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Ph.D., Cornell Univ. (1985) M.S., Cornell Univ. (1978) B.S., Univ. of Pittsburgh (1975)


Structure, function, and evolution of placentas and fetal membranes in reptiles. Evolution of viviparity and matrotrophy in vertebrates History of evolutionary thought. History and demise of concepts of biological "race" History of biological science at Trinity College.


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*Blackburn, D.G., K.E. Anderson, K.W. Aronson, M.K. Burket, J.F. Chin, S.K. San-Francisco, and I.P. Callard (2017). “Placentation in watersnakes I: Placental histology and development in North American Nerodia (Colubridae: Natricinae).” Journal of Morphology (in press). * Blackburn, D.G., K.E. Anderson, A.R. Lo, E.C. Marquez, and I.P. Callard (2017). “Placentation in watersnakes. II. Placental ultrastructure in Nerodia erythrogaster (Colubridae: Natricinae).” Journal of Morphology (in press). * Powers, K.G. and D.G. Blackburn. Morphological specializations of the yolk sac for yolk processing in embryonic corn snakes (Pantherophis guttatus: Colubridae). Journal of Morphology (in press). * Kim, Y.K. and D.G. Blackburn (2016). "Fetal membrane ultrastructure and development in the oviparous milksnake Lampropeltis triangulum (Colubridae), with reference to function and evolution in snakes." Journal of Experimental Zoology B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 326: 290-302. Blackburn, D.G. (2016). "History of reptile placentology. Part II. Wilhelm Haacke’s 1885 account of lizard viviparity." Zoologischer Anzeiger 261: 66-69. Blackburn, D.G. and A. Arsov (2016). "W. Somerset Maugham's apocryphal self-description: setting the record straight." English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920 vol. 59: 139-152. * Kim, Y.K. and D.G. Blackburn (2015). "Ultrastructure of the fetal membranes of the oviparous kingsnake, Lampropeltis getula (Colubridae) as revealed by scanning electron microscopy." Journal of Morphology 276: 1467-1481. Blackburn, D.G. (2015). "Viviparous placentotrophy in reptiles and the parent-offspring conflict." Journal of Experimental Zoology B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 324: 532-548. Blackburn, D.G. (2015). "Evolution of viviparity in squamate reptiles: reversibility reconsidered." Journal of Experimental Zoology B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 324:473-486. Blackburn D.G., A.M. Avanzati, and L. Paulesu (2015). "Classics revisited. History of reptile placentology: Cesare Studiati’s 1855 description of placentation in a viviparous lizard." Placenta 36: 1207-1211. Blackburn, D.G. and J.M. Starck. (2015). "Morphological specializations for fetal maintenance in viviparous vertebrates: an introduction and historical retrospective." Journal of Morphology 276: E1-E16. Blackburn, D.G. (2015). "Evolution of vertebrate viviparity and specializations for fetal nutrition: a quantitative and qualitative analysis." Journal of Morphology 276: 961-990. Griffith, O.W., D.G. Blackburn, M.C. Brandley, J.U. Van Dyke, C.M. Whittington, and M.B. Thompson. (2015). "Ancestral state reconstructions require biological evidence to test evolutionary hypotheses: a case study examining the evolution of reproductive mode in squamate reptiles." Journal of Experimental Zoology B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 324: 493-503. Blackburn, D.G. and A. Arsov. (2014). "Three lost stories of W. Somerset Maugham." English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, vol 57: 3-36. Blackburn, D.G. and C.A. Sidor (2014). "Evolution of viviparous reproduction in Paleozoic and Mesozoic reptiles." International Journal of Developmental Biology 58:935-948. Elinson, R.P., J.R. Stewart, L.J. Bonneau, and D.G. Blackburn. (2014). "Amniote yolk sacs: diversity in reptiles and a hypothesis on their origin." International Journal of Developmental Biology 58: 889-894. Stewart, J.R. and D.G. Blackburn (2014). "Viviparity and placentation in lizards." Pages 448-563, in Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Lizards and Tuatara, CRC Press. Blackburn, D.G. and A.F. Flemming (2012). "Implantation and intimate placental associations in a viviparous, placentotrophic African lizard, Trachylepis ivensi." Journal of Morphology 273: 137-159. Blackburn, D.G. and J.R. Stewart (2011). "Viviparity and placentation in snakes." Pages 119-181 in Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes. CRC Press. *Anderson, K.E., D.G. Blackburn, and K.D. Dunlap (2011). "Scanning EM of the placental interface in the mountain spiny lizard, Sceloporus jarrovi." Journal of Morphology 272: 465-484. (Published with Trinity undergraduates). *Blackburn, D.G., G.S. Gavelis, K.E. Anderson, A.R. Johnson, and K.D. Dunlap (2010). "Placental specializations in the mountain spiny lizard Sceloporus jarrovi." Journal of Morphology 271: 1153-1175. (Published with Trinity undergraduates). Blackburn, D.G., and A.F. Flemming (2010). "Reproductive specializations in a viviparous African skink: implications for evolution and biological conservation." Herpetological Conservation and Biology 5: 263-270. Thompson, M.B., D.G. Blackburn, and S.L. Parker (2010). "Reproduction in reptiles, from genes to ecology: a retrospective and prospective vision." Herpetological Conservation and Biology 5: 252-256. Blackburn, D.G., and M.K. Richardson (2009). Editors, "Trends in the Evolution of Amniote Embryos." Special issue of the Journal of Experimental Zoology B. Molecular and Developmental Evolution 312B.
