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教育经历 2006 中国科学院神经科学研究所,博士,神经科学,导师:周专教授 1999 武汉大学生命科学学院微生物系,学士,微生物学 工作经历 2022- 北京脑科学与类脑研究中心,研究员 2015-2022 清华大学生命科学学院、清华-麦戈文脑研究所,实验室负责人(Principal Investigator) 2013-2015 美国斯克里普斯研究所分子和细胞神经科学系,全职科学家(Staff Scientist) 2007-2013 美国斯克里普斯研究所分子和细胞神经科学系,博士后(Postdoctoral Research Associate) 导师:Ulrich Müller教授 2006-2007 北京大学分子医学研究所,研究助理(Research Associate) 导师:周专教授 荣誉、奖励、学术兼职 2015 国家自然科学基金“优秀青年”基金


在五大感觉(视、听、触、嗅、味)系统中,听觉的外周感受机制是研究得最不清楚的,尤其是实现声音解码和编码所用到的机械转导蛋白机器的分子组分和工作机制。熊巍课题组的问题聚焦于:(1)研究机械转导通道相关蛋白的分子功能以及鉴定新耳聋基因和突变(Auditory transduction);(2)听觉系统解码语音频率的分子、细胞和神经机制(Auditory processing);(3)探索遗传疾病的在体生物学治疗方案(Auditory restoration)。我们的研究理念是以科学假说驱动课题设计,以技术创新拓展研究边界,从而推动概念性和创新性的科学研究,我们的研究手段结合小鼠遗传学、分子生物学、电生理学、荧光成像、小鼠行为学等方法学,辅以自行开发的耳蜗组织培养电转体系、声学刺激和记录手段,构建一个比较完整的研究系统,涵盖听觉从受体分子到声音编码识别等科学问题以及相关的转化问题。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Recent Publications Lian Liu, Linzhi Zou, Kuan Li, Hanqing Hou, Qun Hu, Shuang Liu, Jie Li, Chenmeng Song, Jiaofeng Chen, Shufeng Wang, Yangzhen Wang, Changri Li, Haibo Du, Jun-Liszt Li, Fangyi Chen, Zhigang Xu, Wenzhi Sun, Qianwen Sun, Wei Xiong?, Template-independent genome editing in the Pcdh15av-3j mouse, a model of human DFNB23 nonsyndromic deafness. Cell Reports 40, 111061. Jie Li, Shuang Liu, Chenmeng Song, Tong Zhu, Zhikai Zhao, Wenzhi Sun, Yi Wang?, Lei Song?, Wei Xiong?, Prestin-mediated frequency selectivity does not cover ultrahigh frequencies in mice. Neuroscience Bulletin 38, 17. Yan, Y., Tian, M., Li, M., Zhou, G., Chen, Q., Xu, M., Hu, Y., Luo, W., Guo, X., Zhang, C., Xie, H., Wu, Q. F., Xiong, W.?, Liu, S.?, and Guan, J. S.? (2022) ASH1L haploinsufficiency results in autistic-like phenotypes in mice and links Eph receptor gene to autism spectrum disorder. Neuron 6273 (21) 01090-4. Zhang, Y., Lin, G., Wang, Y.?, Xue, N., Lin, X., Du, T.?, Xiong, W.?, and Song, L.? (2021) Prestin derived OHC surface area reduction underlies age-related rescaling of frequency place coding. Hear Res, 108406. Song, C., Li, J., Liu, S., Hou, H., Zhu, T., Chen, J., Liu, L., Jia, Y., and Xiong, W.? (2021) An L1 retrotransposon insertion induced deafness mouse model for studying the development and function of the cochlear stria vascularis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118 (40) e2107933118. Li, J., Liu, S., Song, C., Hu, Q., Zhao, Z., Deng, T., Zou, L., Wang, S., Chen, J., Liu, L., Hou, H., Yuan, K., Zheng, H., Liu, Z., Chen, X., Sun, W., Xiao, B., and Xiong, W.? (2021) Piezo2 mediates ultrasonic hearing via cochlear outer hair cells in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118 (28) e2101207118. Du, H., Zou, L., Ren, R., Li, N., Li, J., Wang, Y., Sun, J., Yang, J., Xiong, W.?, and Xu, Z.? (2020). Lack of PDZD7 long isoform disrupts ankle-link complex and causes hearing loss in mice. FASEB