Ph.D. Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology, 2002 – University of South Carolina
B.S. Ecology and Evolutoinary Biology, 1994 – University of Pittsburgh
Sexual selection & conflict, ecological immunity, animal behavior and life histories
Radhakrishnan, P. and Fedorka, K. M. 2011. Influence of female age, sperm senescence and multiple mating on sperm viability in female Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Insect Physiology, 57: 778-783.
Fedorka, K. M., Winterhalter, W. E. and Ware, B. M. 2011. Sperm competition intensity influences seminal protein production prior to mating and courtship. Evolution, 65: 584-590.
Winterhalter, W.E. and Fedorka, K. M. 2009. Sex differences in immune gene expression prior to and after mating in Drosophila melanogaster. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 276: 1109-1117.
Fedorka, K. M., Winterhalter, W. E. and Mousseau, T. A. 2007. The evolutionary genetics of sexual size dimorphism in the cricket Allonemobius socius. Heredity, 99, 218-223.
Fedorka, K. M, Linder, J., Winterhalter4, W.E., and Promislow, D. E. L. 2007. Post-mating disparity between potential and realized immune response in Drosophila melanogaster. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 274, 1211-1217
Fedorka, K. M., and Mousseau, T. A. 2007. Immune system activation affects the male sexual signal and reproductive potential in crickets. Behavioral Ecology, 18: 231-235.
Promislow, D. E. L., Fedorka, K. M. and Burger, J. E. P. 2005. Evolutionary biology of aging: future directions. In The Handbook of the Biology of Aging. Eds. Austad, S. and Masoro, E. 6th edition.
Fedorka, K. M., Zuk, M. and T. A. Mousseau. 2005. Natural selection drives the link between male immunity and reproductive potential. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 83: 1012-1014.
Fedorka, K. M., and M. Zuk. 2005. Sexual conflict and female immune suppression in the ground cricket, Allonemobius soicus. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 18: 1515-1522.
Fedorka, K. M., M. Zuk and Mousseau, T.A. 2004. Immune suppression and the cost of reproduction in the cricket, Allonemobius socius. Evolution, 58: 2478-2485.
Fedorka, K. M. and T. A. Mousseau. 2004. Female mating bias results in conflicting sex-specific offspring fitness. Nature, 429: 65-67.
Fedorka, K. M. and T. A. Mousseau. 2002. Tibial spur feeding in ground crickets: larger males contribute larger gifts. Florida Entomologist, 85: 317-323.
Fedorka, K. M. and T. A. Mousseau. 2002. Material and genetic benefits of female multiple mating and polyandry. Animal Behaviour, 64: 361-367.
Fedorka, K. M. and T. A. Mousseau. 2002. Nuptial gifts and the evolution of male size. Evolution, 56: 590-596.