B.S. honors in Botany, 1976, University of Michigan
PhD in Botany, 1982, University of California, Berkeley
My research focuses on understanding plant/animal interactions including herbivory and pollination. I am particularly interested to determine the following:
The effects of habitat fragmentation on plant reproduction and insect/plant interactions in pine rocklands.
The tritrophic interactions mediated by extrafloral nectar – plant protection by ants and other predators.
My research also spans in areas of cultivation of native wildflowers for creation of butterfly gardens, ecological schoolyards, and habitat restoration for rare species.
McVaugh, R. and S. Koptur. 1978. A new species of Pedicularis from Jalisco, Mexico. Contributions to the University of Michigan Herbarium 11: 298-300. [PDF]
Koptur, S. 1979. Facultative mutualism between weedy vetches bearing extrafloral nectaries and weedy ants in California. American Journal of Botany 66(9):
1016-1020. [PDF]
W.A. Haber, G.W. Frankie., H.G. Baker, I. Baker, and S. Koptur. 1981. Ants like flower nectar. Biotropica 13(3): 211-214. [PDF]
Koptur, S., Smith, A.R., and Baker, I. 1982. Nectaries in some neotropical species of Polypodium (Polypodiaceae): preliminary observations and analyses.
Biotropica 14(2): 108-113. [PDF]
Koptur, S. 1983. Flowering phenology and floral biology of Inga (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae). Systematic Botany 8(4): 354-368. [PDF]
Koptur, S. 1983. The ecology of some Costa Rican Inga spp. Pp. 259-261 in D.H. Janzen (ed.) Costa Rican Natural History. University of Chicago Press,
Koptur, S. 1984. Experimental evidence for defense of Inga (Mimosoideae) saplings by ants. Ecology 65: 1787-1793. [PDF]
Koptur, S. 1984. Outcrossing and pollinator limitation of fruit set: breeding systems of neotropical Inga trees. Evolution 38(5): 1130-1143. [PDF]
Koptur, S. 1985. Alternative defenses against herbivores in Inga (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae) over an elevational gradient. Ecology 66(5): 1639-1650. [PDF]
Law, R. and S. Koptur. 1986. On the evolution of non-specific mutualisms. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 27: 251-267. [PDF]
Koptur, S. and J.H. Lawton. 1988. Interactions among vetches bearing extrafloral nectaries, their biotic protective agents, and herbivores. Ecology 69: 278-283. [PDF]
Koptur. S. 1988. [Book Review] Ant-Plant Mutualisms and Their Evolution. Evolution 42: 638-639.
Koptur, S., W.A. Haber, G.W. Frankie and H.G. Baker. 1988. Phenological studies of shrub and treelet species in tropical cloud forests of Costa Rica. Journal of
Tropical Ecology 4: 323-346. [PDF]
Koptur, S. 1989. Mimicry of flowers by parasitoid wasp pupae. Biotropica 21(1): 93-95. [PDF]
Koptur, S. 1989. Is extrafloral nectar production an inducible defense? Pp. 323-339 in J. Bock & Y. Linhart (eds.) Evolutionary Ecology of Plants. Westview
Press, Boulder, CO. [PDF]
Koptur, S., E. Davila, D.R. Gordon, B.J. McPhail, C.G. Murphy, and J.B. Slowinski. 1990. The effect of pollen removal on the duration of the staminate phase of
Centropogon talamancensis. Brenesia 33: 15-18. [PDF]
Koptur, S. 1991. Extrafloral nectaries of herbs and trees: modelling the interaction with ants and parasitoids. Pp. 213-229 In D.F. Cutler & C. Huxley (eds.)
Ant-Plant Interactions. Oxford University Press. [PDF]
Koptur, S. 1991. A Unique and Beleaguered State. [book review of Ecosystems of Florida]. Conservation Biology 5(3): 428-430.