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PhD, Molecular Biology. University of Pennsylvania, 198


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Aymard F, Aguirrebengoa M, Guillou E, Javierre BM, Bugler B, Arnould C, Rocher V, Iacovoni JS, Biernacka A, Skrzypczak M, Ginalski K, Rowicka M, Fraser P, and Legube G. (2017) Genome wide mapping of long range contacts unveils DNA Double Strand Breaks clustering at damaged active genes. Nat Struct & Mol Biol. doi:10.1038/nsmb.3387. Javierre BM, Burren OS, Wilder SP, Kreuzhuber R, Hill SM, Sewitz S, Cairns J, Wingett SW, Várnai C, Thiecke MJ, Burden F, Farrow S, Cutler AJ, Rehnstrom K, Downes K, Grassi L, Kostadima M, Freire-Pritchett P, Wang F, The BLUEPRINT Consortium Stunnenberg HG, Todd JA, Zerbino DR, Stegle O, Ouwehand WH, Frontini M, Wallace C, Spivakov M and Fraser P. (2016) Lineage-specific genome architecture links enhancers and non-coding disease variants to target gene promoters. Cell 167:1369-1384. Stunnenberg HG, The International Human Epigenome Consortium, and Hirst M. (2016) The International Human Epigenome Consortium: A Blueprint for Scientific Collaboration and Discovery. Cell 167:1145-1149. Spivakov M and Fraser P (2016) Defining cell type with epigenetic profiling. Nature Biotech. 34:1126-1128. Fraser P. (2016) Turning the tide on 3D nuclear organization. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 17:738-738. McGovern A, Schoenfelder S, Martin P, Massey J, Duffus K, Plant D, Yarwood A, Pratt A, Anderson A, Isaacs J, Diboll J, Thalayasingam N, Ospelt C, Barton A, Worthington J, Fraser P, Eyre S and Orozco G (2016) Capture Hi-C identifies a novel causal gene, IL20RA, in the pan-autoimmune genetic susceptibility region 6q23. Genome Biol. 17:212. Cairns J, Freire-Pritchett P, Wingett SW, Dimond A, Plagnol V, Zerbino D, Schoenfelder S, Javierre BM, Osborne C, Fraser P, Spivakov M (2016) CHiCAGO: Robust Detection of DNA Looping Interactions in Capture Hi-C data, Genome Biol17:127. Pancaldi V, de Santa Pau EC, Javierre BM, Juan D, Fraser P, Spivakov M, Valencia V, Rico D. (2016) Chromatin assortativity: Integrating epigenomic data and 3D genomic structure. Genome Biol 17:152. Wilson NK, Schoenfelder S, Hannah R, Castillo MS, Schütte J, Ladopoulos V, Mitchelmore J, Goode DK, Calero-Nieto FJ, Moignard V, Wilkinson AC, Jimenez-Madrid I, Kinston S, Spivakov M, Fraser P, G?ttgens B. (2016) Integrated genome-scale analysis of the transcriptional regulatory landscape in a blood stem/progenitor cell model. Blood DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1182/blood-2015-10-677393 Martin P, McGovern A, Orozco G, Duffus K, Yarwood A, Schoenfelder S, Cooper NJ, Barton A, Wallace C, Fraser P, Worthington J, Eyre S (2015) Capture Hi-C reveals novel candidate genes and complex long-range interactions with related autoimmune risk loci. Nature Commun 6:10069. Nagano T, Lubling Y, Yaffe E, Wingett SW, Dean W, Tanay A and Fraser P (2015) Single-cell Hi-C for genome-wide detection of chromatin interactions that occur simultaneously in a single cell. Nature Protocols 10, 1986-2003. Nagano T, Várnai C, Schoenfelder S, Javierre B-M, Wingett SW, Fraser P (2015) Comparison of Hi-C results using in-solution versus in-nucleus ligation. Genome Biol, 16:175. Schoenfelder S, Sugar R, Dimond A, Javierre B-M, Armstrong H, Mifsud B, Dimitrova E, Matheson L, Tavares-Cadete F, Furlan-Magaril M, Segonds-Pichon A, Jurkowski W, Wingett SW, Tabbada K, Andrews S, Herman B, LeProust E, Osborne CS, Koseki H, Fraser P, Luscombe NM, Elderkin S. (2015) Polycomb repressive complex PRC1 spatially constrains the mouse embryonic stem cell genome. Nat Genet. 