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中国海洋大学“青年英才工程”第一层次特聘教授 教育及科研工作背景 2016- 中国海洋大学,教授 2014-2015 美国布朗大学,Assistant Professor (Research) 2011-2014 美国Lerner Research Institute,Research Associate 2006-2011 美国Lerner Research Institute,博士后 2001-2006 清华大学,博士 1997-2001 清华大学,本科 主要成果 迄今在国际主流刊物发表论文十余篇,包括以第一作者身份在国际顶级学术期刊Science、Cell、Science Signaling等发表学术成果,论文累计他引三百余次。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Lan W, Liu S, Zhao L*, Su Y*. (2020) Regulation of Drosophila hematopoiesis in lymph gland: from a developmental signaling point of view. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(15): 5246. 2. Wang L, Yang J, Wang H, Ran C, Su Y, Zhao L*. (2019) A highly selective turn-on fluorescent probe for the detection of Aluminum and its application to bio-imaging. Sensors 19(11): 2423. 3. Chi C, Wang L, Lan W, Zhao L*, Su Y*.(2018) PpV, acting via the JNK pathway, represses apoptosis during normal development of Drosophila wing. Apoptosis 23:554-562. 4. Zhao L, Wang L, Chi C, Lan W, Su Y*. (2017) The emerging roles of phosphatases in Hedgehog pathway. Cell Communication and Signaling 15:35-45. 5. Liu M, Li Y, Liu A, Li R,Su Y, Du J, Li C, Zhu AJ. (2016) The exon junction complex regulates the splicing of cell polarity gene dlg1 to control Wingless signaling in development.eLife5: e17200. 6. Du J, Zhang J, He T, Li Y,Su Y, Tie F, Liu M, Harte P, Zhu AJ. (2016) Stuxnet Facilitates the Degradation of Polycomb Protein during Development. Developmental Cell 37: 507-519. 7. Geisbrecht ER, Sawant K, Su Y, Liu ZC, Silver DL, Burtscher A, Wang X, Zhu AJ, McDonald JA. (2013) Genetic interaction screens identify a role for hedgehog signaling in Drosophila border cell migration. Developmental Dynamics 242: 414-431. 8. Zhang J, Liu M, Su Y, Du J, Zhu AJ. (2012) A targeted in vivo RNAi screen reveals deubiquitinases as new regulator of Notch signaling.G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics2: 1563-1575. 9. Zheng XF, Yang SY, Han YC, Zhao XY, Zhao L, Tian T, Tong J, Xu P, Xiong C, Meng AM. (2012) Loss of zygotic NUP107 protein causes missing of pharyngeal skeleton and other tissue defects with impaired nuclear pore function in zebrafish embryos. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 287(45): 38254-38264. 10. Su Y, Ospina JK, Zhang J, Michelson A, Schoen AM and Zhu AJ. (2011) Sequential phosphorylation of Smoothened transduces graded Hedgehog signaling.Science Signaling4:ra43. 11. Du J, Zhang J, Su Y, Liu M, Ospina JK, Zhu AJ. (2011) in vivo RNAi Screen reveals neddylation genes as novel regulators of Hedgehog signaling. PLoS ONE 6: e24168. 12. Su Y#, Zhang L#, Gao X, Meng F, Wen J, Zhou H, Meng A and Chen Y. (2007) The evolutionally conserved activities of Dapper2 in antagonizing TGFb signaling. FASEB Journal21: 682-690. 13. Lin X#, Duan X#, Liang Y#, Su Y#, Wrighton KH, Long J, Hu M, Davis CM, Wang J, Brunicardi FC, Shi Y, Chen Y, Meng A, Feng X. (2006) PPM1A functions as a Smad phosphatase to terminate TGFb signaling. Cell 125: 915-928. 14. Zhang L#, Zhou H#, Su Y#, Sun Z, Zhang H, Zhang L, Zhang Y, Ning Y, Chen Y, Meng A. (2004) Zebrafish Dpr2 inhibits mesoderm induction by promoting degradation of Nodal receptors. Science 306: 114-7. 15. Su Y and Meng A. (2002) The expression of gbx-2 during zebrafish embryogenesis. Mechanisms of Development 113: 107-10.
