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工作经历 2017/01—至今 中国海洋大学海洋生命学院,筑峰工程特聘教授 2012/01—2016/12 同济大学生命学院,教授 2008/11—2011/09 美国加州大学伯克利分校,Research Specialist 2003/11—2008/10 美国加州大学伯克利分校,博士后 教育经历 1997/08—2003/9 美国Washington University inSt. Louis,博士 1993/09—1997/06 清华大学生物科学与技术系,学士


1. 海洋生物胚胎发育的单细胞图谱构建 2. 水产养殖生物免疫系统的单细胞组学研究 3. 长非编码RNA的预测与功能研究


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Hendrix, D, Levine, M& Shi, W* miRTRAP, a computational approach to systematically identifymiRNAs in the simple chordate Ciona intestinalis. Genome Biology 2010,11(4):R39 Christiaen, L, Wagner, E,Shi, W & Levine, M. Emerging Model Organisms: The Sea Squirt Cionaintestinalis. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols 2009 (12) Shi, W., Hendrix, D,Levine, M & Haley, B. A distinct class of small RNA arising frompri-microRNA sequences in a simple chordate. Nature Structural and MolecularBiology 16, 183 - 189 (2009) Shi, W.*, Peyrot, S.,Munro, E. & Levine, M. FGF3 in the floorplate directs notochord convergentextension in the Ciona tadpole. Development 136, 23-28 (2009) Shi, W. * & Levine, M.Ephrin signaling establishes asymmetric cell fates in an endomesoderm lineageof the Ciona embryo. Development 135, 931-40 (2008) Beh, J., Shi, W., Levine,M., Davidson, B. & Christiaen, L. FoxF is essential for FGF-inducedmigration of heart progenitor cells in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis.Development 134, 3297-305 (2007) Davidson, B., Shi, W.,Beh, J., Christiaen, L. & Levine, M. FGF signaling delineates the cardiacprogenitor field in the simple chordate, Ciona intestinalis. Genes Dev 20,2728-38 (2006) Shi, W., Levine, M. &Davidson, B. Unraveling genomic regulatory networks in the simple chordate,Ciona intestinalis. Genome Res 15, 1668-74 (2005) Davidson, B., Shi, W.& Levine, M. Uncoupling heart cell specification and migration in thesimple chordate Ciona intestinalis. Development 132, 4811-8 (2005).
