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1988.09-1992.07:中国海洋大学水产学院海水养殖专业本科生,获学士学位; 1992.07-1998.09:浙江省宁波海洋与水产研究院,工程师; 1998.10-2000.09:中国海洋大学海洋生命学院海洋生物系实验师; 2000.10-2002.09:比利时根特大学生物科学工程学院,水产科学专业,获硕士学位; 2007.10-2011.11:比利时根特大学生物科学工程学院,应用生物科学专业,获得博士学位; 2002.09-2013.12:中国海洋大学海洋生命学院海洋生物工程系工程师; 2014.01-至今: 中国海洋大学海洋生命学院海洋生物工程系高级工程师;


主要研究方向: 从事海洋微生物学及海水养殖动物病原菌致病机制和疾病防治研究,以及有益微生物的筛选,作用机理和应用等。目前主要致力于致病菌的毒力基因与密度感应系统的相关性研究;建立通过有益菌干扰病原菌的信号分子从而抑制病害的环境友好型防治措施。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

三、 近年发表的主要科研论文: 1. Yang, Q., Han, Y*., Tinh, N.T.N., Hien, N.T and Bossier, P. (2012) Detection of Quorum Sensing Signal Molecules in Edwardsiella ictaluri Ei-151. Indian J Microbiol 52:581-586. 2. Han, Y., Yang, C. L., Yang, Q., Qi, Z., Liu, W. Z., Xu, Z. H., Zhu, W. M., Bossier, P. and Zhang, X.-H. (2011) Mutation of tryptophanase gene tnaA in Edwardsiella tarda reduces lipopolysaccharide production, antibiotic resistance and virulence. Environmental Microbiology Reports 3: 603-612. 3. Han, Y., Li, X., Qi, Z., Zhang, X.-H. and Bossier, P. (2010) Detection of different quorum sensing signal molecules in a virulent Edwardsiella tarda strain LTB-4. Journal of Applied Microbiology 108:139-147. 4. 韩茵,李永霞,李杰,唐磊,祁自忠。两种海洋细菌对海底沉积物微生物燃料电池产电效能及其阳极表面细菌群落的影响。海洋科学进展,2011,29:36-42. 5. Yang, Q., Han, Y., Zhang, X. H. (2011) Detection of quorum sensing signal molecules in the family Vibrionaceae. Journal of Applied Microbiology 110: 1438-1448. 6. Li, X., Han, Y., Yang, Q. and Zhang, X.-H. (2010) Detection of quorum-sensing signal molecules and mutation of luxS gene in Vibrio ichthyoenteri. Research in Microbiology 161:51-57. 7. He, Y., Xu, T., Han, Y., Shi, X. and Zhang, X. H. (2011) Phenotypic diversity of Edwardsiella tarda isolated from different origins. Letters in Applied Microbiology 53:294-299. 8. Shoudong Guo, Wenjun Mao, Yin Han , Xiaohua Zhang, Chunli Yang, Yin Chen, Yanli Chen, Jian Xu, Hongyan Li, Xiaohui Qi , Jiachao Xu. (2010) Structural characteristics and antioxidant activities of the extracellular polysaccharides produced by marine bacterium Edwardsiella tarda. Bioresource Technology 101 : 4729–4732. 9. Zinan Xu, Ying Wang, Yin Han, Jixiang Chen and Xiao-Hua Zhang. (2011) Mutation of a novel virulence-related gene mltD in Vibrio anguillarum enhances lethality in zebra fish. Research in Microbiology 162:144-150. 10. 杨春丽,韩茵,王乂,张晓华,朱伟明. (2010) 迟缓爱德华菌(Edwardsiella tarda)产生的二聚和三聚吲哚类生物碱. 微生物学通报 37(9):1325-1330. 11. 吕俊超, 李轩, 韩茵, 陈吉祥, 张晓华. (2009) 养殖大菱鲆中牙鲆肠弧菌的分离鉴定及组织病理学. 水产学报 33(2): 311-317. 12. 白方方,兰建新,王燕,韩茵,张晓华. (2009) 迟缓爱德华氏菌间接ELISA快速检测法. 中国水产科学 16(4):619-625. 13. 王燕,张晓华,吕俊超,徐子男,陈吉祥,韩茵. (2009) 养殖大菱鲆病原菌迟缓爱德华氏菌的分离鉴定及其疫苗研制. 中国水产科学 16(3):394-403. 14. Lan J, Zhang XH, Wang Y, Chen J, Han Y. (2008) Isolation of an unusual strain of Edwardsiella tarda from turbot and establish a PCR detection technique with the gyrB gene. Journal of Applied Microbiology.105: 644-651. 15. Bai, F., Han, Y., Chen, J. and Zhang, X.-H*. (2008) Disturbance the quorum sensing system of Vibrio harveyi by the AiiA protein of Bacillus thuringiensis. Aquaculture 274: 36-40. 16. 王燕, 韩茵, 李筠, 陈吉祥, 张晓华. (2007) 半滑舌鳎病原菌(发光杆菌杀鱼亚种)的分离与鉴定。微生物学报 47(5):763-768. 17. 白方方,张晓华,韩茵,陈吉祥. (2007) 几种海洋弧菌的密度感应系统及其信号干扰。海洋科学集刊 48(5): 153-165.
