“Effect of Peptide Nanotube Filler on Structural and Ion-transport Properties of Solid Polymer Electrolytes”, with K. Goldstein, D. Golodnitsky, E. Peled, L. Adler-Abramovich, E. Gazit,and S. Khatun, Solid State Ionics, 220, 39-46 (2012).
"Multinuclear NMR Study of the Effect of Acid Concentration on Ion Transport in Phosphoric Acid Doped Polybenzimidazole Membranes", with S.N. Suarez, N.K.A.C. Kodiweera, P. Stallworth, S. Yu, and B. Benicewicz, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 116, 12545-51(2012). DOI:10.1021/jp304761t
“Subsurface Diffusion of Oxide Electrolyte Decomposition Products in Metal Fluoride Nanocomposite Electrodes, with Andrew J. Gmitter, Anna Halajko, Paul J. Sideris, and Glenn G. Amatucci, Electrochimica Acta, 88, 735-744 (2013).
“A structural, spectroscopic and electrochemical study of a lithium ion conducting Li GeP S solid 10 2 12 electrolyte” , with Jusef Hassoun, Roberta Verrelli, Priscilla Reale, Stefania Panero, Gino Mariotto, and Bruno Scrosati, Journal of Power Sources, 229, 117-122 (2013). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2012.11.130.
“Achieving electrochemical capacitor functionality from a traditional battery material: Conformal, nanoscale LiMn O coatings on 3-D, device-ready carbon nanoarchitectures”, with Megan B. Sassin, Jeffrey W. Long, 2 4 Phillip E. Stallworth ,Azzam N. Mansour, Benjamin P. Hahn, Katherine A. Pettigrew, and Debra R. Rolison, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, DOI: 10.1039/c2ta00937d 1, 2431-2440 (2013).
“Examination of Methods to Determine Free-Ion Diffusivity and Number Density from Analysis of Electrode Polarization”, with Yangyang Wang, Che-Nan Sun, Fei Fan, Joshua R. Sangoro, Marc B. Berman, Thomas A. Zawodzinski, and Alexei P. Sokolov, Physical Review E, 87, 042308 (2013).
Cation-only Conduction in New Polymer/SiO2 Nano Hybrid Electrolytes, with Irune Villaluenga, Michel Armand, Xavier Bogle, Izaskun Gil de Muro and Teófilo Rojo, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013,1, 8348-8352. DOI: 10.1039/C3TA11290J
“Recent Progress in NMR Spectroscopy of Polymer Electrolytes for Lithium Batteries”, with Sabina Abbrent, Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science, 18, 228–244 (2013).
“Understanding Li+-Solvent Interaction in Non-aqueous Carbonate Electrolytes with 17O NMR”, with Xavier Bogle, Rafael Vazquez, Arthur von Cresce, Kang Xu, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 4, 1664-1668 (2013).
“Influence of Solvent on Ion Aggregation and Transport in pyr15TFSI Ionic Liquid – Aprotic Solvent Mixtures” with Oleg Borodin, Eric Fox, Wesley A. Henderson, Marc Berman, and Mallory Gobet, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 117 , 10581–10588 (2013) DOI: 10.1021/jp406541e
“PEO-NaTFSI polymer electrolyte for sodium-based battery application”, J. Serra Moreno, M. Armand, M.B.Berman, S.G. Greenbaum, B. Scrosati, and S. Panero, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 248, 15 February 2014, Pages 695–702
Single-ion-conducting nanocomposite polymer electrolytes based on PEG400 and anionic nanoparticles: Part 1. Synthesis, structure and properties, ”, with F. Bertasi, K. Vezzù, G. A. Giffin, M. Vittadello, V. Di Noto International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39, 2872–2883 (2014).
“Single-ion-conducting nanocomposite polymer electrolytes based on PEG400 and anionic nanoparticles: Part 2. Electrical characterization”, with F. Bertasi, K. Vezzù, G. A. Giffin, T. Nosach, P. Sideris,, M. Vittadello, V. Di Noto Submitted in: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 4, 2884–2895 (2014).
“Charge Transfer in Li/CF -Silver Vanadium Oxide Hybrid Cathode Batteries Revealed By Solid State 7Li and x 19F Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy” , Paul J. Sideris, Rowena Yew, Ian Nieves, Kevin Chen, Gaurav Jain, Craig L. Schmidt, Steve G. Greenbaum, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 254, 15 May 2014, Pages 293–297. doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2013.12.108
"Layered-Layered Composite Li MnO - LiMO (M=Mn, Ni, Co) Synthesis Using LiCl Molten Flux for 2 3 2 Cathodes Materials in Li-ion Batteries", with Edwin Ortiz-Quiles, Jessica Soler, Mallory Gobet, Tetiana Nosach, Oscar Resto, Omar Garcia-Ricard, Arturo Hernandez-Maldonado, William West, Carlos Cabrera, RSC Advances, 4 12018 (2014).
“Electrical Properties of BaTiO3 Nanoparticles in Polycarbonate”, with J. F. Lomax, E. A. Lomax, P. Q. Lomax, J. J. Fontanella, C. A. Edmondson, M. C. Wintersgill, M. A. Westgate, M. A. Wolak , Xavier Bogle, A. Rua, Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 104103 (2014).
"Vanadium Doped Nanostructured TiO2 Dielectrics", with J. Peng, S. Chao, and F. Dogan (2014, Materials Research Society Proceedings, 1645, mrsf13-1645-zz07-02 doi:10.1557/opl.2014.256.
A Ceramic/Polymer Separator for a Rechargeable Alkali-Ion Battery, with Kyusung Park, Joon Hee Cho, Kadhiravan Shanmuganathan, Jie Song, Jing Peng, Mallory Gobet, Christopher J. Ellison, and John B. Goodenough, Science, Journal of Power Sources, in press.
“Polymer Electrolytes for Solid State Batteries”, with Sabina Abbrent, in Handbook of Solid State Batteries, ed. N.J. Dudney, W.C. West, J. Nanda, World Scientific, in press. .
Structural Characterization and Li dynamics in new Li PS ceramic ion conductor by solid-state and pulsed- 3 4 field gradient NMR, with Mallory Gobet, Chengdu Liang, and Gayatri Sahu, Chemistry of Materials, in press.