Ph.D., University of Delaware, 1989
2015 Stapper, A.P., P. Beerli and D.R. Levitan. Assortative mating drives linkage-disequilibrium between sperm and egg recognition proteins in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Molecular Biology and Evolution. Advanced access msv010v2
2014 Levitan, D.R., W. Boudreau, J. Jara and N. Knowlton. Long-term reproductive consequences of bleaching stress on the Caribbean corals of the Orbicella (formerly Montastraea) annularis species complex. Marine Ecology Progress Series 515:1-10.
2014 Kosman, E.T. and D.R. Levitan. Sperm competition and the evolution of gametic compatibility in externally fertilizing taxa. Molecular Human Reproduction doi:1093/molehr/gau069.
2014 Edmunds, P.J., X. Ponchon, D.R. Levitan, D.M. Yost, M. Belcaid, H. M. Putnam, R.D. Gates. Long-term changes in Symbiodinium communities in Orbicella annularis in St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands. Marine Ecology Progress Series 506:129-144.
2014 Levitan, D.R., P.J. Edmunds, K.E. Levitan. What makes a species common? No evidence of density-dependent recruitment or mortality of the sea urchin Diadema antillarum after the 1983–84 mass mortality. Oecologia 175:117-128.
2013 Lessios, H.A., H.A. Lasker and D.R. Levitan. The use of SCUBA to study the early life history of marine invertebrates. In Research and Discoveries: The Revolution of Science through Scuba, Smithsonian Contributions to Marine Sciences 39: 87-97.
2012 Fogarty, N.D., M. Lowenberg, M.N. Ojima, N. Knowlton and D.R. Levitan. Asymmetric conspecific sperm precedence in relation to spawning times in the Montastraea annularis species complex (Cnidaria: Scleractinia). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25:2481-2488.
2012 Levitan, D. R. Contemporary evolution of sea urchin gamete-recognition proteins: experimental evidence of density-dependent gamete performance predicts shifts in allele frequencies over time. Evolution 66:1722-1736 [PDF].
2012 Fogarty, N. D.; S. V. Vollmer, and D. R. Levitan. Weak prezygotic isolating mechanisms in threatened caribbean Acropora corals. PLoS One 7:e30486 [PDF].
2011 Levitan, D. R., N. D. Fogarty, J. Jara, K. E. Lotterhos, and N. Knowlton. Genetic, spatial, and temporal components of precise spawning synchrony in reef building corals of the Montastraea annularis species complex. Evolution 65:1254-1270 [PDF].
2011 Simon, T. N., and D. R. Levitan. Measuring fertilization success of broadcast-spawning marine invertebrates within seagrass meadows. Biological Bulletin 220:32-38 [PDF].
2010 Reuter, K. E., and D. R. Levitan. Influence of sperm and phytoplankton on spawning in the echinoid Lytechinus variegatus. Biological Bulletin 219:198-206 [PDF].
2010 terHorst, C. P., T. E. Miller, and D. R. Levitan. Evolution of prey in ecological time reduces the effect size of predators in experimental microcosms. Ecology 91:629-636 [PDF].
2010 Tomaiuolo, M., and D. R. Levitan. Modeling how reproductive ecology can drive protein diversification and result in linkage-disequilibrium between sperm and egg proteins. American Naturalist 176:12-25 [PDF].
2010 Levitan, D. R., and A. P. Stapper. Simultaneous positive and negative frequency dependent selection on sperm bindin, a gamete recognition protein in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Evolution 64:785-797 [PDF].
2010 Lotterhos, K., and D. R. Levitan. Gamete release and spawning behavior in broadcast spawning marine invertebrates. Pages 99-120 in J. Leonard, ed., The Evolution of Primary Sexual Characters. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York.
2010 Levitan, D. R. Sexual selection in external fertilizers. Pages 365-378 in D. F. Westneat and C. W. Fox, eds., Evolutionary Behavioral Ecology. Oxford University Press, New York.
2008 Levitan, D. R. Gamete traits influence the variance in reproductive success, the intensity of sexual selection, and the outcome of sexual conflict among congeneric sea urchins. Evolution 62:1305-1316 [PDF].
2007 Tomaiuolo, M., T. F. Hansen, and D. R. Levitan. A theoretical investigation of sympatric evolution of temporal reproductive isolation as illustrated by marine broadcast spawners. Evolution 612584-2595 [PDF]
2007 Munguia, P., C. Mackie, and D. R. Levitan. The influence of stage-dependent dispersal on the population dynamics of three amphipod species. Oecologia 153:533-541 [PDF].
2007 Levitan, D. R., C. P. terHorst, and N. D. Fogarty. The risk of polyspermy in three congeneric sea urchins and its implications for gametic incompatibility and reproductive isolation. Evolution 61:2007-2014 [PDF].
2006 Levitan, D. R., and D. L. Ferrell. Selection on gamete recognition proteins depends on sex, density and genotype frequency. Science 312:267-269 [PDF] [On-line Supplement PDF].
2006 Levitan, D. R. Relationship between egg size and fertilization success in broadcast spawning marine invertebrates. Integrative and Comparative Biology 46:298-311 [PDF].