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"The point of engineering research is to improve our capacity to solve problems. As long as humanity has problems—and we currently have a great deal of them—engineers have the best job security and career outlook. My sub-field, computer engineering, is currently generating a fantastic amount of innovation. The smartphone in everyone’s pockets nowadays is just the tip of the iceberg." Ph.D., Computer Engineering, University of Florida, 2008 M.S., Computer Engineering, University of Florida B.S., Computer Engineering, University of Florida


Virtual Reality and Multimodal 3D User Interfaces


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(2016) Hirumi, A., A. Kleinsmith, K. Johnsen, S. Kubovec, M. Eakins, K. Bogert, D. J. Rivera-Gutierrez, R. J. Reyes, B. Lok and J. Cendan. "Advancing virtual patient simulations through design research and interPLAY: part I: design and development." Educational Technology Research and Development: 1-23 (2015) Ahn, S. J., Johnsen, K., Moore, J., Brown, S., Biersmith, M., & Ball, C. (2015). Using Virtual Pets to Increase Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Children: A Technology-Assisted Social Cognitive Theory Approach. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. doi: 10.1089/cyber.2015.0224 (2015) Bogert, K., Platt, S., Haley, A., Kent, M., Edwards, G., Dookwah, H., & Johnsen, K. (2015). Development and Use of an Interactive Computerized Dog Model to Evaluate Cranial Nerve Knowledge in Veterinary Students. J Vet Med Educ, 1-7. doi: 10.3138/jvme.0215-027R1 (2015) Ahn, S., Johnsen, K., Robertson, T., Moore, J., Brown, S., Marable, A., & Basu, A. (2015). Using virtual pets to promote physical activity in children: An application of the youth physical activity promotion model. Journal of Health Communication, 20(7), 807-815. (2015) Jambeck, J. R., & Johnsen, K. (2015). Citizen-Based Litter and Marine Debris Data Collection and Mapping. Computing in Science & Engineering, 17(4), 20-26. doi: 10.1109/MCSE.2015.67 (2014) Johnson, T. R., Lyons, R., Kopper, R., Johnsen, K. J., Lok, B. C., & Cendan, J. C. (2014). Virtual patient simulations and optimal social learning context: a replication of an aptitude-treatment interaction effect. Med Teach, 36(6), 486-494. (2014) Johnsen, K., Ahn, S. J., Moore, J., Brown, S., Robertson, T. P., Marable, A., & Basu, A. (2014). Mixed Reality Virtual Pets to Reduce Childhood Obesity. Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on, 20(4), 523-530. (2014) Baker, K. M., Foutz, T. L., Johnsen, K. J., & Budsberg, S. C. (2014). Effects of tibial plateau angle and spacer thickness applied during in vitro canine total knee replacement on three-dimensional kinematics and collateral ligament strain. American journal of veterinary research, 75(9), 792-799. (2013) Wins, P., & Johnsen, K. (2013). Single Viewer Walk-around Quasi Volumetric Display. Paper presented at the Workshop on Off-the-Shelf Virtual Reality (IEEE VR 2013). (2013) Richard T. Watson, Boudreau, M.-C., Lawrence, T. M., & Johnsen, K. (2013). Design Of A Demand Response System: Economics And Information Systems Alignment. Paper presented at the European Conference on Information Systems. (2013) Lawrence, T. M., Richard T. WAtson, Boudreau, M.-C., Johnsen, K., Mohammadpour, J., & Ding, L. (2013). Smart Building Systems for Adaptation to the Coming Smart Grid. Paper presented at the CLIMA. (2013) Basu, A., & Johnsen, K. (2013). Evolution and Usability of Ubiquitous Virtual Environments. Paper presented at the Workshop on Off-the-Shelf Virtual Reality (IEEE VR 2013). (2013) Basu, A., Bogert, K., & Johnsen, K. (2013). (Poster & Abstract) Evolution and usability of ubiquitous immersive 3D interfaces. Paper presented at the IEEE 3D User Interfaces (2013) Wins, P., Basu, A., & Johnsen, K. (2013). Off-the-Shelf Electronics Prototyping for Virtual Reality. Paper presented at the Workshop on Off-the-Shelf Virtual Reality (IEEE VR 2013). (2012) Lin, C., Laserna, C., Lind, D. S., Kalaria, C., Aryal, T., Lok, B., . . . Pruitt, J. N. (2012). User Response to the Simulation of a Virtual Patient with Cranial Nerve Injury. Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems BAMS, 8. (2012) Lawrence, T. M., Watson, R. T., Boudreau, M. C., Johnsen, K., Perry, J., & Ding, L. (2012). A new paradigm for the design and management of building systems. Energy and Buildings. (2012) Jambeck, J., Johnsen, K., & Mozo-Reyes, E. (2012). (Magazine Article) Recycling With a Smile: Simple Recycling Technology Boosts Diversion Rates. Waste Age Magazine, December. (2012) Basu, A., Saupe, C., Refour, E., Raij, A., & Johnsen, K. (2012). Immersive 3DUI on a Dollar a Day. Paper presented at the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces. (2012) Basu, A., Raij, A., & Johnsen, K. (2012). Ubiquitous Collaborative Activity Virtual Environments. Paper presented at the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work. (2011) Niles, T., Lind, D. S., & Johnsen, K. (2011). A Portable Palpation Training Platform with Virtual Human Patient. Paper presented at the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality. (2011) Jambeck, J., Johnsen, K., & Forbes, M. (2011). (Presentation) A Mobile Application for Marine Debris Data Collection and Mapping. Paper presented at the Fifth International marine Debris Conference, Waves of Change: Global Lessons to Inspire Local Action. (2011) Bogert, K., Gallman, E., II, J. N. P., Lind, D. S., Peden, M., Kotranza, A., . . . Johnsen, K. (2011). (Abstract, Poster, and Presentation) An interactive virtualization tool for student-centered learning of CN II & III pupil exam. Paper presented at the International Association for Medical Science Educators. (2010) Kotranza, A., Cendan, J., Johnsen, K., & Lok, B. (2010). Simulation of a Virtual Patient with Cranial Nerve Injury Augments Physician-Learner Concern for Patient Safety. Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems BAMS, 6(11), 25-34. (2010) Kalaria, C., Lin, C., Johnsen, K., Lind, D. S., Kotranza, A., Laserna, C., . . . Lok, B. (2010). (Abstract & Presentation) Teaching cranial nerve examination using a virtual patient and the nintendo wiimote: preliminary evaluation. Neurology, 74(9), A25. (2010) Johnsen, K., Rossen, B., Beck, D., Lok, B., & Lind, D. S. (2010). (Abstract and Poster) “Show Some Respect! The Impact of Technological Factors on the Treatment of Virtual Humans in Conversational Training Systems. Paper presented at the EEEE Virtual Reality.
