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Dr. Carlos F Martino is a newly appointed Assistant Professor at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Florida Institute of Technology (FIT). Dr. Martino’s backgrounds include Physics (BS), Mathematics (Minor, and MS), and Mechanical Engineering (MS, Ph.D) with many graduate courses in Physics. The main trust in the Martino Team is to investigate a novel quantum sensing mechanism in spin biochemistry that is based on spin-correlated radical pairs; namely, the activation of molecular oxygen in the biological production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The specific goal is to illuminate the possible mechanisms of spin biochemistry in metabolic processes by measuring the effects of external magnetic fields on the yield and product distributions of ROS. ROS production is thought to occur by spin correlated radical pairs that are mediated through quantum coherence. We hypothesize that quantum coherence in biological process can be manipulated by spin radical mechanisms that involve magnetic resonance and magnetic field gradients. Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado-Boulder M.S., Mathematics, University of Colorado-Boulder M.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado-Denver B.S., Physics with minor in Mathematics, University of Houston


• Bioelectromagnetism • Neuroscience • Synthetic Biology/Systems Biology • Mitochondrial metabolic functioning in external magnetic fields/Bioenergy • Tunable phononic crystals • Microcontinuum mechanics and applied mechanics, Mathematical modeling

The Role of Spin Biochemistry in the Biological Production of Reactive Oxygen Species


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Mohamed El-Esawi,Louis-David Arthaut, Nathalie Jourdan, Alain d’Harlingue, Justin Link, Carlos F Martino and Margaret Ahmad. Blue-light induced synthesis of ROS contributes to the signaling mechanism of Arabidopsis cryptochrome. Submitted to Scientific Reports. Louis-David Arthaut, Nathalie Jourdan, Ali Mteyrek, Maria Procopio, Mohamed El-Esawi, Alain d’Harlingue, Pierre-Etienne Bouchet, Thorsten Ritz, Andre Klarsfeld, Serge Birmann, Ute Hoecker, Carlos F Martino and Margaret Ahmad. Blue-light induced accumulation of Reactive Oxygen Species is a consequence of the Drosophila cryptochrome photocycle. Accepted. Robert J. Usselman, Christina Chavarriaga, Pablo R. Castello, Maria Procopio, Thorsten Ritz, Edward A. Dratz, David J. Singel, Carlos F. Martino. 2016. The Quantum Biology of Reactive Oxygen Species Partitioning Impacts Cellular Bioenergetics. Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 38543 Jonne Naarala, Kavindra Kumar Kesari, Ian McClure, Cristina Chavarriaga, Jukka Juutilainen, Carlos F Martino. Direction-dependent effects of combined static and ELF magnetic fields on cell proliferation and superoxide radical production. Minor revision. Jourdan N, Martino CF, El-Esawi M, Witczak J, Bouchet PE, d'Harlingue A, Ahmad M. 2015. Blue-light dependent ROS formation by Arabidopsis cryptochrome-2 may contribute toward its signaling role. Plant Signal Behav. 10(8):e1042647. L Consentino, S Lambert, C Martino, N Jourdan, P-E Bouchet, J Witczak, P Castello, M El-Esawi, F Corbineau, A D’Harlingue and M Ahmad. 2014. Blue-light dependent ROS formation by Arabidopsis cryptochrome may define a novel evolutionarily conserved signaling mechanism. New Phytol 206(4):1450-62. Usselman R, Hill I, Singel D, Martino CF. 2014. Spin biochemistry modulates reactive oxygen species production by radio frequency magnetic fields. PLoSONE 9(3):e93065 Castello PR, Hill I, Sivo F, Portelli L, Barnes F, Usselman R, Martino CF. 2014. Inhibition of cellular proliferation and enhancement of hydrogen peroxide production in fibrosarcoma cell line by weak radio frequency magnetic fields. Bioelectromagnetics 35(8):598-602. Portelli LA, Madapatha DR, Martino C, Hernandez M, Barnes FS. 2012. Reduction of the background magnetic field inhibits ability of Drosophila melanogaster to survive ionizing radiation. Bioelectromagnetics 33(8):706-9. Martino CF, Castello PR. 2011. Modulation of hydrogen peroxide production in cellular systems by low level magnetic fields. PLoS One 6(8):e22753. Martino CF. 2011. Static magnetic field sensitivity of endothelial cells. Bioelectromagnetics 32(6):506-8. Martino CF, Portelli L, McCabe K, Hernandez M, Barnes F. 2010. Reduction of the Earth's magnetic field inhibits growth rates of model cancer cell lines. Bioelectromagnetics 31(4): 296-301. Johnson WL, Martino CF, Kim SA, Heyliger PR. 2008. Mode-selective acoustic spectroscopy of trigonal piezoelectric crystals. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control 55(5):1133-42. Martino CF, Belchenko D, Ferguson V, Nielsen-Preiss S, Qi HJ.2008. The effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on the cellular activity of SaOS-2 cells. Bioelectromagnetics 29(2):125-32. Martino CF, Perea H, Hopfner U, Ferguson VL, Wintermantel E. 2010. Effects of weak static magnetic fields on endothelial cells. Bioelectromagnetics 31(4):296-301.
