Ph. D., 1986, Rensslaer Polytechnic Institute
Interaction of Primary research and teaching interests include inter-relationship of processing, microstructure and properties of high temperature/high performance materials, including superalloys, intermetallics and composites. National AGEP Doctoral Advisor/Mentor (UF-NSF) and Triple-Point Professor Award (UF-MSE)
Wilson, B. C., & Fuchs, G. E. (2010). The effect of secondary gamma-prime on the primary creep behavior of single-crystal nickel-base superalloys.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 41(5), 1235-1245.
Cutler, E. R., Wasson, A. J., & Fuchs, G. E. (2008). Effect of minor alloying additions on the carbide morphology in a single crystal Ni-base superalloy.Scripta Materialia, 58(2), 146-149.
Wilson, B. C., Cutler, E. R., & Fuchs, G. E. (2008). Effect of solidification parameters on the microstructures and properties of CMSX-10. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 479(1), 356-364.
Acharya, M. V., & Fuchs, G. E. (2006). The effect of stress on the microstructural stability of CMSX-10 single crystal Ni-base superalloys. Scripta materialia, 54(1), 61-64.
Acharya, M. V., & Fuchs, G. E. (2004). The effect of long-term thermal exposures on the microstructure and properties of CMSX-10 single crystal Ni-base superalloys. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 381(1), 143-153.
Al-Jarba, K. A., & Fuchs, G. E. (2004). Effect of carbon additions on the as-cast microstructure and defect formation of a single crystal Ni-based superalloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 373(1), 255-267.
Al-Jarba, K. A., & Fuchs, G. E. (2004). Carbon-containing single-crystal nickel-based superalloys: Segregation behavior and carbide formation. JOM, 56(9), 50-55.
Caldwell, E. C., Fela, F. J., & Fuchs, G. E. (2004). The segregation of elements in high-refractory-content single-crystal nickel-based superalloys.JOM, 56(9), 44-48.
Wilson, B. C., Hickman, J. A., & Fuchs, G. E. (2003). The effect of solution heat treatment on a single-crystal Ni-based superalloy. JOM, 55(3), 35-40.
Fuchs, G. E., & Boutwell, B. A. (2002). Modeling of the partitioning and phase transformation temperatures of an as-cast third generation single crystal Ni-base superalloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 333(1), 72-79.
Fuchs, G. E. (2002). Improvement of creep strength of a third generation, single-crystal Ni-base superalloy by solution heat treatment. Journal of materials engineering and performance, 11(1), 19-25.
Fuchs, G. E., & Boutwell, B. A. (2002). Calculating solidification and transformation in as-cast CMSX-10. JOM, 54(1), 45-48.
Fuchs, G. E. (2001). Solution heat treatment response of a third generation single crystal Ni-base superalloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A,300(1), 52-60.
Wlodek, S. T., Fuchs, G. E., Dannemann, K. A., & Deragon, T. A. (1999). Long Term Stability of High Temperature Materials. Edited by GE Fuchs, KA Dannemann, and TC Deragon, 1-30.
Fuchs, G. E. (1998). Supertransus processing of TiAl-based alloys.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 29(1), 27-36.
Fuchs, G. E. (1997). The effect of processing on the hot workability of Ti-48Al-2Nb-2Cr alloys. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 28(12), 2543-2553.
Fuchs, G. E. (1995). Effect of W additions to Ti-48Al-2Nb-2Cr alloys. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 192, 707-715.
Floreen, S., Fuchs, G. E., & Yang, W. J. (1994). The metallurgy of alloy 625.Superalloys, 718(625), 13-37.
Floreen, S., Fuchs, G. E., Yang, W. J., & Loria, E. A. (1994). Superalloys 718, 625, 706 and Various Derivatives. In 3rd Proc. Int. Symp (pp. 13-37).
Fuchs, G. E., & Hayden, S. Z. (1991). The microstructure and tensile properties of mitrogen containing vacuum atomized alloy 690. Scripta metallurgica et materialia, 25(6), 1483-1488.
Fuchs, G. E. (1990). The chemical compatibility and tensile behavior of an Ni3Al-based composite. Journal of Materials Research, 5(08), 1649-1655.
Fuchs, G. E., & Stoloff, N. S. (1988). Effects of temperature, ordering and composition on high cycle fatigue of polycrystalline Fe 3 Al. Acta Metallurgica,36(5), 1381-1387.
Fuchs, G. E., & Stoloff, N. S. (1987). High cycle fatigue in polycrystalline Ni 3 Al+ B. Scripta metallurgica, 21(6), 863-868.