1997/09 - 1998/07:于丹麦皇家畜牧和农业大学食品微生物系从事博士后研究。
1994/9 - 1997/11:在山东大学微生物技术国家重点实验室攻读博士学位。
1994/09 - 1995/10:作为访问科学家,在奥地利 Graz 理工大学生化研究所进行交流学习。
1990/10 - 1991/10:以 UNESCO 研究生身份,在日本大坂大学和九州大学学习。
1982/09 - 1985/07:在山东大学微生物学系攻读硕士学位。
1978/10 - 1982/07:在山东大学 生物系完成本科学习。
2002/02 - 至今:任职于中国海洋大学海洋生命学院,担任博士生导师及微生物学教授。
2000/09 - 2002/02:在山东大学微生物技术国家重点实验室担任博士生导师。
1999/09 - 2002/02:于山东大学微生物技术国家重点实验室担任微生物学教授。
1996/09 - 1999/09:在山东大学微生物技术国家重点实验室担任副教授。
1987/07 - 1996/09:在山东大学微生物技术国家重点实验室担任讲师。
1985/07 - 1987/09:在山东大学微生物学系担任助教。
1.Chi ZM*, Chi Z, Zhang T, Yue LX, Li J, Wang XH, Production, characterization and gene cloning of the extracellular enzymes from the marine-derived yeasts and their potential applications, Biotechnol Adv, 27, pp, 236–255, 2009
影响因子 8.25
2. Chi ZM*, Chi Z, Liu GL, Wang F, Ju L, Zhang T, Saccharomycopsis fibuligera and its applications in biotechnology, Biotechnol Adv, 27, pp, 423–431, 2009
影响因子 8.25
3. Zhang T, Chi Z, Zhao CH, Chi ZM*, Gong F, Bioethanol production from hydrolysates of inulin and the tuber meal of Jerusalem artichoke by Saccharomyces sp. W0, Biores Technol, 2010, 101, pp, 8166–8170, 2012
4. Zhang T, Chi Z, Chi ZM*, Parrou JL, Gong F, Expression of the inulinase gene from the marine-derived Pichia guilliermondii in Saccharomyces sp. W0 and ethanol production from inulin, Microb Biotechnol, 3(5), pp, 576–582, 2010
5. Liu XY, Chi Z, Liu GL, Wang F, Madzak C, Chi ZM*, Inulin hydrolysis and citric acid production from inulin using the the surface-engineered Yarrowia lipolytica displaying inulinase, Metab Engineer,12, pp, 469-476, 2010
影响因子 5.5
6. Li M, Liu GL, Chi Z, Chi ZM*, Single cell oil production from hydrolysate of cassava starch by marine-derived yeast Rhodotorula mucilaginosa TJY15a, Biom Bioen, 34, pp, 101-107, 2010
影响因子 3.8
7. Yu X, Madza C, Li H, Chi ZM*, Li J, Surface display of acid protease on the cells of Yarrowia lipolytica for milk clotting, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 87, pp, 669–677, 2010
8. Zhang T, Chi Z, Zhao CH, Chi ZM*, Gong F, Bioethanol production from hydrolysates of inulin and the tuber meal of Jerusalem artichoke by Saccharomyces sp. W0, Biores Technol,101, pp, 8166–8170, 2010
9. Wang W, Chi Z, Liu G, Muhammad AB, Chi ZM*, Gu Q, Chemical and biological characterization of siderophore produced by the marine-derived Aureobasidium pullulans HN6.2 and its antibacterial activity, Biometals, 22, pp, 965–972, 2009
10. Zhang Y, Zhang T, Chi Z, Wang J, Liu G, Chi ZM*, Conversion of cassava starch to trehalose by Saccharomycopsis fibuligera A11 and purification of trehalose, Carbohy Polym, 80, pp, 13–18, 2010
11. Zhao, CH, Cui, W, Liu, XY, Chi, ZM*, Madzak C, Expression of inulinase gene in the oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica and single cell oil production from inulin-containing materials, Metab Engineer, 12, pp, 510–517, 2010
12. Zhao, CH, Chi, Z, Zhang, F, Guo, FJ, Li, M, Song, WB, Chi, ZM*, Direct conversion of inulin and extract of tubers of Jerusalem artichoke into single cell oil by co-cultures of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa TJY15a and immobilized inulinase-producing yeast cells, Biores Technol, 102, pp, 6128–6133, 2011