B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, 1996
M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, 2000
Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, 2003
Neural prostheses/modulation/interfaces/technologies;
Implantable devices to treat symptoms of neurological disorders
Duong, H. and Han, M. (2013). “A multispectral LED light apparatus for the reduction of background autofluorescence in brain tissue,” Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 220(1): 46-54. DOI: 10.1016/ j.jneumeth.2013.08.018
McCreery, D.B., Han, M., Pikov, V., and Pannu, S. (2013). “Encoding of the amplitude modulation of pulsatile electrical stimulation in the feline cochlear nucleus by neurons in the inferior colliculus; Effects of stimulus pulse rate.” Journal of Neural Engineering. 10 (17): 056010.
Han, M., P. S. Manoonkitiwongsa, C. X. Wang, and D. B. McCreery (2012). “In-Vivo Validation of Custom-Designed Silicon-Based Microelectrode Arrays for Long-term Neural Recording and Stimulation,” IEEE Transactions in Biomedical Engineering. 59(2): 346-54.
McCreery, D. B., Han, M., and Pikov, V. (2010). “Neuronal activity evoked in the inferior colliculus of the cat by surface macroelectrodes and penetrating microelectrodes implanted in the cochlear nucleus”. IEEE Transactions in Biomedical Engineering. 57(7): 1765-1773.
Sharma, V. McCreery, D. B., Han, M., and Pikov, V. (2010). “Wireless Bidirectional Telemetry Controller for Neuroprosthetic Devices”. IEEE Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering 18(1): 67-74.
(*contributed equally) Gholmieh, G.*, Soussou, W.*, Han, M.*, Ahuja, A., Hsiao, M.-C., Song, D., Tanguay, A. R., Jr. and Berger, T. W. (2006). “Custom-designed high-density conformal planar multielectrode arrays for brain slice electrophysiology.” Journal of Neuroscience Methods 152(1-2): 116-129.