cuihuan Zhao, Jie Wu, Yingping Cao, Chunxiang Fu, Xue Han, Hang He, Qiao Zhao* (2020) MYB20, MYB42, MYB43 and MYB85 regulate phenylalanine and lignin biosynthesis during secondary cell wall formation.? Plant Physiology 182: 1272-1283. Xiaochen Wang, Jie Wu, Mengling Guan, Cuihuan Zhao, Pan Geng, Qiao Zhao* (2019) Arabidopsis MYB4 plays dual roles in flavonoid biosynthesis. The Plant Journal 101: 635-652. Jie Wu and Qiao Zhao* (2019) Sweeten almonds: a single mutation in the bHLH2 transcription factor. Trends in Plant Science 24:976-978 (spotlight).? Bin Wang and Qiao Zhao* (2018) Membrane-bound metabolons. Nature Plants 4:245-246 (news and views).???? Juan Du, Yang Zhang* and Qiao Zhao* (2018) New components of the lignin biosynthetic metabolon. Trends in Plant Science 23:557-559.? Qiao Zhao* (2016) Lignification: flexibility, biosynthesis and regulation. Trends in Plant Science 21:713-721.? Qiao Zhao* and Richard A. Dixon (2011) (*corresponding author) Transcriptional network for lignin biosynthesis: more complex than we thought? Trends in Plant Science 16:227-233. Articles (first /co-first author) Qiao Zhao, Yining Zeng, Yanbin Yin, Yunqiao Pu, Lisa A. Jackso, Shi-You Ding, Arthur J Ragauskas and Richard A. Dixon (2015) Pinoresinol reductase 1 impacts lignin distribution during secondary cell wall biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Phytochemistry 112:170-178. Qiao Zhao and Richard A. Dixon (2014) Altering the cell wall and its impact on plant disease: from forage tobioenergy. Annual Review of Phytopathology 52:4.1-4.23. Qiao Zhao, Jin Nakashima, Fang Chen, Yanbin Yin, Chunxiang Fu, Jianfei Yun, Hui Shao, Xiaoqiang Wang, Zeng-Yu Wang and Richard A. Dixon (2013) LACCASE is necessary and non-redundant with PEROXIDASE for lignin polymerization duringvascular development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 25: 3976-3987. Qiao Zhao, Yuki Tobamitsu, Rui Zhou, SivakumarPattathil, Yanbin Yin, Lina Gallego-Giraldo, Chunxiang Fu, Lisa A. Jackson, MichaelG. Hahn, Hoon Kim, JohnRalph, Fang Chen, and Richard A. Dixon (2013) Loss of function of Cinnamyl Alcohol Dehydrogenase 1 leads to unconventional lignin and a temperature-sensitive growth defect in Medicago truncatula. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 110:13660-13665. Qiao Zhao and Iris Meier (2011) Identification and characterization of the Arabidopsis FG-repeat nucleoporin Nup62. Plant Signaling & Behavior 6:330-334. Qiao Zhao, Huanzhong Wang, Yanbin Yin,Ying Xu, Fang Chen and Richard A. Dixon (2010) Syringyl-lignin biosynthesis is directly regulated by a secondary wall master transcription factor NST1. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107:14496-14501. Qiao Zhao, Lina Gallego-Giraldo, Huanzhong Wang, Yining Zeng, Shi-You Ding, Fang Chen and Richard A. Dixon (2010) An NAC transcription factor orchestrates multiple features of cell wall development in Medicago truncatula. Plant Journal 63:100-114. Jelena Brkljacic, Qiao Zhao* and Iris Meier (2009) (*co-firstauthor) WPP-domain proteins mimic the activity of the HSC70-1 chaperone in preventing mis-targeting of RanGAP1-anchoring protein WIT1. Plant Physiology 151:142-154. Qiao Zhao*, Jelena Brkljacic and Iris Meier (2008) (*co-first author) Two distinct, interacting classes of nuclear envelope-associated proteins are required for the tissue-specific nuclear-envelope targeting of Arabidopsis RanGAP. Plant Cell 20:1639-1651. Qiao Zhao*, Sara Leung, Anita H. Corbett, and Iris Meier (2006) (*co-first author) Identification and characterization of the Arabidopsis orthologs of Nuclear Transport Factor 2, the nuclear import factor of Ran. Plant Physiology 140:869-878.? III. Other Articles (co-authors) Xinyu Liu, Peijun Zhang, Qiao Zhao, Ancheng Huang (2022) Making small molecules in plants: A chassis for synthetic biology-based production of plant natural products. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. (Accepted).? Xi Liu, Shuliu Dai, Yu Zhou, Jinyue Liu, Dong Li, Jun Zhang, Yushan Zhu, Qiao Zhao, Yue Feng, Yi Zhang (2022) Crystal structure of the plant feruloyl–coenzyme A monolignol transferase provides insights into the formation of monolignol ferulate conjugates. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 594:8-14. Bin Wang, Xianhai Zhao, Yunjun Zhao, John Shanklin, Qiao Zhao, Changjun Liu (2021) Arabidopsis SnRK1 negatively regulates phenylpropanoid metabolism via Kelch domain-containing F-box proteins. New Phytologist 229:3345-3359. Xiaofeng Fang, Gaozhan Zhao, Su Zhang, Yaoxi Li, Hanqing Gu, Yan Li, Qiao Zhao and Yijun Qi* (2019) Chloroplast-to-Nucleus Signaling Regulates MicroRNA Biogenesis in Arabidopsis. Developmental Cell 48:1–12. Huanzhong Wang, Qiao Zhao, Fang Chen, Mingyi Wang and Richard A. Dixon (2011) NAC domain function and transcriptional control of a secondary cell wall master switch. Plant Journal 68:1104-1114. Thushani Rodrigo-Peiris, Xianfeng Xu, Qiao Zhao, Horng-Jing Wang, and Iris Meier (2011) RanGAP is required for post-meiotic mitosis in female gametophyte development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany 62:2705-2714. Marina Naoumkina, Qiao Zhao, Lina Gallego-Giralda, Xinbin Dai, Patrick Zhao, Richard Dixon (2010) Genome-wide analysis of phenylpropanoid defense pathways. Molecular Plant Pathology 11:829-846.? Iris Meier, Xiao Zhou, Jelena Brkljacic, Annkatrin Rose, Qiao Zhao, Xianfeng Xu (2010) Targeting proteins to the plant nuclear envelope. Biochemical Society Transactions 38:733-740. Xianfeng Xu, Qiao Zhao, Thushani Rodrigo-Peiris, Jelena Brkljacic, Chao Sylvia He, Sabine Müller and Iris Meier (2008) RanGAP is a continuous marker of the Arabidopsis cell division plane. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 105:18637-18642. Xianfeng Xu, Annkatrin Rose, Sivaramakrishanan Muthuswamy, Sun Yong Jeong, Sowmya Venkatakrishanan, Qiao Zhao and Iris Meier (2007) NUCLEAR PORE ANCHOR, the Arabidopsis homolog of Tpr/Mlp1/Mlp2/Megator, is involved in mRNA export and SUMO homeostasis and affects diverse aspects of plant development. Plant Cell 19:1537-1548. Iris Meier, Xianfeng Xu, Jelena Brkljacic, Qiao Zhao, and H-J Wang (2008) Going Green: Plants’ Alternative Way to Position the Ran Gradient. Journal of Microscopy 231:225-233.
