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二、教育工作经历: 2004.07-至今:安徽医科大学生物教研室,教师 2012.09-2017.06 :中国科学技术大学,博士 2013.03-2015.06:中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究 (联合培养博士) 2001.09-2004.07:安徽农业大学,硕士 1997.09-2001.07:安徽农业大学,本科




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Zhang Y, Wang J, Cheng H, Sun Y, Liu M*, Wu Z*, Pei R*. Conditional control of suicide gene expression in tumor cells with theophylline responsive ribozyme[J]. Gene Ther., 2017, 24 (2): 84-91. Zhang Y, Wang J, Cheng Hi, Sun N, Liu M*, Wu Z*, Pei R*. Inducible Bcl-2 gene RNA interference mediated by aptamer-integrated HDV ribozyme switch[J]. Integr. Biol.,2017,9, 619-6263. Zhang Y, Cheng H, Wang J*, Wu Z *, Pei R. Engineering of TPP fluorescent biosensors based on ribozyme switches in mammalian cells[J]. Chin. J. Anal. Chem .,2017, 45 (2): 157-162. 4.Yuanyuan Zhang, Yan Sun (co-first author), Xiaoyan Tong, Na Sun, Xing Chen, JineWang, Renjun Pei*, Small molecule-dependent aptazymes for amplified fluorescent sensing[J]. Molecular Biosystems, 2017, in press. Cheng H, Zhang Y (co-first author),Wang H, Sun N, Liu M, Chen H, Pei R*. Regulation of MAP4K4 Gene Expression by RNA interference through engineered theophylline-dependent depatitis delta virus ribozyme switch[J]. Molecular Biosystems, 2016, 12(11):3370-3376. Cheng J ,Zhang Y (co-first author), Zhang G ,Xiong S, Pei R* , Cai D , Wu Z*.Immediate fabrication of flower-like graphene oxide by ion beam bombardment[J]. Appli. Surf. Sci., 2015, 357:1975–1981 7.Xing Chen, Zhili Wang, Shanni Hong, Yuanyuan Zhang, Yahui Guo, Hui Cheng,Jine Wang, Renjun Pei*. DNA sequence-dependent fluorescence of doxorubicin for turn-on detection of biothiols in human serum[J]. Analy. Bioanaly. Chem., 2016, 408:683-693. 8.ZhouLu,ShenXiaoqiang,SunNa,WangKewei,ZhangYuanyuan,PeiRenjun*.Label-free fluorescence light-up detection of T4 polynucleotide kinase activity[J].The Analyst.2015,140:5450-5453 L Xu, X Shen, Jine Wang,Y Zhang, H Wang, J Zhang,R Pei*. Turn-on and label-free fluorescence detection of lead ions based on target-induced G-quadruplex formation[J]. Chem.Commun.,2015, 51 Lijun Xu,Yahui Guo,Lu Zhou,Yuanyuan Zhang,Shanni Hong,Zhili Wang,Jianye Zhang,Renjun Pei*. A H+/Ag+ dual-target responsive label-free light-up probe based on a DNA triplex[J].Chem Asian J.,2015 10(5):1126-9. Guomei Xu, YuanyuanZhang, Weiwei Zhang. Research of alkylpoly- glycosides and other surfactants mixed properties[J]. Appli. Chem. Industry,2013,42(3)413-420.