J 34, 1136-1149. Wang, Y., Su, F., Wang, S., Yang, C., Tian, Y., Yuan, P., Liu, X., Xiong, W.?, and Zhang, C.? (2019) Efficient implementation of convolutional neural networks in the data processing of two-photon in vivo imaging. Bioinformatics 35, 3208-3210. Liu, S., Wang, S., Zou, L., Li, J., Song, C., Chen, J., Hu, Q., Liu, L., Huang, P., and Xiong, W.? (2019). TMC1 is an essential component of a leak channel that modulates tonotopy and excitability of auditory hair cells in mice. Elife 8, e47441. Hu, Q., Guo, L., Li, J., Song, C., Yu, L.?, He, D.Z.Z.?, and Xiong, W.? (2018). Deletion of Kncn Does Not Affect Kinocilium and Stereocilia Bundle Morphogenesis and Mechanotransduction in Cochlear Hair Cells. Front Mol Neurosci 11, 326. Wang, Y.F., Li, J., Yao, X.R., Li, W., Du, H.B., Tang, M.L., Xiong, W., Chai, R.J., and Xu, Z.G. (2017). Loss of CIB2 Causes Profound Hearing Loss and Abolishes Mechanoelectrical Transduction in Mice. Front Mol Neurosci 10. Chen, J., Zhang, X., Li, J., Song, C., Jia, Y.?, and Xiong, W.? (2016). Identification of a Novel ENU-Induced Mutation in Mouse Tbx1 Linked to Human DiGeorge Syndrome. Neural Plast 2016, 5836143. Reviews and Books Liu, S., Wang, S., Zou, L., and Xiong, W.? (2021) Mechanisms in cochlear hair cell mechano-electrical transduction for acquisition of sound frequency and intensity. Cell Mol Life Sci 78, 5083-5094. Xiong, W. and Xu, Z. (2018) Mechanotransduction of the Hair Cell. Springer Singapore Early Publications Beurg, M., Xiong, W., Zhao, B., Müller, U., and Fettiplace, R. (2015) Subunit determination of the conductance of hair-cell mechanotransducer channels. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A112, 1589-1594. Xiong, W.?, T. Wagner, L. Yan, N. Grillet, and U. Müller.? (2014). Using Injectoporation to Deliver Genes to Mechanosensory Hair Cells. Nat Protoc 9, no. 10: 2438-49. Xiong, W., Grillet, N., Elledge, H. M., Wagner, T. F.J., Zhao, B., Johnson, K. R., Kazmierczak, P. and Müller, U., “TMHS is an Integral Component of the Mechanotransduction Machinery of Cochlear Hair Cells,” Cell 151, no. 6 (2012): p. 1283-95. Grillet, N.*, Xiong, W.*, Reynolds, A.*, Kazmierczak, P., Sato, T., Lillo, C., Dumont, R. A., Hintermann, E., Sczaniecka, A., Schwander, M., Williams, D., Kachar, B., Gillespie, P. G. and Müller, U., “Harmonin Mutations Cause Mechanotransduction Defects in Cochlear Hair Cells,” Neuron 62, no. 3 (2009): 375-387. Schwander, M., Xiong, W., Tokita, J., Lelli, A., Elledge, H. M., Kazmierczak, P., Sczaniecka, A., Kolatkar, A., Wiltshire, T., Kuhn, P., Holt, J. R., Kachar, B., Tarantino, L. and Müller, U., “A Mouse Model for Nonsyndromic Deafness (Dfnb12) Links Hearing Loss to Defects in Tip Links of Mechanosensory Hair Cells,” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106, no. 13 (2009): 5252-5257.
