Ph.D. Yale University, Geology & Geophysics
M.Phil. Yale University, Geology & Geophysics
B.A. Adelphi University, Biology & Geology
Sedimentary and biological controls on anoxic and hypoxic bottom water conditions
The link between hypoxia and lobster die-offs in Western Long Island Sound
Sediment oxygen demand as a structuring influence on the development of anoxic “dead” zones
Marine policy issues related to emplacement of power lines, natural gas pipelines, & other energy-related structures.
Limulus polyphemus aquaculture
Geomicrobiological relationships within bacterial mats
Biomineralization by microbial mats - ancient and modern
Preservation of fecal pellets within microbial mats -- both ancient and modern.
Development of remote sensing tools to assess benthic changes in small estuaries and riverine systems
The benthic fauna of the Quinnipiac, Branford, and Housatonic Rivers
Bioaccumulation by benthic organisms
The paleoecological relationships of the earliest metazoans
The identification of biogenic pelletal fabrics in the rock record
The relationship between pelletal fabrics and hydrocarbon source rock potential.
Improving K-12 science education in both public & private schools
Cuomo, C. & R. Valente, (in review). Bottom Water Geochemistry as a Structuring Influence on Marine Benthic Communities: An Analysis Using Sediment Profile Imaging. Estuaries.
Valente, R. & C. Cuomo (2005) Did multiple sediment-associated stressors contribute to the 1999 lobster mass mortality event in Western Long Island Sound, USA. Estuaries and Coasts 28:529-540