47, 1179-1186. Mifsud B, Tavares-Cadete F, Young AN, Sugar R, Schoenfelder S, Ferreira L, Wingett SW, Andrews S, Grey W, Ewels PA, Herman B, Happe S, Higgs A, LeProust E, Follows GA, Fraser P, Luscombe NM, Osborne CS (2015) Mapping long-range promoter contacts in human cells with high-resolution capture Hi-C. Nat Genet. 47, 598-606. Furlan-Magaril M, Várnai C, Nagano T, Fraser P (2015) 3D genome architecture from populations to single cells. Curr Op in Genet & Dev 31, 36-41. Schoenfelder S, Furlan-Magaril M, Mifsud B, Tavares-Cadete F, Sugar R, Javierre B-M, Nagano T, Katsman Y, Sakthidevi M, Wingett SW, Dimitrova E, Dimond A, Edelman LB, Elderkin S, Tabbada K, Darbo E, Andrews S, Herman B, Higgs A, LeProust E, Osborne CS, Mitchell JA, Luscombe NM, Fraser P (2015) The pluripotent regulatory circuitry connecting promoters to their long-range interacting elements. Genome Res 2015:gr.185272.114. J?ger R, Migliorini G, Henrion M, Kandaswamy R, Speedy HE, Heindl A, Whiffin N, Carnicer MJ, Broome L, Dryden N, Nagano T, Schoenfelder S, Enge M, Yuan Y, Taipale J, Fraser P, Fletcher O, Houlston RS (2015) Capture Hi-C (cHi-C) identifies the chromatin interactome of colorectal cancer risk loci. Nat Commun 6:6178. Chandra T, Ewels PA, Schoenfelder S, Furlan-Magaril M, Wingett SW, Kirschner K, Thuret J-Y, Andrews S, Fraser P, Reik W. (2015) Global Reorganization of the Nuclear Landscape in Senescent Cells. Cell Reports 10 (4), 471-483. Dryden NH, Broome LR, Dudbridge F, Johnson N, Orr N, Schoenfelder S, Nagano T, Andrews S, Wingett S, Kozarewa I, Assiotis I, Fenwick K, Maguire SL, Campbell J, Natrajan R, Lambros M, Perrakis E, Ashworth A, Fraser P, and Fletcher O. (2014) Unbiased analysis of potential targets of breast cancer susceptibility loci by Capture Hi-C. Genome Res. 24: 1854-1868. Nagano T, Lubling Y, Stevens TJ, Schoenfelder S, Yaffe S, Dean W, Laue ED, Tanay A and Fraser P. (2013) Single cell Hi-C reveals cell-to-cell variability in chromosome structure. Nature 502, 59–64. A Dimond, and P Fraser (2013) Long Noncoding RNAs Xist in Three Dimensions. Science 341: 720-721. Sexton T, Kurukuti S, Mitchell JA, Umlauf D, Nagano T and Fraser P. (2012) Sensitive detection of chromatin coassociations using enhanced chromosome conformation capture on chip. Nat Protoc 7:1335-1350. Davison LJ, Wallace C, Cooper JD, Cope NF, Wilson NK, Smyth DJ, Howson JMM, Saleh N, Al-Jeffery A, Angus KL, Stevens HE, Nutland S, Duley S, Coulson RMR, Walker NM, Burren OS, Rice CM, Cambien F, Zeller T, Munzel T, Lackner K, Blankenberg S Gutenberg Heart Study, The Cardiogenics Consortium, Fraser P, Gottgens B and Todd JA. (2012) Long-range DNA looping and gene expression analyses identify DEXI as an autoimmune disease candidate gene. Hum Mol Genet. 21:322-333. Eskiw C and Fraser P. (2011) Ultra-structural study of transcription factories in mouse erythroblasts. J Cell Sci. 124: 3676-3683. Kang J, Xu B, Yao Y, Lin W, Hennessy C, Fraser P and Feng J. (2011) A Dynamical Model Reveals Gene Co-localizations in Nucleus. PLoS Comp Biol 7(7): e1002094.
